Roberto is a professor of the University of
Sao Paulo (USP) since 1998 (BSc in Computer Science - UNESP -
1991; MSc in Electrical Engineering -UNICAMP - 1993; Ph.D. in
Physics - USP/Brazil,IPT-UCL/Belgium - 1997). He is currently a
Full-Professor in the Department of Computer Science - IME - USP
working in the Data
Science Research Group. He is currently special advisor
for Physical Sciences and Engineering at the Sao Paulo Research
Foundation - FAPESP. He served as the Director of the eScience
Research Center at USP and as the head of the Computer Science
Department. He was member of the Image and Vision Computing and
the Signal, Image and Video Processing editorial boards, chair
and invited speaker of conferences and workshops (Sibgrapi 2003,
CIARP 2010, Sibgrapi 2011; SHAPES 2.0 - 2012, eSon - IEEE
eScience 2013, IEEE eScience 2014). He has experience in
computer science, with emphasis on computer vision, machine
learning and artificial intelligence.
Our lab has ongoing projects with interesting open problems for
students (undergraduates, MSc, PhD) and researchers (Post-doc,
Sabbatical) willing to join us. There are interesting
opportunities for fellowships in these levels (including Post-doc,
Young Researcher and Sabbatical). Note that the fellowship
conditions are competitive in international levels. Please do not
hesitate in contacting me in case you become interested in working
with us. Students and collaborators from all countries are quite
welcome!!!! (e.g. see the standard deviation of my co-authors :-)
Come South, young scientist! Please check the ongoing projects
below with open opportunities.
This project focuses on a unified strategy for knowledge and
emerging dynamics discovery in Computational Science using
intermediate representations. The intended applications are in
areas characterized by large volumes of data in which knowledge
discovery implies the transition from raw data bases for
intermediate representations (usually feature vectors and graphs),
thus allowing for the subsequent use of different analytical
methods. In this context, integration and transformation methods
to be used in the generation of intermediate data should also
ensure the quality and reliability of data generated for the
intermediate representation. The results of the analysis phase may
influence both experiments and the integration methods for
generating new data by feedback mechanisms. This project has two
general goals: 1) to develop methodologies to solve Computational
Science problems based on a common approach of intermediate
mathematical-computational representations; 2) to apply the
developed methodologies to different scientific problems, thus
creating specific solutions to each problem. This methodological
strategy will be used to address specific problems in areas which
our group has been working in recent years: intermediate
representations in computer vision and urban informatics; study of
biological networks dynamics to characterize the mechanisms of the
health-disease transition; development of computational tools for
processing of MRI images high field and their integration with
biological data; development of new techniques for
characterization and visualization of intermediate representations
in complex dynamic networks, with applications in Systems Biology.
FAPESP ANR joint project with ParisTech, Universite Dauphine
et Faculte de Medicine Paris Sud
The advances in medical imaging require to develop quantitative or
semi-quantitative methods to improve accuracy in the image
analysis results. Advances in medical im- age analysis
provide such tools, but there is still an important gap regarding
pediatric brain imaging, even though there is an increasing
medical demand. This project aims at contributing to fill this
gap, focusing on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of in-
fants, newborns and premature babies, which raise specific issues
due to the particular grey/white matter contrast related to the
physiological myelination process, the very fast but not
continuously observed evolution of the brain structures and
possible pathologies, and the high intra-and inter-subjects
variability. One of these issues is that the data at hand are
noisy, ambiguous, scarce in nature and sparse in time. In
turn, expert medi- cal knowledge is available, but is
prone to change and evolution. From this point of view the project
tackles one of the very cutting edge questions in data analysis,
that is how to extract and understand meaningful patterns where
the data are scarce but expert knowl- edge, continuously enriched,
is available. We propose to develop structural representations of
knowledge and image information in the form of graphs and
hypergraphs, which will be exploited to guide spatio-temporal
image understanding (segmentation, recognition, quan- tification,
comparison over time, description of image content and evolution).
The aim is to aid diagnosis, pathology analysis and patients’
follow-up. Applications will include the analysis of
hyperintensities on the white matter, the volumetry of corpus
callosum and its evolution, and neuro-oncology with the study of
the influence of tumors on surrounding structures over time. The
project involves specialists in medical image analysis, structural
knowledge representation and pediatric neuro-imaging.
Students and postdocs
Florence A. S. Shibata (Msc)
Iago B. A. do C. Araujo (Msc)
Hugo Neves (Postdoc)
José Luiz Pimenta (MSc)
Larissa de O. Penteado (Msc)
Lucas de Carvalho Dias (Msc)
Lucas Martinuzzo Batista (MSc)
Luciano W. X. Cejnog (PhD)
Nayereh Hamidishad (PhD)
Paulo H. da Silveira (MSc)
Andréa Britto Mattos
(2011) (MSc; currently at IBM)
Charles Iury Oliveira Martins
(2011) (MSc; currently at Metro-SP)
Damian Janusz Matuszewski
(2014) (MSc; currently at University of
Giseli de Araujo Ramos
(2012) (MSc; currently at Microsoft)
Jishu Ashimine
(2005) (MSc; currently at Serasa Experian)
João Vitor Baldini Soares
(2006) (MSc; currently at Yahoo)
Mateus Riva
(2018) (MSc; currently at Telecom
Rogerio Schmidt Feris
(2001) (MSc; currently at IBM)
Teófilo Emidio de Campos
(2001) (MSc; currently at UnB)
Alexandre Noma
(2010) (PhD; currently at UFABC)
Ana Beatriz Vicentim Graciano
(2012) (PhD)
Celina Maki Takemura
(2008) (PhD; currently at EMBRAPA)
David Corrêa Martins Junior
(2008) (PhD; currently at UFABC)
David da Silva Pires
(2012) (PhD; currently at Instituto Butantã)
Evelyn Pérez Cervantes (PhD; currently at ORACLE)
Éric Keiji Tokuda
(2019) (PhD; currently at USP)
Estephan Dazzi Wandekoken
(2015) (PhD; currently at Shelfpix)
Fabricio Martins Lopes
(2011) (PhD; currently at UTFPR)
Henrique Morimitsu
(2015) (PhD; currently at Tsinghua University)
Jesús Pascual Mena Chalco
(2010) (PhD; currently at UFABC)
Jorge de Jesus Gomes Leandro
(2014) (PhD; currently at Motorola)
Marcelo Hashimoto
(2012) (PhD; currently at INSPER)
Samuel Martins Barbosa Neto
(2017) (PhD; currently at EMBRAER)
Sílvia Cristina Dias Pinto
(2005) (PhD; currently at UERJ)
Kelly Rosa Braghetto
(2011) (PhD; currently at USP)
Talita Perciano Costa Leite
(2012) (PhD; currently at Lawrence Lab)
Estefhan D. Wandekokem (2015)
(Postdoc; currently at Shelfpix)
Evaldo Araújo de Oliveira Filho
(2011) (Postdoc; currently at UNIFESP)
Hamed Yazdanpanah
(2011) (Postdoc; currently Senior Data Scientist at TrAIve)
Jesús Pascual Mena Chalco
(2011) (Postdoc; currently
Monica Guimarães Campiteli
(2011) (Postdoc)
Ricardo Luiz de Andrade Abrantes
(2018) (Postdoc)
Silvia Cristina Dias Pinto
(2015) (Postdoc; currently at UERJ)
Vinicius Ferraris Pignataro Mazzei
Albert (Postdoc; currently Lead Data Scientist at Whirlpool)
Yossi Zana (2007) (Postdoc; currently at UFABC)
University of Sao Paulo - USP
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - IME
Computer Science Department
Rua do Matao 1010
Cidade Universitaria
05508-090 - Sao Paulo, SP - Brasil
Phone: +55 11 30916135