Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Fernández
I am currently an associate professor in the Instituto of Mathematic
and Statistic - IME, University of São Paulo at São Paulo,
You can find more information about my publications in my public curriculum vitae on Lattes platform.
Areas of interest
- Linear algebra. Linear spaces of nilpotent matrices.
- Genetic Algebras.
- Bernstein Algebras.
- PI-Algebra.
- Ring Theory
- Nilalalgebras and a Cassical Problem of A.A. Albert.
- Nonassociative Algebras.
- Unsolved Problems in the Theory of Ring and Modules.
- Algorithms
Applied to Nonassociative Structures.
Research Group

Nonassociative Structures, Their Representations, Identities and Relations

The second meeting of mathematical societies from Brazil (SBM and SBMAC) and Spain (RSME and SEMA) will take place at the University of Cádiz from 11 to 14 December 2018. The main goal of this meeting is strengthen partnerships and collaborations between researchers and institutions in Brazil and Spain.
My former students are:
- Maria Aparecida Couto - Ph.D. CAPES - Co-advisor
- Mary Luz Rodiño Montoya - MSc. CAPES
- Willian Vieira - MSc
- Mary Luz Rodiño Montoya - Ph.D.
- Eddie Arrieta Arrieta - MSc
- Elkin Oveimar Quintero Venegas - Ph.D. - CAPES
I am a mathematical descendant of Leonhard Euler. Here is a list of consecutive Ph.D. advisors and Ph.D. students from the Mathematics Genealogy Project
- Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). Wikipedia
- Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813). Wikipedia
- Jean-Baptiste Fourier (1768-1830). Wikipedia
- Gustav Dirichlet (1805-1859). Wikipedia
- Rudolf Lipschitz (1832-1903). Wikipedia
- Felix Klein (1849-1925). Wikipedia
- Julio Rey Pastor (1888-1962). Wikipedia
- Pedro de Pineda y Gutiérrez (1891-1983). CV
- Juan Sancho San Román (1919-2004). CV
- Vicente Varea Agudo (1949-2017)
- Santos González . CV
- Juan Carlos Gutíerrez Fernández
Contact Information
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Fernández
Universidade de São Paulo - USP
Instituto de Matemática e Estadística - IME
Rua do Matão 1010
CEP: 05508-090, São Paulo - SP
Phone +55-11-3091-6303
jcgf at ime usp br