MAC 747 Geometria Computacional

Horário: segundas-feiras das 10:00 às 12:00 e quartas-feiras das 8:00 às 10:00.

Q. Computational Geometry? What's that?

A. Basically (from my point of view) it is the study of algorithms, data structures, and geometric properties for the solution to algorithmic problems of a geometric nature. For example [***BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH long period of droning on has been snipped ***] with other applications to fields like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Medical Imaging, etc.

Oh. And Sex, too.

Q. Yawn. Hey, what? I'm sorry. Were you talking?

A. Yes.

- from Matt Dickerson's FAQ Page

[Fecho convexo de 10.000 sobre uma esfera. from Joseph O'Rourke's Home Page]
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Last modified: Mon Jul 19 18:51:18 EST 1999