Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

Prof. Dr. Michael Forger

Stand: September 2016

Gebiet: Mathematik

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften:

                  1.        M. Forger: Invariant Polynomials and Molien Functions. J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 1107-1141.

                  2.        F. Antoneli, M. Forger & P.A. Gaviria: Maximal Subgroups of Compact Lie Groups. J. Lie Theory 22 (2012) 949-1024; arXiv:math/0605784v3.

Nur Beiträge zu internationalen Konferenzen aus eingeladenen Vorträgen sind aufgeführt:

                  1.        M. Forger: Invariant Polynomials and Molien Functions. In: Group 21 - Physical Applications and Mathematical Aspects of Geometry, Groups and Algebras (Proceedings of the XXIst International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Goslar, Germany 1996), pp. 223-227, Eds: H.-D. Doebner, P. Nattermann and W. Scherer; World Scientific 1997.


Gebiet: Mathematische Physik

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften [MP-P]:

                  1.        M. Forger: Gauge Theories, Instantons and Algebraic Geometry. Rep. Math. Phys. 16 (1979) 359-384.

                  2.        A. Back, M. Forger & P.G.O. Freund: New Gravitational Instantons and Universal Spin Structures. Phys. Lett. B 77 (1978) 181-184.

                  3.        M. Forger & H. Heß: Universal Metaplectic Structures and Geometric Quantization. Commun. Math. Phys. 64 (1979) 269-278.

                  4.        H. Eichenherr & M. Forger: On the Dual Symmetry of the Nonlinear Sigma Models. Nucl. Phys. B 155 (1979) 381-393.

                  5.        H. Eichenherr & M. Forger: More about Nonlinear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces. Nucl. Phys. B 164 (1980) 528-535 & 282 (1987) 745-746 (erratum).

                  6.        H. Eichenherr & M. Forger: Higher Local Conservation Laws for Nonlinear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces. Commun. Math. Phys. 82 (1981) 227-255.

                  7.        E. Abdalla, M. Forger & M. Gomes: On the Origin of Anomalies in the Quantum Nonlocal Charge for the Generalized Nonlinear Sigma Models. Nucl. Phys. B 210 [FS 6] (1982) 181-192.

                  8.        E. Abdalla, M. Forger & A. Lima Santos: Nonlocal Charges for Nonlinear Sigma Models on Grassmann Manifolds. Nucl. Phys. B 256 (1985) 145-180.

                  9.        E. Abdalla & M. Forger: Integrable Nonlinear Sigma Models with Fermions. Commun. Math. Phys. 104 (1986) 123-150.

                10.      M. Bordemann, M. Forger & H. Römer: Homogeneous Kähler Manifolds: Paving the Way towards New Supersymmetric Sigma Models. Commun. Math. Phys. 102 (1986) 605-647.

                11.      M. Forger & P. Zizzi: Twisted Chiral Models with Wess-Zumino Terms, and Strings. Nucl. Phys. B 287 (1987) 131-143.

                12.      E. Abdalla, M.C.B. Abdalla & M. Forger: Exact S-Matrices for Anomaly-Free Nonlinear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces. Nucl. Phys. B 297 (1988) 374-400.

                13.      E. Abdalla, M. Forger & M. Jacques: Higher Conservation Laws for Ten-Dimensional Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories. Nucl. Phys. B 307 (1988) 198-220.

                14.      M. Forger & J. Kellendonk: Classical BRST-Cohomology and Invariant Functions on Constraint Manifolds I. Commun. Math. Phys. 143 (1992) 235-251.

                15.      M. Forger, J. Laartz & U. Schäper: Current Algebra of Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models. Commun. Math. Phys. 146 (1992) 397-402.

                16.      M. Bordemann, M. Forger, J. Laartz & U. Schäper: The Lie-Poisson Structure of Integrable Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models. Commun. Math. Phys. 152 (1993) 167-190.

                17.      E. Abdalla & M. Forger: Current Algebra of WZNW Models at and away from Criticality. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 7 (1992) 2437-2447.

                18.      M. Forger, J. Laartz & U. Schäper: The Algebra of the Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Noether Currents in Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models. Commun. Math. Phys. 159 (1994) 319-328.

                19.      M. Forger & J. Laartz: The Algebra of the Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Noether Currents in Off-Critical WZNW Models. Mod. Phys. Lett. A 8 (1993) 803-809.

                20.      M. Forger: Recent Results on the Canonical Structure of Classical Non-Linear Sigma Models. Resenhas IME-USP 2 (1995) 115-137.

                21.      M. Forger & H. Römer: A Poisson Bracket on Multisymplectic Phase Space. Rep. Math. Phys. 48 (2001) 211-218; arXiv:math-ph/0009037v2.

                22.      M. Forger & A. Winterhalder: Dynamical R-Matrices for Calogero Models. Nucl. Phys. B 621 [PM] (2002) 523-570 & 659 (2003) 461-462 (erratum); arXiv:hep-th/9912109.

                23.      M. Forger & A. Winterhalder: From Dynamical to Numerical R-Matrices: A Case Study for the Calogero Models. Nucl. Phys. B 667 [PM] (2003) 435-483; arXiv:hep-th/0212273.

                24.      M. Forger, C. Paufler & H. Römer: A General Construction of Poisson Brackets on Exact Multisymplectic Manifolds. Rep. Math. Phys. 51 (2003) 187-195; arXiv:math-ph/0208037.

                25.      M. Forger, C. Paufler & H. Römer: The Poisson Bracket for Poisson Forms in Multisymplectic Field Theory. Rev. Math. Phys. 15 (2003) 705-743; arXiv:math-ph/0202043.

                26.      M. Forger & H. Römer: Currents and the Energy-Momentum Tensor in Classical Field Theory: A Fresh Look at an Old Problem. Ann. Phys. 309 (2004) 306-389; arXiv:hep-th/0307199 & Erratum.

                27.      M. Forger & S.V. Romero: Covariant Poisson Brackets in Geometric Field Theory. Commun. Math. Phys. 256 (2005) 375-410; arXiv:math-ph/0408008.

                28.      M. Forger, C. Paufler & H. Römer: Hamiltonian Multivector Fields and Poisson Forms in Multisymplectic Field Theory. J. Math. Phys. 46 (2005) 112903, 29 pp.; arXiv:math-ph/0407057.

                29.      M. Forger & B.L. Soares: Local Symmetries in Gauge Theories in a Finite-Dimensional Setting. J. Geom. Phys. 62 (2012) 1925-1938; arXiv:0901.1636.

                30.      M. Forger & L.G. Gomes: Multisymplectic and Polysymplectic Structures on Fiber Bundles. Rev. Math. Phys. 25 (2013) 1350018, 47pp.; arXiv:0708.1586v2.

                31.      M. Forger & S.Z. Yepes: Lagrangian Distributions and Connections in Multisymplectic and Polysymplectic Geometry. Differ. Geom. Appl. 31 (2013) 775-807; arXiv:1202.5054.

                32.      M. Forger & M.O. Salles: On Covariant Poisson Brackets in Classical Field Theory. J. Math. Phys. 56 (2015) 102901, 26 pp.; arXiv:1501.03780.

                33.      M. Forger & D.V. Paulino: C*-Completions and the DFR-Algebra. J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016) 023517, 31 pp.; arXiv:1412.3762v2.

Konferenzbeiträge [MP-C]:
Nur Beiträge zu internationalen Konferenzen aus eingeladenen Vorträgen sind aufgeführt:

                  1.        M. Forger: Instantons in Nonlinear Sigma Models, Gauge Theories and General Relativity. In: Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics (Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Clausthal, Germany 1978), pp. 110-134, Ed.: H.D. Doebner; Lecture Notes in Physics 139, Springer Verlag 1981.

                  2.        M. Forger: Nonlinear Sigma Models on Symmetric Spaces. In: Nonlinear Partial Differential Operators and Quantization Procedures (Proceedings, Clausthal, Germany 1981), pp. 38-80, Eds: S.I. Andersson & H.D. Doebner; Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1037, Springer Verlag 1983.

                  3.        M. Forger: Nonlocal Conservation Laws for Nonlinear Sigma Models with Fermions. In: Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and Strings (Proceedings, Paris-Meudon, France 1984/85), pp. 221-239, Eds: H.J. de Vega & N. Sánchez; Lecture Notes in Physics 246, Springer Verlag 1986.

                  4.        M. Forger: Supersymmetric Sigma Models and Kähler Manifolds. In: Complex Differential Geometry and Supermanifolds in Strings and Fields (Proceedings of the 7th Scheveningen Conference, Scheveningen, Netherlands 1987), pp. 1-46, Eds: P.J.M. Bongaarts & R. Martini; Lecture Notes in Physics 311, Springer Verlag 1988.

                  5.        M. Forger: Solutions of the Yang-Baxter Equations from Field Theory. In: Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics (Proceedings of the XVIIth International Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics, Chester, England 1988), pp. 36-46, Ed.: A.I. Solomon; World Scientific 1989.

                  6.        M. Forger & A. Winterhalder: Dynamical R-Matrices for the Calogero Models. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Integrable Theories, Solitons and Duality, São Paulo, Brazil 2002, 13 pp.; JHEP Proceedings, erhältlich unter http://pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/008/014/unesp2002_014.pdf

Eingereicht oder in Vorbereitung [MP-S]:

                  1.        M. Forger & D.V. Paulino: Locally C*-Algebras, C*-Bundles and Noncommutative Spaces, arXiv: 1307.4458, wird zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.

                  2.        B.T. Costa, M. Forger & L.H.P. Pêgas: Lie Groupoids in Classical Field Theory I: Noether’s Theorem, arXiv:1508.04632, zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.

                  3.        B.T. Costa, M. Forger & L.H.P. Pêgas: Lie Groupoids in Classical Field Theory II: Gauge Theories, Minimal Coupling and Utiyama’s Theorem, in Vorbereitung.

                  4.        M. Forger, P.L. Ribeiro & S.J. Vidal: Globally Hyperbolic Differential Operators, in Vorbereitung.


Gebiet: Biomathematik

Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften [BM-P]:

                  1.        M. Forger, Y.M.M. Hornos & J.E.M. Hornos: Global Aspects in the Algebraic Approach to the Genetic Code. Phys. Rev. E 56 (1997) 7078-7082.

                  2.        J.E.M. Hornos, Y.M.M. Hornos & M. Forger: Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking: An Algebraic Approach to the Genetic Code. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 13 (1999) 2795-2885.

                  3.        M. Forger & S. Sachse: Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code I: Codon Representations. J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 5407-5422; math-ph/9808001.

                  4.        M. Forger & S. Sachse: Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code II: Branching Schemes. J. Math. Phys. 41 (2000) 5423-5444; math-ph/9905017.

                  5.        F. Antoneli, L. Braggion, M. Forger & J.E.M. Hornos: Extending the Search for Symmetries in the Genetic Code. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17 (2003) 3135-3204.

                  6.        J.E.M. Hornos, L. Braggion, M. Magini & M. Forger: Symmetry Preservation in the Evolution of the Genetic Code. IUBMB Life 56 (2004) 125-130.

                  7.        F. Antoneli, M. Forger & J.E.M. Hornos: The Search for Symmetries in the Genetic Code: Finite Groups. Mod. Phys. Lett. B 18 (2004) 971-978.

                  8.        F. Antoneli, M. Forger, P.A. Gaviria & J.E.M. Hornos: On Amino Acid and Codon Assignment in Algebraic Models for the Genetic Code. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24 (2010) 435-463.

                  9.        A.F. Ramos, G.C.P. Innocentini, M. Forger & J.E.M. Hornos: Symmetry in Biology: From the Genetic Code to Stochastic Gene Regulation. IET Syst. Biol. 4 (2010) 311-329.

                10.      F. Antoneli & M. Forger: Symmetry Breaking in the Genetic Code: Finite Groups. Math. Comput. Model. 53 (2011) 1469-1488.

                11.      G.C.P. Innocentini, M. Forger, O. Radulescu & J.E.M. Hornos: Multimodality and Flexibility of Stochastic Gene Expression. Bull. Math. Biol. 75 (2013) 2600-2630.

                12.      G.C.P. Innocentini, M. Forger, O. Radulescu & F. Antoneli: Protein Synthesis Driven by Dynamical Stochastic Transcription. Bull. Math. Biol. 78 (2016) 110-131; arXiv:1406.3089v3.

Eingereicht oder in Vorbereitung [BM-S]:

                  1.        M. Forger & P.A. Gaviria: Maximal Subgroups of Compact Lie Groups and Symmetry Breaking in the Genetic Code, in Vorbereitung.


Gebiet: Finanzmathematik

Eingereicht oder in Vorbereitung:

                  1.        M. Forger: Saldo Capitalizável e Saldo Não Capitalizável: Novos Algoritmos para o Regime de Juros Simples (Kapitalisierender und Nicht Kapitalisierender Bilanzstand: Neue Algorithmen für das Regime Einfacher Zinsen), in portugiesischer Sprache, Preprint RT-MAP-0905, IME-USP, Oktober 2009, registriert bei der Stiftung Nationalbibliothek unter no. 485.462, wird zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.

                  2.        M. Forger: Algoritmos para o Sistema de Amortização Crescente (SACRE) (Algorithmen für das System Zunehmender Amortisation (SACRE)), in portugiesischer Sprache, Preprint RT-MAP-1001, IME-USP, April 2010, registriert bei der Stiftung Nationalbibliothek unter no. 518.006, wird zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht.



                  1.        M. Forger: Relativistische Wellengleichungen für Massive und Masselose Teilchen, Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin (1974).

                  2.        M. Forger: Differentialgeometrische Methoden in Nichtlinearen Sigma-Modellen und Eichtheorien, Inaugural-Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin (1980).



                  1.        H. Römer & M. Forger: Elementare Feldtheorie - Elektrodynamik, Hydrodynamik, Spezielle Relativitätstheorie, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim 1993.