Other texts:
- Here
you can get the pdf file of the solution of the first test of the
Mathematical Analysis course I'm currently teaching (2011).
- Here
you can get the (still very incomplete) notes for the course on Advanced Calculus
I'm currently teaching at IME-USP.
- Here
you can get a list of exercises for the course
on measure theory I'm currently teaching at IME-USP.
- Here
you can get the (still incomplete) notes that I'm wrote for the course
on measure theory I taught at IME-USP in the first semester of 2006.
- Here you
can get my short notes about curves
in R^3, curvature and torsion (written in Portuguese).
- Here
you can get the first,
the second and the
third list of
exercises for the undergraduate course on Differential Geometry I taught here at IME-USP
in the second semester of 2003.
- Here you can get the .dvi file of the
notes I have written for a course in Advanced Calculus here at IME-USP
(written in Portuguese).
- Here you can get the .dvi file of the notes
I have written for the course on Calculus on Differentiable Manifolds and Lie
Groups (written in Portuguese). Here you can get the .dvi
file of the
first and the
second list of exercises for the
- Here you can get the .dvi file of the
first and the
second list of exercises for the
summer course on Multivariate Calculus I taught
at IME-USP. Here you can get the solution
for the first, the second and the
substitutive test in the
- Here you can get the pdf file of
the notes I wrote for the course on Mathematical Analysis I taught
here at IME-USP (written in portuguese). Here you can get the pdf file of
the solution
for the first, the second, the
third and the
substitutive test in the
- Here you can get the
dvi file of some notes on the Bochner integral I have written.
- Here you can get the
pdf file of the list of exercises for the course on Linear Operators
I'm currently teaching. Here
you can get the pdf file for some notes related to the course on
Linear Operators.
- Here you can get the
pdf file of some small notes about the Riesz Representation Theorem
for positive linear functionals on the space of continuous maps
with compact support.
- Here you can get the
pdf file of some small notes about Banach manifold structure on general
sets of maps.
- Here
is a link for some elementary stuff I have
written (most of it as an undergraduate student); I still like those texts, so
I keep them available.