Projeto CNPq - PROSUL - Edital 016

Otimização Discreta e Grafos: Teoria, Algoritmos e Aplicações

Proc. no. 490333/04-4 -- January/2005 to January 2008

Publications of Groups G1, G2 and G3 (since January 2005)

Members G1: [Polyhedral Combinatorics] * Abílio Lucena (UFRJ) * Carlos Eduardo Ferreira (USP) * Cid Carvalho de Souza (UNICAMP) * Nelson Maculan (UFRJ) * Manoel Campêlo (UFC) * Ricardo Correa (UFC) * Pablo Rey (U. de Chile, Chile) * Graciela Nasini (U. de Rosario, Argentina) * Mariana Escalante (U. de Rosario, Argentina) * Pablo Coll (U. de Buenos Aires, Argentina) * Silvia Bianchi (U. de Rosario, Argentina) * Néstor Aguilera (U. del Litoral, Argentina) * Isabel Méndez (UBA, Argentina) * Andrés Weintraub (U. de Chile, Chile) * Rafael Epstein (U. de Chile, Chile) * Héctor Cancela (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) G2: [Applications to real world problems] * Andrés Weintraub (U. de Chile) * Rafael Epstein (U. de Chile, Chile) * Héctor Cancela (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) * María Urqhuart (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) * Abílio Lucena (UFRJ) * Cid Carvalho de Souza (UNICAMP) G3: [Metaheuristics] * Celso C. Ribeiro (UFF) * Simone de Lima Martins (UFF) * Luiz Satoru Ochi (UFF) * Debora Ronconi (USP) * Andrés Weintraub (U. de Chile, Chile) * Irene Loiseau (UBA, Argentina) * Héctor Cancela (Universidad de la República, Uruguay) * María Urqhuart ((Universidad de la República, Uruguay)


  1. A. Lucena and R.C. Pontes, Aviação Comercial Controlada por Máquinas Inteligentes, Editora Papel Virtual, 2007.
  2. N. Maculan and M. Fampa, Otimização Linear, Editora da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), in press.

Book chapters

  1. A.P.F. Araújo, C. Boeres, E.F.V. Rebello, C.C.C. Ribeiro and S. Urrutia, Exploring grid implementations of parallel cooperative metaheuristics: A case study for the mirrored traveling tournament problem. In: Doerner, K.F.; Gendreau, M.; Greistorfer, P.; Gutjahr, W.; Hartl, R.F.; Reimann, M.. (Org.), Metaheuristics: Progress in Complex Systems Optimization, Berlin: Springer, 2007, 297-322.
  2. C. Lavor, L. Liberti and N. Maculan, Computational experience with the molecular distance geometry problem, to be published in Global Optimization: Scientific and Engineering Case Studies (J. Pinter, ed.), in Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications Series, vol. 85, Springer, 2006.
  3. I. Loiseau, A. Cesselli, N. Maculan and M. Salani, Génération de colonnes en programmation linéaire en nombres entiers, Chapter 8 in Optimisation Combinatoire 1 - Concepts Fondamentaux, Vangelis Th. Paschos (ed.), série Informatique et Systèmes d'Information Hermes- Science Publications, France, pp 237-262, 2005.
  4. A. Lucena, Lagrangian Relax-and-Cut Algorithms, Handbooks on Telecommunications (M.G.C. Resende and P. Pardalos, eds), Kluwer, 2005
  5. S.L. Martins and C.C.C. Ribeiro, Metaheuristics and applications to optimization problems in telecommunications. In: M. G. C. Resende; P. Pardalos. (Org.), Handbook of Optimization in Telecommunications, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005, 103-128.
  6. S.L. Martins, C.C.C. Ribeiro and I.C.M. Rosseti, Applications of parallel metaheuristics to optimization problems in telecommunications and bioinformatics. In: El-Ghazali Talbi. (Org.), Parallel Combinatorial Optimization, New York: Wiley, 2006, p. 301-325.
  7. S. Nesmachnow, H. Cancela, E. Alba and F. Chicano, Parallel heuristics in telecommunications. Chapter 20 in Parallel Metaheuristics: A new class of algorithms, E. Alba (ed). J. Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  8. M.G.C. Resende and C.C.C. Ribeiro, Parallel Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures. In: Enrique Alba. (Org.), Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms, New York: Wiley, 2005, v. único, p. 315-346.
  9. M.G.C. Resende and C.C.C. Ribeiro, GRASP with path-relinking: Recent advances and applications. In: T. Ibaraki; K. Nonobe; M. Yagiura. (Org.), Metaheuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers, Boston: Kluwer, 2005, 29-63.

Publications in Journals

  1. S.S. Adi and C.E. Ferreira, Gene prediction by multiple syntenic alignment, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, v. 13, 2005.
  2. L. Alcón, Clique-Critical Graphs: maximum size and recognition. Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 154 (2006), 1799-1802.
  3. L. Alcón, M. R. Cerioli, C. M. H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez and J. Meidanis, Tree Loop Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Computational Molecular Biology Series v. 155 (2007), 686-694.
  4. R. Andrade, A. Lisser, N. Maculan, G. Plateau, B&B frameworks for the capacity expansion of high speed telecommunication networks under uncertainty, Annals of Operations Research 140 (2005), 49-65.
  5. R. Andrade, A. Lisser, N. Maculan, G. Plateau, Enhancing a branch and bound algorithm for two-stage stochastic integer network design based models, Management Science , 52 (2006), 1450-1455.
  6. R. Andrade, A. Lucena, N. Maculan, Using Lagrangian dual information to generate degree constrained minimum spanning trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006), 703-717.
  7. N.E. Aguilera and V A. Leoni, Characterizations of Postman Sets, Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
  8. A. C. F. Alvim, C.C.C. Ribeiro, F. Glover and D.J. Aloise, A hybrid improvement heuristic for the bin packing problem, Journal of Heuristics, v. 10 (2004), n. 2, 205-229.
  9. G. Argiroffo, S. Bianchi, G. Nasini, Lehman's equation on near-ideal clutters, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 219-224.
  10. G. Argiroffo, S. Bianchi and G. Nasini, On a certain class of nonideal clutters. Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 154 (2006), 1854-1864.
  11. C.T. Bornstein, L. Ferreira Alcoforado and N. Maculan, A graph-oriented approach for the minimization of the number of late jobs for the parallel machines scheduling, European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005), 649-656.
  12. M. Campêlo, V. Campos and R. Corrêa, On the asymmetric representatives formulation for the vertex coloring problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appear.
  13. M. Campêlo and S. Scheimberg, A study of local solutions in linear bilevel programming, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 125 (2005), no. 1, 63-84.
  14. M. Campêlo and S. Scheimberg,ampêlo, Manoel; Scheimberg, Susana A simplex approach for finding local solutions of a linear bilevel program by equilibrium points, Ann. Oper. Res. 138 (2005), 143--157.
  15. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and O. Viera, A parallel algorithm for the Steiner 2-edge-survivable Network Problem. Revista del Instituto Chileno de Investigación Operativa, v. 7 (2005), no. 1, 15-27.
  16. H. Cancela and L. Petingi, On the Characterization of the Domination of a Diameter Constrained Network Reliability Model, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 154 (2005), Issue 13, 1885-1896.
  17. H. Cancela and L. Petingi, Properties of a generalized Source-to-All-terminal network reliability model with diameter constraints, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, Volume 35, Issue 6, 659-670, 2007.
  18. H. Cancela, P. Rodríguez-Bocca, and B. Tuffin, End-to-end availability-dependent pricing of network services. Annals of Operations Research, v. 157:1 (2008), 61-71.
  19. V.F. Cavalcante, C.C. de Souza and A. Lucena, A relax-and-cut algorithm to the set partitioning problem. Computers and Operations Research, 35 (2008), 1963-1981.
  20. P. Coll, C.C.C. Ribeiro, and C.C. de Souza, Multiprocessor schedule under precedence constraints: polyhedral results, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 154 (2006), 770-801.
  21. R. C. Corrêa, J.L. Szwarcfiter, On extensions, linear extensions, upsets and downsets of ordered sets, Discrete Math. 295 (2005), no. 1-3, 13--30.
  22. A.S. da Cunha and A. Lucena, Lower and Upper Bounds for the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Networks, v. 50 (2007), 55-66.
  23. A.S. da Cunha and A. Lucena, N. Maculan and M.G.C. Resende, A Relax-and-Cut Algorithm for the Prize Collecting Steiner Problem in Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appear.
  24. M. Drazic, C. Lavor, N. Maculan, N. Mladenovic, A continuous variable neighborhood search heuristic for finding the three-dimensional structure of a molecule, European Journal of Operational Research , v. 185 (2008) 1265-1273.
  25. L.M.G. Drummond, N. Maculan, B.F. Svaiter, On the choice of parameters for weighting method in vector optimization, Mathematical Programming, USA, v. 111 (2008) 201-216.
  26. G. Durán, M. Guajardo, J. Miranda, D. Sauré, S. Souyris and A. Weintraub, Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by Integer Programming, Interfaces 37 (2007), 539-552.
  27. G. Durán, M. Guajardo M. and D. Sauré, Tecnologías modernas de gestión para la programación del fútbol chileno, Trend Management 8 (2006), 118-122.
  28. G. Durán, M. Guajardo, J. Miranda, D. Sauré, S. Souyris, A. Weintraub, A. Carmash and F. Chaigneau, Programación matemática aplicada al fixture de la primera división del fútbol chileno, Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 19 (2005), 29-48.
  29. G. Durán and R. Wolf, Programación Matemática para seleccionar los aspirantes a un Magíster con criterios de equidad regional, socio-económica y de género, Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas 21 (2007), 31-45.
  30. M.S. Escalante, M.S. Montelar and G.L. Nasini, Minimal N+-rank graph: Progress on Lipták and Tunçel's conjecture. Operation Research Letters, v. 34 (2006), Issue 6, 639-646.
  31. M.S. Escalante, G.L. Nasini and M.C. Varaldo, On the commutativity of the antiblocker diagrams under lift-and-project operators. Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 154 (2006), 1845-1853.
  32. C.E. Ferreira and F.M. de Oliveira Filho, Some formulations for the group Steiner tree problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 154 (2006), 1877-1884.
  33. C.E. Ferreira and F.M. de Oliveira Filho. New reduction techniques for the group Steiner tree problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, v. 17 (2006), 1176-1188.
  34. R.M.V. Figueiredo, V.C. Barbosa, N. Maculan Filho, C.C. de Souza, Acyclic orientations with path constraints, RAIRO, Operations Research, to appear.
  35. A. Fujita, K.B. Massirer, A.M. Durham, C.E. Ferreira, M.C. Sogayar, GATO gene annotation tool for research laboratories, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Ribeirão Preto, SP, v. 38 (2005), no. 11.
  36. A. Fujita, J.R. Sato, H.M. Garay-Malpartida, P.A. Morettin, M.C. Sogayar and C.E. Ferreira, Time-varying modeling of gene expression regulatory networks using the wavelet dynamic vector autoregressive method, Bioinformatics, v. 23 (2007), 1623-1630.
  37. A. Fujita, J.R. Sato, C.E. Ferreira and M.C. Sogayar, Evaluating different methods of microarray data normalization, BMC Bioinformatics, v. 7 (2006), 469.
  38. A. Fujita, J.R. Sato, C.E. Ferreira and M.C. Sogayar, GEDI: an user-friendly toolbox for analysis of large-scale gene expression data, BMC Bioinformatics, v. 8 (2007), 457.
  39. A. Fujita, J.R. Sato, H.M. Garay-Malpartida, R. Yamaguchi, S. Miyano, M.C. Sogayar and C.E. Ferreira, Modeling gene expression regulatory networks with the sparse vector autoregressive model, BMC Systems Biology, v. 1 (2007), 39.
  40. C. Furlan e D.P. Ronconi, Programação de Ordens de Produção com Diferentes Instantes de Liberação para uma Data Única de Entrega, GEPROS Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas, Bauru, v. 1 (2005), n. 1, 19-28.
  41. M. J. N. Gomes, A.E. Xavier, N. Maculan Filho, A. F. Sampaio Xavier, P. Michelon, A Framework of Computational Systems and Optimization Models for the Prevention and Combat of Dengue, International Transactions in Operational Research, Oxford, UK, 2006.
  42. M. Goycoolea, R. Epstein, A. Weintraub, A. Murray, F. Barahona, Harvest Scheduling subject to maximum area restrictions: Exploring exact approaches, Operations Research 53 (2005), 490-500.
  43. L.M. Graña Drummond, N. Maculan, B.F. Svaiter, On the choice of parameters for weighting method in vector optimization, Mathematical Programming , to appear.
  44. C.M. Hino, D.P. Ronconi, A.B. Mendes, Minimizing earliness and tardiness penalties in a single-machine problem with a common due date, European Journal of Operational Research 160 (2005), 190-201.
  45. R. Hoto, M. Arenales, N. Maculan, The compartimentalised knapsack problem: a case study, European Journal of Operational Research , v. 183 (2007), 1183-1195.
  46. M.S. Kawamura, D.P. Ronconi, H.Yoshizaki, Optimizing transportation and storage of final products in the sugar and ethanol industry: a case study, International Transactions in Operational Research , v. 13 (2006), 425-439.
  47. S. Kucherenko, P. Belotti, L. Liberti, N. Maculan Filho, New formulations for the kissing number problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 155 (2007), 1793-1894.
  48. C.C. Lavor, L. Liberti, N. Maculan Filho, M.A.C. Nascimento, Solving Hartree-Fock systems with global optimization methods, Europhysics Letters, v. 77 (2007), 50006-p1-50006-p6, 2007.
  49. C.C. Lavor, L. Liberti, N. Maculan Filho, M.A.C. Nascimento, Reformulation in mathematical programming: An application to quantum chemistry, Discrete Applied Mathematics, to appear.
  50. A.D. Legues, J.A. Ferland, C.C.C. Ribeiro, J.R. Vega, A. Weintraub, A tabu search approach for solving a difficult forest harvesting machine location problem, European Journal of Operational Research, v. 179 (2007), 788-805.
  51. V.A. Leoni and G. L. Nasini, Note on: Aguilera, N., M. Escalante and G. Nasini, The Disjuntive Procedure and Blocker Duality. Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 150 (2005), 251-255.
  52. V.A. Leoni and G. L. Nasini, On the relationship between disjuctive relaxations and mi-nors in packing and covering problems. Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, v. 46-1 (2005), 11-22.
  53. L. Liberti, E. Amaldi, N. Maculan, F. Maffioli, Mathematical models and constructive heuristic for finding minimum fundamental cycle bases, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 15 (2005), 15-24.
  54. L. Liberti, C.C. Lavor, N. Maculan Filho, A branch-and-prune algorithm for the molecular distance geometry problem, International Transactions in Operational Research, v. 15 (2005), 1-17.
  55. L. Liberti, C.C. Lavor, N. Maculan Filho, F. Marinelli, Double variable neighbourhood search with smoothing for the molecular distance geometry problem, Journal of Global Optimization, to appear.
  56. A. Lima, C.C de Souza, G. Araujo and N.B. Moreano, The Datapath Merging Problem in Reconfigurable Systems: Lower Bounds and Heuristic Evaluation ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithms, Volume 10 (2005), Issue 2, 1-16.
  57. A. Lucena, Non Delayed Relax-and-Cut Algorithms, Annals of Operations Research, v. 140 (2005), 375-410.
  58. E.M. Macambira, N. Maculan, C. C. de Souza, A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment, Networks , 47 (2006)(3), 157-171.
  59. E.M. Macambira, N. Maculan, C. C. de Souza, A note on characterizing canonical cuts using geometry, International Transaction in Operations Research 12 (2005), 581-593.
  60. J. Marenco, A. Wagler, Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 25 (2006), 41-47.
  61. J. Marenco, A. Wagler, On the combinatorial structure of chromatic scheduling polytopes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154, 1865-1876, 2006.
  62. J. Marenco, A. Wagler, The combinatorial stages of chromatic scheduling polytopes, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19, 63-69, 2005.
  63. J. Marenco and A. Wagler, On the combinatorial structure of chromatic scheduling polytopes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(13) (2006) 1865-1876.
  64. J. Marenco and A. Wagler, Chromatic scheduling polytopes coming from the bandwidth allocation problem in point-to-multipoint radio access systems, Annals of Operations Research 150 (2007) 159-175.
  65. I. Méndez Díaz, P. Zabala, A Branch-and-Cut for Graph Coloring, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006), 826-847.
  66. I. Méndez Díaz and P. Zabala, A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring, Discrete Applied Mathematics v. 156 (2008), 159-179.
  67. I. Méndez Díaz, P. Zabala and A.Lucena, A new formulation to the Traveling Deliveryman Problem, Discrete Optimizaton, to appear.
  68. J. Miranda-Bront, I. Méndez-Díaz and G. Vulcano, A column generation algorithm for choice-based network revenue management, Operations Research , to appear.
  69. N. Moreano, E. Borin, C. C. de Souza and G. Araujo, Efficient Datapath Merging for Reconfigurable Architectures IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Volume 24 (2005), Issue 7, 969-980.
  70. M.J. Negreiros, A.E. Xavier, N. Maculan, A.F. Sampaio Xavier, P. Michelon, A Framework of Computational Systems and Optimization Models for the Prevention and Combat of Dengue, International Transaction in Operations Research , to appear.
  71. S. Nesmachnow, H. Cancela, and E. Alba, Evolutionary algorithms applied to reliable communication network design. Engineering Optimization, v. 39:7 (2007), 831-855.
  72. T.F. Noronha and C.C.C. Ribeiro, Routing and wavelength assignment by partition coloring, European Journal of Operational Research, v. 171 (2006), n. 3, 797-810.
  73. C.C.C. Ribeiro, D. Aloise, T.F. Noronha, C.T.M. Rocha, S. Urrutia, An efficient implementation of a VNS/ILS heuristic for a real-life car sequencing problem, European Journal of Operational Research, to appear.
  74. C.C.C. Ribeiro, D. Aloise, T.F. Noronha, C.T.M. Rocha, S. Urrutia, A hybrid heuristic for a multi-objective real-life car sequencing problem with painting and assembly line constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, to appear.
  75. C.C.C. Ribeiro, S.L. Martins and I.C.M. Rosseti, Metaheuristics for optimization problems in computer communications, > Computer Communications, v. 30 (2007), 656-669.
  76. C.C.C. Ribeiro and I.C.M. Rosseti, Efficient parallel cooperative implementations of GRASP heuristics, Parallel Computing, v. 33 (2007), 21-35.
  77. C.C.C. Ribeiro and S. Urrutia, Heuristics for the mirrored traveling tournament problem, European Journal of Operational Research, v. 17 (2007), 775-787.
  78. D.P. Ronconi, A branch-and-bound algorithm to minimize the makespan in a flowshop with blocking, Annals of Operations Research 138 (2005), 53-65.
  79. D.P. Ronconi, L.S. Henriques, Some heuristic algorithms for total tardiness minimization in a flowshop with blocking, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, to appear.
  80. M. M. Rodrigues, A. V. Moura, and C. C. de Souza, Vehicle and Crew Scheduling for Urban Bus Lines European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 170 (2006), Issue 3, 844-862.
  81. C.S. Sakuraba, D.P. Ronconi, F. Sourd, Scheduling in a two-machine flowshop for the minimization of the mean absolute deviation from a common due date, Computers and Operations Research, to appear.
  82. C.C. de Souza and E. Balas, The vertex separator problem: algorithms and computations, Mathematical Programming, Series A, Volume 103 (2005), Issue 3, 583-608.
  83. J.P. Vielma, A.T. Murray, D.M. Ryan, A. Weintraub, Improving computational capabilities for addressing volume constraints in forest harvest scheduling problems, European Journal of Operational Research , 176(2): 1246-1264 (2007)
  84. A. Weintraub, A.T. Murray, Review of combinatorial problems induced by spatial forest harvesting planning, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006), 867-879.
  85. A. Weintraub, Integer programming in forestry, Ann. Oper. Res. 149 (2007), 209-216.
  86. T.H. Yunes, A.V. Moura, and C.C. de Souza, Hybrid column generation approaches for solving real world crew management problems. Transportation Science 39 (2005), 273-288.

Publications in International Conference Proceedings

  1. N. E. Aguilera, V. A. Leoni and G. Nasini, Combinatorial flexibility problems and their computational complexity, Proceedings of LAGOS 2007, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , to appear.
  2. G. Argiroffo and S. Bianchi, The nonidealness index of circulant matrices, Proceedings of LAGOS 2007, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics , to appear.
  3. G. Argiroffo, S. Bianchi and G. Nasini, Lehman's equation on near-ideal clutters, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 219-224.
  4. D. Artigas, M.C. Dourado and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Convex Partitions of Graphs, Proceedings of the European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, Eurocomb 2007, Volume 29, 147-151, 2007.
  5. J.-C. Bermond, R. Corrêa, M. Yu, Gathering algorithms on paths under interference constraints. Algorithms and complexity, 115--126, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 3998, Springer, Berlin, 2006.
  6. M. Campêlo, V. Campos and R. Corrêa, On the asymmetric representatives formulation for the vertex coloring problem, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 337-343.
  7. H. Cancela, J. Coll, D. Costanzo and M. Rodríguez, Modelos de confiabilidad diámetro-acotada para optimizar búsquedas en redes P2P, CLEI 2006, Santiago, Chile, August 2006. Proceedings in CD, published by CLEI (Centro Lat. de Estudios en Informatica).
  8. H. Cancela, F. Robledo and G. Rubino, Designing low-cost access network topologies, Proceedings of the INOC 2005 (International Network Optimization Conference), March 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 825-832.
  9. H. Cancela and P. Rodríguez-Bocca, Optimization of cache expiration dates in content networks. 3rd International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, Riverside, California, USA, sept 2006; Proceedings edited by IEEE.
  10. H. Cancela, B. Tuffin and G. Rubino, New measures of robustness in rare event simulation, Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, M.E. Kuhl, N.M. Steiger, F.B. Armstrong, J.A. Joines, eds. December 4-7 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA, Proceedings edited by IEEE.
  11. V. F. Cavalcante and C.C. de Souza, Lagrangian relaxation and cutting planes for the vertex separator problem. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies (ESCAPE 2007), Hangzhou, China, April 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4614, 471-482.
  12. M.R. Cerioli and P. Petito, Forbidden subgraph characterization of split graphs that are UEH, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 305-311.
  13. M. Couto, C.C. de Souza and P.J. de Rezende, An Exact and Efficient Algorithm for the Orthogonal Art Gallery Problem. Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI 2007), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, October 2007, pages 87-94, IEEE Computer Society.
  14. A. S. da Cunha and A. Lucena, Algorithms for the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2005), 403-409.
  15. A.R. Duarte, C.C.C. Ribeiro, S. Urrutia, E.H. Haeusler, Referee assignment in sports leagues, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3867 (2007) 158-173.
  16. E.L.R. Fernandes and C. C. Ribeiro, A multistart constructive heuristic for sequencing by hybridization using adaptive memory, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 41-47.
  17. E.L.R. Fernandes and C. C. Ribeiro, Using an adaptive memory strategy to improve a multistart heuristic for sequencing by hybridization, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3503 (2005), 4-15.
  18. C.G. Fernandes, C.E. Ferreira, C. Tjandraatmadja and Y. Wakabayashi, A polyhedral investigation of the LCS problem and a repetition-free variant. In: 8th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, 2008, Armação de Buzios, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Verlag, v. 4957 (2008),. 329-338.
  19. I. Loiseau and N. Maculan, Rings Network Design, Anales del XIII Congreso Latino-Iberomaericano de Investigación Operativa, (2006), 362.
  20. J. Marenco and A. Wagler, The combinatorial stages of chromatic scheduling polytopes, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005), 63-69.
  21. A. Mauttone and M. E. Urquhart, A multi-objective metaheuristic approach for the Transit Network Design Problem, 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport (CASPT 06), Leeds, UK, June 21-23, 2006.
  22. I. Méndez Diaz, P. Zabala and A. Lucena, Cotas inferiores para el Problema del Repartidor, Proceedings of XIII CLAIO, 2007.
  23. I. Méndez Diaz and P. Zabala, A new formulation to the Traveling Deliveryman Problem. Annals of CTW2005- Cologne/Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, 2005.
  24. T.F. Noronha, C.C.C. Ribeiro and A.C. Santos, Constraint programming for the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
  25. T.F. Noronha, C.C.C. Ribeiro, G. Durán, S. Sourys and A. Weintraub, A branch-and-cut algorithm for scheduling the highly-constrained Chilean soccer tournament, PATAT 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3867 (2007), 174-186.
  26. D. Piguet and M. Stein, An approximate version of the Loebl-Komlós-Sós conjecture, Proceedings of the European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, Eurocomb 2007, Volume 29, 249-253, 2007.
  27. R.A. Pereira, A.V. Moura and C.C. de Souza, Comparative experiments with GRASP and constraint programming for the oil well drilling problem, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop Experimental and Efficient Algorithms (WEA 2005), Santorini, Greece, May 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3503, 328-340.
  28. C.C.C. Ribeiro and S. Urrutia, Scheduling the Brazilian soccer tournament with fairness and broadcast objectives, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3867 (2007), 149-159.
  29. P. Rodríguez Bocca and H. Cancela, A mathematical programming formulation of optimal cache expiration dates in content networks, Proceedings of the IFIP/ACM Latin America Networking Conference (LANC) 2005, Cali, Colombia, October 2005.

Editorial Work

  1. L. Liberti and N. Maculan (eds.), Global optimization: from theory to implementation, Springer, March 2006, 428 p.

Submitted Manuscripts

  1. G. Argiroffo and S. Bianchi, On the set covering polyhedron of circulant matrices.
  2. G.R. Argiroffo, S.M. Bianchi, G.L. Nasini, Some insights into characterizations of minimally nonideal matrices.
  3. A. Fujita, J.R. Sato, M.C. Sogayar, C.E. Ferreira, Non parametric regression and canonical correlation analysis in tumor classification.
  4. M. Maceratessi, F. Abramzom, O. Quevedo, I. Loiseau, A Tabu Search Based Heuristic for the Yellow Pages Pagination Problem.
  5. J. Marenco, New facets of the mapping polytope, Discrete Applied Mathematics.
  6. J. Marenco and A. Wagler, Cycle-based facets of chromatic scheduling polytopes, Discrete Optimization.
  7. J. Marenco and A. Wagler, Facets of chromatic scheduling polytopes based on covering cliques, Discrete Optimization.
  8. I. Méndez Diaz and P. Zabala, The (k,k-1) coloring problem.
  9. I. Méndez Diaz and P. Zabala, Solving the (k, c, r)-coloring problem using integer programming.
  10. I. Méndez Díaz, G. Nasini, P. Zabala, The disjunctive rank and cutting plane algorithms using of facets of the linear ordering polytope.
  11. D.P. Ronconi, M.S.Kawamura, A branch-and-bound algorithm to minimize earliness and tardiness in a single machine scheduling problem.
  12. M.C. Santoro, D.P. Ronconi, Modeling the transportation and warehousing of potassium in the fertilizer industry: a Brazilian case study.

Y. Wakabayashi <>
Last modified: Thu Feb 14 19:02:20 BRST 2008