I am full professor of Mathematics at the University of São Paulo, a position I've held since 2008.
Research Interests
My main research interests lie in the areas of Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics.
Here is my list of publications, in reverse chronological order.
[1] | Edson de Faria, Pablo Guarino, and Bruno Nussenzveig. Automorphic measures and invariant distributions for circle dynamics. Math. Z., 306(2):Paper No. 26, 34, 2024. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[2] | Trevor Clark, Edson de Faria, and Sebastian van Strien. Asymptotically holomorphic methods for infinitely renormalizable Cr unimodal maps. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 43(11):3636--3684, 2023. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[3] | Sebastian van Strien and Edson de Faria. Dennis Sullivan is awarded the 2022 Abel Prize. Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5), 24(1):19--20, 2023. [ bib ] |
[4] | Edson de Faria and Pablo Guarino. Quasisymmetric orbit-flexibility of multicritical circle maps. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 42(11):3271--3310, 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[5] | Edson de Faria and Pablo Guarino. Dynamics of circle mappings. 33 o Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, 2022. [ bib ] |
[6] | Edson de Faria and Pablo Guarino. Dynamics of multicritical circle maps. São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 16(1):340--395, 2022. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[7] | Edson de Faria and Pablo Guarino. There are no σ-finite absolutely continuous invariant measures for multicritical circle maps. Nonlinearity, 34(10):6727--6749, 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[8] | Edson de Faria, Peter Hazard, and Charles Tresser. Genericity of infinite entropy for maps with low regularity. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 22(2):601--664, 2021. [ bib ] |
[9] | Gabriel Bonuccelli, Lucas Colucci, and Edson de Faria. On the Erdos-Sloane and shifted Sloane persistence problems. J. Integer Seq., 23(10):Art. 20.10.7, 30, 2020. [ bib ] |
[10] | Edson de Faria and Peter Hazard. Generalized Whitney topologies are Baire. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 148(12):5441--5455, 2020. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[11] | Edson de Faria, Peter Hazard, and Charles Tresser. On slow growth and entropy-type invariants. In New trends in one-dimensional dynamics, volume 285 of Springer Proc. Math. Stat., pages 165--181. Springer, Cham, [2019] (c)2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[12] | Edson de Faria and Sebastian van Strien. Welington de Melo (1946--2016). In New trends in one-dimensional dynamics, volume 285 of Springer Proc. Math. Stat., pages 7--20. Springer, Cham, [2019] (c) 2019. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[13] | Gabriela Estevez and Edson de Faria. Real bounds and quasisymmetric rigidity of multicritical circle maps. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 370(8):5583--5616, 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[14] | Gabriela Estevez, Edson de Faria, and Pablo Guarino. Beau bounds for multicritical circle maps. Indag. Math. (N.S.), 29(3):842--859, 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[15] | Edson de Faria, Peter Hazard, and Charles Tresser. Infinite entropy is generic in Hölder and Sobolev spaces. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 355(11):1185--1189, 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[16] | Edson de Faria and Pablo Guarino. Real bounds and Lyapunov exponents. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 36(4):1957--1982, 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[17] | Alejandro Cabrera, Edson de Faria, Enrique Pujals, and Charles Tresser. Differentiability of correlations in realistic quantum mechanics. J. Math. Phys., 56(9):092104, 10, 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[18] | Edson de Faria and Charles Tresser. On Sloane's persistence problem. Exp. Math., 23(4):363--382, 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[19] | Edson de Faria and Charles Tresser. Bell inequality violations under reasonable and under weak hypotheses. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110:260409, Jun 2013. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[20] | Edson de Faria. Thompson's group, Teichmüller spaces, and dual Riemann surfaces. In Dynamics, games and science. I, volume 1 of Springer Proc. Math., pages 323--338. Springer, Heidelberg, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[21] | Edson de Faria. David homeomorphisms via Carleson boxes. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math., 36(1):215--229, 2011. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[22] | Edson de Faria. An introduction to the thermodynamics of conformal repellers. São Paulo J. Math. Sci., 4(1):65--91, 2010. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[23] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory, volume 127 of Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010. With a foreword by Dennis Sullivan. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[24] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. Mathematical tools for one-dimensional dynamics, volume 115 of Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[25] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory. Publicações Matemáticas do IMPA. [IMPA Mathematical Publications]. Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, 2007. With a foreword by Dennis Sullivan, 26o Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. [26th Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium]. [ bib ] |
[26] | Edson de Faria, Welington de Melo, and Alberto Pinto. Global hyperbolicity of renormalization for Cr unimodal mappings. Ann. of Math. (2), 164(3):731--824, 2006. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[27] | E. de Faria, F. P. Gardiner, and W. J. Harvey. Thompson's group as a Teichmüller mapping class group. In In the tradition of Ahlfors and Bers, III, volume 355 of Contemp. Math., pages 165--185. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2004. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[28] | Edson de Faria. Aspects of rigidity and universality in one-dimensional dynamics. In Differential equations and dynamical systems (Lisbon, 2000), volume 31 of Fields Inst. Commun., pages 113--123. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002. [ bib ] |
[29] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. One dimensional dynamics. Publicações Matemáticas do IMPA. [IMPA Mathematical Publications]. Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, 2001. The mathematical tools, 23o Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. [23rd Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium]. [ bib ] |
[30] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. Rigidity of critical circle mappings. II. J. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(2):343--370, 2000. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[31] | Edson de Faria and Welington de Melo. Rigidity of critical circle mappings. I. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 1(4):339--392, 1999. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[32] | Edson de Faria. Asymptotic rigidity of scaling ratios for critical circle mappings. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 19(4):995--1035, 1999. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[33] | Edson de Faria. On conformal distortion and Sullivan's sector theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 126(1):67--74, 1998. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[34] | Zaqueu Coelho and Edson de Faria. Limit laws of entrance times for homeomorphisms of the circle. Israel J. Math., 93:93--112, 1996. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[35] | Edson de Faria. Quasisymmetric distortion and rigidity of expanding endomorphisms of S1. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124(6):1949--1957, 1996. [ bib | DOI | http ] |
[36] | Edson de Faria. A priori bounds for C2 homeomorphisms of the circle. volume 1, pages 487--493. 1994. Dynamical phase transitions (São Paulo, 1994). [ bib ] |
[37] | Edson de Faria. Proof of universality for critical circle mappings. ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, 1992. Thesis (Ph.D.)--City University of New York. [ bib | http ] |
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You can reach me at: edson@ime.usp.br