LieJor Online Seminar:
Algebras, Representations, and Applications
Schedule Past talks

Minicourse: "Effective methods in PI-theory II"
Vladimir Dotsenko (Université de Strasbourge)

Tuesday21/03 9:00-10:00
Wednesday22/03 9:00-10:00
Thursday23/03 11:00-12:00

This is a continuation of the mini-course given at XXVI Escola de Álgebra in Curitiba ( It will be focused on learning how to apply shuffle operads and Gröbner bases for operads to study certain properties of varieties of algebras.
Tentative plan of the mini-course:

1. A criterion for Poincaré--Birkhoff--Witt properties in the case of functors of change of multiplication. Examples and counterexamples.

2. A criterion for Poincaré--Birkhoff--Witt properties in the case of universal multiplicative enveloping algebras. Examples and counterexamples.

3. A criterion for freeness of universal multiplicative enveloping algebras. Its relationship with the Nielsen--Schreier property. Examples and counterexamples.
(Online) venue: To be announced 15 minutes before the beginning of the talk.
Next talk:
Upcoming talks:
For past talks, check here!
General instructions:
  • Please, when joining the Seminar, turn off camera and you may keep your camera on. However, we ask you to mute your microphone.
  • If you want to ask a question in the middle of a seminar, it is preferable to (turn on your microphone and) ask rather than writing. The speakers usually cannot see the chat while presenting the slides.
  • The talks will be recorded!
This is (one of) the Online Algebra meeting point! Have lots of fun (equivalently, lots of Algebra!).
This website contains information about Online Algebra Seminars. Please, click in the link Schedule to see our current talk schedule. The seminars held during the years of 2020 to 2022. You may find the videos of all talks in this webpage. Please, navigate in the menu above.
Our interests include, but are not restrict to:
  • Algebras and Representations,
  • PI-algebras and related areas,
  • Rings, Algebras and related things,
  • Nonassociative rings.
Ivan Shestakov (chair)
Vyacheslav Futorny
Plamen Koshlukov
Lucia Satie Ikemoto Murakami
Felipe Yukihide Yasumura
LieJor Seminars 2022
LieJor Seminars 2021
LieJor Seminars 2020
Past Talks