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IBM Almaden Research Center | |
IME/USP - Rua do Matão 1010 | 650 Harry Road K57 | |
São Paulo, SP 05508, Brazil | San Jose, CA 95120, USA | |
hitoshi@ime.usp.br | {dkoons,arnon,flick}@almaden.ibm.com |
MPEG Clip: Pupil Detection
This MPEG clip shows the light synchronization effect. Observe how the pupil blinks, facilitating the detection process.
MPEG Clip: Equipment and operation.
This MPEG clip is about 2 minutes long. The first 30 seconds shows the the pan-tilt camera and illuminators tracking the user's eye.
The next 70 seconds shows the operation of the gaze tracker. Observe the 3 windows in the monitor, displaying the bright and dark pupil images, and the dark pupil image superimposed with the two crosshairs marking the centers of the pupil and the glint being tracked. The user is wearing glasses, and controls the cursor with his gaze. He is asked to follow the red mark on the screen created by a laser pointer manipulated by another person. Although the cursor is jumpy, it stays within a one degree margin of error, so that a temporal filter could be used to smooth the cursor position. The filters was turned off to demonstrate the accuracy of the system.
The last 20 seconds shows the artificial eye we have built to test the system and measure its accuracy. It was mounted on a digital mpeg camera fixed on a tripod, that provides the degrees of freedom required to calibrate the eye-tracking system.