do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
da Universidade de São Paulo
Special Number Dedicated to Professor Paul Erdős
Resenhas IME-USP, Volume 2, Number 2, 1995
This number of Resenhas IME-USP is based on the meeting
Semana de Combinatória (Instituto de Matemática e
Estatística, USP, 9-11 November 1994), which was held in honour
of Professor Paul Erdős, on the occasion of his visit to our
To access the papers, visit
Table of contents
- Y. Kohayakawa and I. Simon, Foreword [HTML | PostScript
- Programme of the Semana de Combinatória [HTML | PostScript
- Paul Erdős, Some of my Favourite Problems in Number Theory,
Combinatorics, and Geometry [Abstract | Full paper (PDF file)]
- Zara I. Abud and Francisco Miraglia, A Measure Theoretic
Erdős-Rado Theorem [Abstract]
- O.T. Alas, On Independent Sets [Abstract]
- Clovis C. Gonzaga, On the Complexity of Linear Programming [Abstract]
- Sóstenes L. Lins, An Algorithm to Classify 3-Manifolds? [Abstract]
- Cláudio L. Lucchesi and Marcelo H. Carvalho, Bases for the Matching
Lattice of Matching Covered Graphs [Abstract]
- Tomasz Luczak, On Sum-free Sets of Natural Numbers [Abstract]
- Nicolau C. Saldanha and
Carlos Tomei, An Overview of Domino and
Lozenge Tilings [Abstract]
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The Combinatorics
Research Group at São Paulo.
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo, SP
Y. Kohayakawa