Professional Activities
Currently I am an assistant professor at the Curitiba campus of the Technological Federal University of Paraná (UTFPR).
Click here to access my page at DAINF-UTFPR.
My full name is Adolfo Gustavo Serra Seca Neto. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science obtained at Institute for Mathematics and Statistis - IME of University of Sao Paulo - USP. My thesis, called "A Multi-Strategy Tableau Prover", is available here (PDF). This thesis is available at USP Digital Library and can also be accessed from this link. As part of my Ph.D. work, I have implemented KEMS, a multi-strategy tableau theorem prover.
I am a member of the ConsRel: Logical Consequence and Combinations of Logics project.
Blogs (in Portuguese): Pesquisa no Brasil,
Professor Adolfo Neto,
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