3rd Meeting IST - IME
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Related TopicsCelebrating the 80th Birthday of Waldyr Muniz Oliva

Universidade de São Paulo, September 13-17 2010
This meeting, whose scope comprises Ordinary and Partial Differential
Equations and related topics, aims to promote integration of
researchers of both Institutes (and others), with the presentation of
research works and plenary lectures of the participants.

Scientific Committee:
- Luís Barreira (IST, UTL)
- Alexandre N. Carvalho (ICMC, USP)
- Paulo D. Cordaro (IME, USP)
- Giorgio Fusco (Università dell'Aquila)
- Antônio Galves (IME, USP)
- Luis T. Magalhães (IST,UTL)
- Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers)
- Jacob Palis (IMPA)
- Paolo Piccione (IME, USP)
- Carlos Rocha (IST, UTL)
- Joan Solà-Morales (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
- Jorge Sotomayor (IME, USP)
- Claudia Valls (IST, UTL)

Local Organizing Committee:
- Orlando F. Lopes
- Sérgio M. Oliva
- Antônio Luiz Pereira
- Paolo Piccione
- Clodoaldo G. Ragazzo
- Gláucio Terra