Computer Music
(this page is very old and I'm too lazy (or busy) to update it; if you're
interested in my latest projects in this area, look at the links in my home page).
In 1992, I carried out an undergraduate research project supported by the
Brazilian research agency FAPESP. In that project I studied "The application
of Fractal Geometry in Musical Analysis and Composition".
Here you can find two papers written in Portuguese and some little musical
pieces composed at that time. If you are really interested on this subject but
don't read Portuguese, then you can either learn Portuguese :-) or download
one of the following files and look at the bibliography (the large file has
much more references).
You can also find a little description of one of my
fractal pieces with Vosaic-links to its movements.
(See HERE the complete list of publications)
- Fabio Kon and Fernando Iazzetta. "La música en Internet: ¿un sueño o
una realidad (virtual)?"
Música y Nuevas Tecnologias - Perspectivas para el Siglo XXI,
pp. 103-118. Eduardo Reck Miranda (editor). Editora ACC
L'Angelot. Barcelona, Spain. October, 1999.
- Fernando Iazzetta and Fabio Kon.
Downloading Musical Signs.
Proceedings of Sign-Music-Society.
Vienna, Austria. March, 1999. (Zipped PDF)
- Fabio Kon and Fernando Iazzetta.
Internet Music: Dream or (virtual)
Reality. Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Symposium
on Computer Music. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. August, 1998.
(Zipped PDF)
- Fernando Iazzetta and Fabio Kon. A
Música Efêmera da Internet. In Proceedings of the 11th
Meeting of the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in
Music (ANPOM'98), pp. 35-40. Campinas, Brazil. August, 1998.
(Zipped PDF)
- Silva, Flavio S. C. and Kon, Fabio. A Fuzzy Categorial Grammar for
the Harmonization of Melodies, book chapter in
Fuzzy Information Engineering: A Guided Tour of Applications, Didier
Dubois (editor), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997, pp 457-66.
- Silva, Flavio S. C. and Kon, Fabio.
Categorial Grammar and Harmonic Analysis, in the
Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music,
Canela, July, 1995. Also Technical Report RT-MAC-9505a,
Department of Computer Science - IME/USP, 1995.
- Silva, Flavio S. C. and Kon, Fabio.
Stylistic Musical Choices Via Fuzzy Preference Rules,
in the Proceedings of the Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems
Association, São Paulo, July, 1995. Also Technical Report
RT-MAC-9505b, Department of Computer Science - IME/USP, 1995.
- Iazzetta, Fernando H. and Kon, Fabio.
Maxannealing: A Tool for Algorithmic Compostion Based on Simulated
Annealing, in the
Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music,
Canela, July, 1995.
- Iazzetta, Fernando H. and Kon, Fabio. A Detailed
Description of MaxAnnealing, Technical Report
RT-MAC-9511, Department of Computer Science - IME/USP, 1995.
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