Your life as it has been is over.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
For this time forward you will serve us.
You will be assimilated.
Resistence is futile.
Fonte: `Discurso de recepção aos calouros'
ou `The Borg -- Star Trek, The Next Generation'.
Q. Computational Geometry? What's that?
A. Basically (from my point of view) it is the study of algorithms, data structures, and geometric properties for the solution to algorithmic problems of a geometric nature. For example [***BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH long period of droning on has been snipped ***] with other applications to fields like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Medical Imaging, etc.
Oh. And Sex, too.
Q. Yawn. Hey, what? I'm sorry. Were you talking?
A. Yes.
- from Matt Dickerson's FAQ Page