Opiniões e notícias
Links para artigos na imprensa, blogs, opiniões, conselhos, videos, etc.
Hacker-Proof Code Confirmed,
Quanta Magazine, 2016
Prof Says Tech Entering the Age of the Algorithm:
Computer Science Researcher Predicts Rising Demand
for Engineering Expertise,
artigo no UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) News Center,
Vivemos a Era do Algoritmo:
artigo n'O Estado de São Paulo, 24/9/2007
King Algorithm:
artigo no New York Times, 23/9/2007
Business by Numbers:
artigo no The Economist, 13/9/2007
The Algorithm: Idiom of Modern Science,
Bernard Chazelle
In Pursuit of Simplicity:
coleção de manuscritos
de Edsger W. Dijkstra
The unpredictable deviousness of models,
por Franco P. Preparata
[ Cópia local]
The LEGO Turing Machine:
video Youtube
What's wrong with these equations?,
N. David Mermin,
Physics Today, 1989
Programação letrada
The Yoda of Silicon Valley,
in Profiles in Science,
The New York Times,
Dec. 17, 2018.
[Dica do Arnaldo Mandel.]
Matt Barton,
The fine art of computer programming:
Free software and the future of literate programming,
Free Software Magazine,
Diomidis Spinellis,
Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective,
Addison Wesley, 2003 |
ISBN 0-201-79940-5
Peter J. Denning,
Opening statement of the Ubiquity symposium What is Computation?
Nov 2010
[See other articles in the symposium]
Hardware para computador quântico armazena 150 qubits,
site Inovação Tecnológica
Congress Endorses Computer Science Education as Driver of Innovation,
Economic Growth,
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
Oct 2009
Doing the Math to Find the Good Jobs
(Mathematicians Land Top Spot
in New Ranking of Best and Worst Occupations in the U.S.),
Wall Street Journal, 26/1/2009
Are Future US Programmers Being Taught to be Unemployable?:
artigo no blogs.spectrum.ieee
sobre educação em Ciência da Computação
Downing Street petition demands reversal of catastrophic decline
in school science exam standards,
Royal Society of Chemistry,
Nov 2008
The Role of Theory Today,
Jeffrey D. Ullman
Arithmetic, Population and Energy,
Albert A. Bartlett,
YouTube video
Artigos do Economist sobre educação superior
(no INPE)
O Paradoxo da Computação Universal,
palestra de
Gilberto Câmara
no Congresso da SBC, 2009
Video: Mensagem do Steve Jobs
Teoria da Computação
Major Quantum Computing Advance Made Obsolete by Teenager,
QuantaMagazine, 2018.
18-year-old Ewin Tang has proven that classical computers
can solve the “recommendation problem” nearly as fast as quantum computers.
The result eliminates one of the best examples of quantum speedup.
Computadores quânticos são mais poderosos que computadores convencionais:
Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve,
QuantaMagazine, 2018
(Ran Raz, Avishay Tal,
Oracle Separation of BQP and PH,
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity,
The Limits of Quantum:
artigo de Scott Aaronson na Scientific American.
[Rascunho do artigo traz mais informações]
Scott Aaaronson,
Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity,
Cientista pode ter respondido a maior questão da ciência da computação
Folha.com, 10/8/2010
Lipton's blog
Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP
Teoria dos Grafos
Otimização Combinatória
The History of Urbanization, 3700 BC - 2000 AD
Dr. Cal Newport,
Quit social media,
Software = bom
no blog do Silvio Meira,
Why I Like Working in Academia ,
by R. T. Snodgrass
Escrevendo muderno,
artigo bem-humorado
de João Ubaldo Ribeiro n'O Estado de São Paulo,
A volta do caderno rabugento,
artigo bem-humorado
de João Ubaldo Ribeiro n'O Estado de São Paulo,
Evolução da população do planeta e da emissão de CO2:
animação produzida por David Bleja
para BreathingEarth
Textos sobre ensino superior no Brasil no OrdemLivre.org:
Sem doutorado? Então fora!,
por Alexandre Barros
O problema não é o doutorado, são os incentivos,
por Claudio Shikida
Power Tools,
de Steven Strogatz,
na coluna
no New York Times
de 28/3/2010
(falando da incompreendida função log)
High-Tech Cheating Abounds, and Professors Bear Some Blame,
artigo no The Chronicle of Higher Education
(Washington, DC, 28/3/2010)
Os melhores empregos em 2010 nos EUA,
Wall Street Journal, 5/1/2010
Aula divertida de metodologia científica
no Science B*tch
Conselhos para estudantes de pós-graduação
Se conselho fosse bom,
ninguém oferecia de graça.
— sabedoria popular
Resposta de Ryan Reich à pergunta
Why do so many people complain about their PhD?
I've just finished my masters and I had the best time of my life.
Why would a PhD be different?
no Quora.
Analogia com livro de cozinha.
A gente começa a cozinhar seguindo religiosamente o que está escrito
no livro de receitas, sem entender bem o que está fazendo.
Depois de alguma prática, entretanto,
as receitas são consultadas apenas por alto
e a gente passa a se virar por conta própria, inventando e redescobrindo coisas,
métodos, ingredientes.
Useful Things to Know About Ph.D. Thesis Research,
by H.T. Kung
(Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon University,
[Minha tradução livre da página].
Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student,
by Manuel Blum
How to Succeed in Graduate School,
by Marie desJardins
(Dept. of CS & EE, University of Maryland)
Advice for Undergraduates Considering Graduate School,
by Phil Agre
The PhD journey: how to choose a good supervisor,
by Matthew Killeya
(in NewScientist, 2008)
What to expect from life as a postgrad,
by Matthew Killeya
(in NewScientist, 2007)
Graduate Research, Writing, and Careers in Computer Science,
Department of Computer Science,
Iowa State University.
(Veja especialmente os itens
Writing Papers and Abstracts
Presenting Research
Applying for Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science,
by Mor Harchol-Balter
Quem sabe, faz. Quem não sabe, ensina.
— sabedoria popular
Seven characteristics of great education systems,
artigo no The Globe and Mail, 2/9/2013
Universities should educate—employers should train,
artigo no The Globe and Mail, 3/9/2013
Could Many Universities Follow Borders Bookstores Into Oblivion?,
by Marc Parry,
in The Chronicle of Higher Education,
March 7, 2012
[the future of higher education,
distance education,
social networking,
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool,
by Emily Hanford.
Paper in
NPR (National Public Radio),
5 Tools for Building a Next-Generation 'Hybrid' Class Website,
by Prof. Hacker,
in The Chronicle of Higher Education,
Sermão da Montanha - Versão para educadores,
por Eduardo Machado,
Peter Norvig,
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
(Why is everyone in such a rush,
So You Want to be a Programmer, … )
Atualizado em 2018-12-30
Paulo Feofiloff
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da