Complexity of Discrete Structures
Projeto ProNEx 107/97 - MCT/FINEP
Other Publications of Group Members (1998-2002)
Publications in National Conference Proceedings
- G.S. Araújo and N.F. Almeida Jr., Phylogeny from whole genome
comparison. In Proc. of the 1st Brazilian Workshop on
Bioinformatics, pages 9-15. Gramado RS, Brazil, 2002.
- C.N. Campos, C.P. de Mello, Coloração Total do
Cn2, TEMA - Tend. Mat. Apl. Comput., 4 (02) (2003), 177-186.
- M.R. Cerioli and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Uma caracterização de grafos
estrelados. Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 1
(2000) p. 345-350. Seleta do XXII Congresso Nacional de Matemática
Aplicada e Computacional.
- G. F. Cintra and Y. Wakabayashi, Um algoritmo híbrido para o
problema de corte unidimensional, XXX SOBRAPO, Curitiba, 1998. Anais
da III Oficina de Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento, 79-96,
Curitiba, 1998 [ps.gz]
- G.F. Cintra and Y. Wakabayashi. Uma Variante do Problema de
Corte Unidimensional, anais do XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de
Pesquisa Operacional, 2000, 17 pag.
- C.E. Ferreira and E.R. Sibrão, Escalonamento em Sistemas de
Produção: um estudo de caso, XXX SOBRAPO-Simpósio Brasileiro de
Pesquisa Operacional, Curitiba, 1998. Anais da III Oficina de
Problemas de Corte e Empacotamento, 123-130.
- S. Klein, L.T. Nogueira, F. Protti, and P. Hell, Particionamento de
Grafos Cordais em Conjuntos Independentes e Cliques. Seleta do XXIV
CNMAC. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.
- F. K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi, Parametric on-line packing,
XXX SOBRAPO, Curitiba, 1998. Anais da III Oficina de Problemas de
Corte e Empacotamento, 109-121
- F.K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi, Algoritmos de aproximação para
problemas de empacotamento. Anais do XVIII Congresso Nacional da Sociedade
Brasileira de Computação, pp. 335-351, Belo Horizonte, MG, 1998.
- R. M. Zafalão, N. L. S. Fonseca, and C.C. de Souza,
O Protocolo Polyharmonic Broadcasting Sujeito a
Restrições de Banda Passante,
XXI Simposio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores, 2003, Natal/R\N.
Anais do XXI Simposio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores,
v.1. p.397 - 410
Extended Abstracts in International Conference Proceedings
- S.S. Adi and C.E. Ferreira, DNA Fragments Assembly Programs: a
Comparative Study, Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and
Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará,
Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang
W. Song, eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 6pp.
- G. Calinescu and C.G. Fernandes,
Multicuts in Unweighted Digraphs with Bounded Degree and Bounded
Tree-Width, Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics
(GRACO), Ceará, Electronic
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang
W. Song, eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Klein, and K. Vuskovic. 6 Colloque
International de Theorie des Graphes, 28 de agosto a 2 de setembro,
Marseille Luminy, Franca. The graph sandwich problem for 1-join
composition is NP-complete. Eletronical Notes in Discrete
Mathematics, 2000, Elesevier Science B.V., Amsterdam
- V.M.F. Dias, G.D. da Fonseca, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, and
J.L. Szwarcfiter,
Stable marriages with restricted pairs, Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Electronic
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song,
eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Klein, and B.A. Reed,
Bull-reducible Berge graphs are perfect, Proceedings of EuroConference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications. CRM Centre de Recerca
Matemática (2001), pp. 115-118.
- L. Faria, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C.F.X. Mendonça, On the complexity of
the approximation of nonplanarity parameters for cubic graphs,
Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará,
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song,
eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- M. Gutierrez and J. Meidanis. The Clique Operator, Set Families, and Their
Properties. Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics
(GRACO), Ceará, Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme
Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song, eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science
Publishers, 2001.
- P. Hell, S. Klein, F. Protti, and L.T. Nogueira,
On generalized split graphs, Brazilian Symposium on Graphs,
Algoritms and Combinatorics-(GRACO 2001), Ceara',
Eletronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and
Siang W. Song, eds), Vol.7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- Y. Kohayakawa, F.K. Miyazawa, P. Raghavan, Y. Wakabayashi,
Multidimensional cube packing, Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and
Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Electronic
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song,
eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- L. Lins, S. Lins, S. Melo, Symmetry Robust Memory Management,
Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and
Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Electronic Notes on Discrete
Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song, eds.), vol. 7,
Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001.
- C.P. de Mello, A. Morgana, and G. Sontacchi,
An algorithm for 1-bend embeddings of planar graphs in the
two-dimensional grid, Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algoritms and
Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Eletronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song, eds), vol. 7,
Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- F.K. Miyazawa and Y. Wakabayashi, Three-dimensional on-line
packing with rotations, IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial
Optimization (C.C. Ribeiro ed), Pucon, Chile, pp.97-99, 2002.
- C. Moreira, Y. Kohayakawa, Bounds for optimal coverings, Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Electronic
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song,
eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- C. Silva, R. Dahab,
Tutte's 3-flow Conjecture and Matchings, Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics (GRACO), Ceará, Electronic
Notes on Discrete Mathematics (Jayme Szwarcfiter and Siang W. Song,
eds.), vol. 7, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001, 4pp.
- E.C. Xavier and F.K. Miyazawa, Approximation schemes for a
class-constrained knapsack problem, IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied
Combinatorial Optimization (C.C. Ribeiro ed), Pucon, Chile,
pp.141-143, 2002.
Communications or Posters in International Conferences
- M.R. Cerioli, H.Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Klein, K. Vuskovic,
Two Graph Composition Sandwich Problems, IX Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano
de Investigacio'n Operativa (CLAIO), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998, p.84.
- M. R. Cerioli e J. L. Szwarcfiter, On edge clique graphs,
Dagstuhl Seminar on Graph Decompositions and Algorithmic
Applications, Dagstuhl, Alemanha, 1999.
- M. R. Cerioli e J. L. Szwarcfiter,
Edge clique graphs of some classes of chordal graphs, 30th
Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and
Computing, Boca Raton, Estados Unidos, 1999, p.19.
- M.R. Cerioli and J.L. Szwarcfiter,
Characterizing Intersection Graphs of Substars of a Star
Thirty-First Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics,
Graph Theory and Computing. Boca Raton, Estados Unidos, March 2000.
- G.F. Cintra and Y. Wakabayashi, A Hybrid
Algorithm for the One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem, XVII
International Symposium on Mathematical Programming.
Atlanta, 7-11 August/2000.
- R. Dahab, J.C. Lopez,
High-Speed software multiplication in F_{2^n} In:
INDOCRYPT 2000, Calcuta.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo and F. Maffray, Optimizing Bull-Free Perfect
Graphs, 9th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Toronto, Canada, 1998,
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, J. Meidanis, and C.P. de Mello.
Local conditions for edge-colouring. In IX Congreso
Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación Operativa, Buenos
Aires, 1998.
- C. G. Fernandes.
Unweighted graphs with bounded degree and bounded
tree-width. In IX Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de
Investigación Operativa, Buenos Aires, 1998.
- C.G. Fernandes, O. Lee, and Y. Wakabayashi, The Chinese Postman and
the Minimum Circuit Cover Problem on Bounded-Tree-Width Mixed Graphs,
XVII International Symposium on Mathematical Programming.
Atlanta, 7-11 August/2000.
- K.S. Guimarães, J. C. B. Melo and G.D.C. Cavalcanti, Simple and
Efficient Secondary Structure Prediction European Conference on
Computational Biology 2002, Saarbrücken, Germany, Poster no. 48.
- S. Klein and J.L. Szwarcfiter.
Algorithms for homogeneous sets of graphs. In 9th SIAM
Conference on Discrete Mathematics, page 44, 1998.
- C.P. de Mello and A. Morgana, The clique operator on extended
P4-sparse graphs, XI CLAIO, Concepción, Chile, outubro de 2002.
- C.P. de Mello and A. Morgana, The clique operator on
P4-reducible and P4-sparse graphs, Workshop
Latino-Americano de Cliques em Grafos, Rio de Janeiro, abril de 2002.
- J.C. Setubal and J. Meidanis.
The Bioinformatics of the Xylella fastidiosa Genome
Project. In II Annual Conference on Computational
Genomics (poster presentation), Reston, VA, USA, November
- J.C. Setubal and N.F. Almeida Jr. Detection of related genes in
prokaryotes using syntenic regions. DIMACS Workshop on whole
genome comparison, Rutgers University, New Jersey, 2001.
- Y. Wakabayashi.
The complexity of compuiting medians of relations. In IX
Congreso Latino-Iberoamericano de Investigación
Operativa, Buenos Aires, 1998.
- D.W. Wood, (...17 other authors...), J.C. Setubal, N.F. Almeida Jr.
Sequencing and analysis of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens genome
10th Int'l congress on Molecular plant-microbe interactions,
Madison, WI, 2001 (poster).
Communications in National Conferences (abstracts)
- L. Alcon, M.R. Cerioli, C.M.H. de Figueiredo e M. Gutierrez.
Trees that are Loop Graphs. Anais do XXV Congresso Nacional
de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC),
Nova Friburgo, setembro de 2002, pp. 8.
- C.N. Campos, C.P. de Mello, Coloração Total do
Cn2, XXV Congresso Nacional de Matemática
Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC), Nova Friburgo, setembro de 2002.
- M.R. Cerioli e P.C. Petito.
O Problema da Coloração de Arestas em Grafos UEH.
Anais do XXV Congresso Nacional
de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC),
Nova Friburgo, setembro de 2002, pp. 98.
- M.R. Cerioli and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Grafos clique de arestas de grafos
estrelados, XXI Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional
(CNMAC), Caxambu, Brasil, 1998, p.158.
- M.R. Cerioli and J.L. Szwarcfiter,
Uma caracterização de grafos estrelados,
XXII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional
(CNMAC), Santos, Brasil, 1999, p.169.
- P. Hell, S. Klein, F. Protti, and L. Tito,
Caracterização e reconhecimento de grafos cordais-(2,1), XXII Congresso
Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC), Santos,
Brasil, 1999, p.165.
- G. B. Santos, T. P. R. Falcão and K. S. Guimarães,
An HMM-Based Protein Family Classifier, II Encontro Regional de
Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (ERMAC). Natal-RN, de 29-31
de Agosto de 2002.
[Main publications page | Complexity of
Discrete Structures main page.]
Y. Kohayakawa
Last modified: Mon Mar 1 13:55:24 BRT 2004