Otimização Discreta e Grafos: Teoria, Algoritmos e
Proc. no. 490333/04-4 -- January/2005 to January 2008
Publications of Group G6 (since January 2005)
[Graph Theory: structural, algorithmic and asymptotic
Members: * Jayme L. Szwarcfiter (UFRJ) * Celina M.H. de
Figueiredo (UFRJ) * Fábio Protti (UFRJ) * Sulamita Klein (UFRJ) * Márcia R.
Ceriolli (UFRJ) * Claudson Ferreira Bornstein (UFRJ) * Luérbio Faria (UERJ -
UFRJ) * José Coelho de Pina Jr. (USP) * Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP) * Cláudia
Linhares Sales (UFC) * Orlando Lee (UNICAMP) * Cláudio Lucchesi (UNICAMP) *
Célia Mello (UNICAMP) * Marcos Kiwi (U. de Chile, Chile) * Ivan Rappaport (U.
de Chile, Chile) * Martin Matamala (U. de Chile, Chile) * G. Duran (U. de
Chile, Chile) * Carmen Ortiz (U. A. Ibañez, Chile) * Monica Villanueva (U. de
Santiago, Chile) * Alfredo Viola (U. de la Republica, Uruguay) * Flavia Bonomo
(UBA, Argentina) * Min Chih Lin (UBA, Argentina) * Javier Marenco
(UBA, Argentina) * Marisa Gutierrez (UNLP, Argentina)
* Liliana Alcon (UNLP, Argentina)
Publications in Journals
- G. Acosta, S. Guala and J. Marenco, Dynamics of a minority game with an
additional layer of interaction, Physica A 387 (2008), 567-572.
- L. Alcón, M. R. Cerioli, C. M. H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez and
J. Meidanis, Cycles and asteroidal sets in Loop Graphs. Actas de la
Academia Nacional de Ciencias, v. XIII, p. 41-49, 2007.
- L. Alcón, M. R. Cerioli, C. M. H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez and
J. Meidanis, Tree loop graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007),
no. 6-7, 686-694.
- N. Alon, Y. Kohayakawa, C. Mauduit, C.G. Moreira, and V.
Rödl, Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: minimal
values, Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing, v. 15, n.
1-2, p. 1-29, 2006.
- N. Alon, Y. Kohayakawa, C. Mauduit, C.G. Moreira, and V.
Rödl, Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: typical
values. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society,
v. 95, p. 778-812, 2007.
- B. Bollobas, Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rodl, M. Schacht, A. Taraz,
Essentially infinite colourings of hypergraphs, Proceedings of
the London Mathematical Society, v. 95, p. 709-734, 2007.
- F. Bonomo, Self-clique Helly circular-arc graphs, Discrete Mathematics
306(6) (2006), 595-597.
- F. Bonomo, M. Cecowski, Between coloring and list-coloring: µ-coloring,
Ars Combinatoria, to appear.
- F. Bonomo, M. Chudnovsky and G. Durán, Partial characterizations of clique-perfect
graphs I: subclasses of claw-free graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
to appear.
- F. Bonomo, M. Chudnovsky and G. Durán, Partial characterizations of clique-perfect
graphs II: diamond-free and Helly circular-arc graphs, Discrete Mathematics,
to appear.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, M. Lin and J. Szwarcfiter, On Balanced
Graphs, Mathematical Programming 105 (2006), 233-250.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, M. Groshaus and J. Szwarcfiter, On clique-perfect and
K-perfect graphs, Ars Combinatoria 80 (2006), 97-112.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán and M. Groshaus, Coordinated graphs and clique graphs
of clique-Helly perfect graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 72 (2007),
- C. Bornstein, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, V.G.P. de Sá, The pair completion
algorithm for the homogeneous set sandwich problem, Inform. Process. Lett.
98 (2006), no. 3, 87--91.
- P. Burzyn, F. Bonomo and G. Durán, NP-completeness results for edge modification
problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(13) (2006),
- C.N. Campos, C.P. de Mello, A result on the total colouring of powers
of cycles, Discrete Appl. Math. 155 (2007), no. 5, 585--597.
- R. Carmo, T. Feder, Y. Kohayakawa, E. Laber, R. Motwani, Liadan
O'Callaghan, Rina Panigrahy, and Dilys Thomas, Combinatorial Theory
(B), 96 (2006), 315-324.
- M.H. Carvalho, C.L. Lucchesi and U.S.R. Murty, How to build a brick,
Discrete Mathematics, v. 306, p. 2383-2410, 2006.
- M.H. Carvalho, C.L. Lucchesi, and U.S.R. Murty, Graphs with independent
perfect matchings, Journal of Graph Theory 48 (2005), 19-50.
- M. H. Carvalho, C. L. Lucchesi and U. S. R. Murty, On the number of dissimilar
Pfaffian orientations of Graphs, Theoretical Informatics and Applications
39 (2005), 93-113.
- M.R. Cerioli and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Characterizing Intersection
Graphs of Substars of a Stars, Ars Combinatoria, v. 79, p. 21-31,
- M.R. Cerioli, L. Faria, T.O. Ferreira, C.A.J. Martinhon, F. Protti,
and B. Reed, Partition into Cliques for Cubic Graphs: Planar Case,
Complexity and an Approximation Algorithm. Discrete Applied Mathematics
, to appear.
- M.R. Cerioli, F.S. Oliveira and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Extreme
cliques in interval graphs, Ars Combinatoria, , to appear.
- R. Correa adn J.L. Szwarcfiter, Linear Extensions,
Upsets and Downsets of Ordered Sets, Discrete Mathematics,
v. 295, p. 13-30, 2005.
- S. Curran, O. Lee, and X. Yu, Non-separating planar chains in 4-connected
graphs, SIAM J. Discr. Math. 19 (2005), 399-419 (electronic).
- S. Curran, O. Lee and X. Yu, Chain decompositions of 4-connected
graphs, SIAM J. Discr. Math., 19 (2005), 848-880 (electronic).
- S. Curran, O. Lee and X. Yu, Finding four independent trees, SIAM J.
Comp., SIAM J. Comp. 35 (2006), 1023-1058.
- M.D. da Silva, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Applying Modular
Decomposition to Parameterized Cluster Editing Problems, Theory of
Computing Systems, to appear.
- S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Gravier and S. Klein, Extended skew
partition problem, Discrete Math. 306 (2006), no. 19-20, 2438--2449.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, G. D. da Fonseca, V.G.P. de Sá and J. Spinrad,
Algorithms for the homogeneous set sandwich problem, Algorithmica
46 (2006), no. 2, 149--180
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, C.T. Hoàng, F. Maffray, A characterization of
$P\sb 4$-comparability graphs, Discrete Math. 306 (2006),
no. 19-20, 2461--2472.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, V.G.P. de Sá, Note on the homogeneous set sandwich
problem, Inform. Process. Lett. 93 (2005), no. 2, 75--81.
- F.C. Delicato, L. Pirmez, F. Protti, and J. L. Rezende, An
Efficient Heuristic for Selecting Active Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks,
Computer Networks, 50, 18 (2006) 3701-3720.
- C. De Simone and C.P. de Mello, Edge-colouring of join graphs,
Theoretical Computer Science, 355 (2006), 364-370.
- S. Dantas, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Gravier and S. Klein, Extended skew
partition problem, Discrete Mathematics, > v. 306 (2006), 2438-2449.
- C.P. de Mello, A. Morgana and M. Liverani, The clique operator on
graphs with few $P\sb 4$'s, Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006),
no. 3, 485--492.
- V.M.F. Dias, C.M.H. de Figueiredo and
J.L. Szwarcfiter, Generating Bicliques of a Graph in Lexicographic
Order, Theoretical Computer Science, v. 37,
p. 240-248, 2005.
- V.M.F. Dias, C.M.H. de Figueiredo and
J.L. Szwarcfiter, On the generation of bicliques of a
graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 155, p. 1826-1832, 2007.
- P. Dobson, M. Gutierrez, M. Habib and
J.L. Szwarcfiter, On transitive orientations with restricted
covering graphs, Information Processing Letters,
v. 101, p. 119-125, 2007.
- P. Dobson, M. Gutierrez, M. Habib and
J.L. Szwarcfiter, Characterizations of Treelike Comparability
Graphs, Congressus Numerantium, v. 182, p. 23-32, 2006.
- J. Donadelli, P.E. Haxell, and Y. Kohayakawa, A note on the size-Ramsey
number of long subdivisions of graphs, Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 39 (2005), no. 1, 191-206.
- M.C. Dourado, J.G. Gimbel, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On the
Computation of the Hull Number of a Graph, Discrete Mathematics, to
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Computational
Aspects of the Helly Property: a Survey, Journal
of the Brazilian Computer Society, 12,1 (2006) 7-33.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On the strong
p-Helly property, Discrete Applied Mathematics,, to appear.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, The
Helly property on subfamilies of limited size, Information
Processing Letters 93,2 (2005) 53-56.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Complexity
Aspects of Generalized Helly Hypergraphs, Information
Processing Letters 99 (2006) 13-18.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti and J.L. Szwarcfiter,
Characterization and recognition of generalized clique-Helly
graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, v. 155,
p. 2435-2443, 2007.
- G. Durán, A. Gravano, R. McConnell, J. Spinrad and A. Tucker, Polynomial
time recognition of unit circular-arc graphs, Journal of Algorithms
58 (2006), 67-78.
- G. Durán, M. Lin, S. Mera and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Algorithms for clique-independent
sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics
154(13) (2006), 1783-1790.
- G. Duran, M.C. Lin, S. Mera and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Algorithms
for finding clique transversals of graphs, Annals of
Operations Research, v. 157 (1) (2008), 37-45.
- N. Eaton, Z. Füredi, A. Kostochka, J. Skokan, Tree representations of
graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 22(4), 2007,
1087-1098. [Skokan: posdoc]
- H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Klein and B. Reed, The
perfection and recognition of bull-reducible Berge graphs.
Theor. Inform. Appl. 39 (2005), no. 1, 145--160.
- M. H. C. Fampa, S. Klein, F. Protti, and D.C.A. Rêgo, Optimal
Grid Representations, Networks 44 (2004) 187-193.
- L. Faria, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Gravier, C.F.X. Mendonça,
J. Stolfi, On maximum planar induced
subgraphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006), no. 13, 1774--1782.
- L. Faria, C.M.H. Figueiredo, S. Klein and R. Sritharan, On the
complexity of the sandwich problems for strongly chordal graphs and chordal
bipartite graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, v. 381 (2007), 57-67.
- M. Ferrara, Y. Kohayakawa, and V.Rödl, Distance graphs on the integers,
Combinatorics, Probability, and Computing 14 (2005), no. 1-2, 107-131.
- Shinya Fujita, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Claudio Leonardo
Lucchesi, Katsuhiro Ota, Michael D. Plummer and Akira Saito. A pair of
forbidden subgraphs and perfect matchings, Journal of
Combinatorial Theory (B), 96 (2006), 315-324.
- S. Gerke, Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rödl, and A. Steger, Small
subsets inherit sparse \epsilon-regularity, Journal of
Combinatorial Theory Series B, v. 97, p. 34-56, 2007.
- M. Groshaus and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Biclique-Helly graphs, Graphs
and Combinatorics, , to appear.
- M. Groshaus and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On hereditary Helly
classes of graphs, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science (Online), to appear.
- P.E. Haxell, T. Luczak, Y. Peng, V. Rödl, A. Rucinski, M. Simonovits,
J. Skokan, The Ramsey number for hypergraph cycles I.,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 113(1), 2006, pp. 67-83. [Skokan: posdoc]
- P. Hell, S. Klein, L.T. Nogueira, and F. Protti, List Matrix Partitions
of Chordal Graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 349 (2005)
- P. Hell, S. Klein, L.T. Nogueira, and F. Protti, Partitioning
Chordal Graphs into Independent Sets and Cliques, Discrete
Applied Mathematics141 (2004) 185-194.
- P. Hell, S. Klein, L.T. Nogueira, and F. Protti, Packing
r-cliques in Weighted Chordal Graphs, Annals
of Operations Research 138 (2005)
- K. Kawarabayashi, O. Lee, and X. Yu, Non-separating paths with prescribed
ends in 4-connected graphs, Annals of Combinatorics 9
(2005), 47-56.
- S.J. Kim, K. Nakprasit, M. Pelsmajer, J. Skokan,
Transversal numbers of translates of a convex body,
Discrete Mathematics 306 (18), 2006, 2166-2173. [Skokan: posdoc]
- S. Klein, H. Everett, C.M.H. de Figueiredo and B. Reed, The perfection
and recognition of bull-reducible Berge graphs, RAIRO - Informatique
Théorique et Applications, França, v. 39 (2005), 145-160.
- S. Klein, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, S. Dantas, S. Gravier, Finding
H-partitions efficiently, RAIRO - Informatique Théorique et Applications,
França, v. 39 (2005), 133-144.
- S. Klein, P. Hell, L.T. Nogueira and F. Protti, Packing r-cliques in
weighted chordal graphs, Annals of Operational Research, Netherlands,
v. 138 (2005), 179-187.
- S. Klein, T. Feder, P. Hell, L.T. Nogueira and F. Protti, List
Partitions of Chordal Graphs, Theoretical Computer Science,
v. 349 (2005), 52-66.
- Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rödl, M. Schacht, P. Sissokho, J. Skokan,
Turán's Theorem for pseudorandom graphs,
J. Combin. Th. Series A 114(4), 2007, pp. 631-657.
- L.A.B. Kowada, R. Portugal and C.M.H. de Figueiredo, Reversible
Karatsuba's algorithm, J. UCS 12 (2006), no. 5, 499--511 (electronic).
- M.C. Lin and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Unit circular-arc graph
representations and feasible circulations, SIAM Journal on
Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
- M.C. Lin and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Faster recognition of
clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly graphs, Information
Processing Letters, v. 103, p. 40-43, 2007.
- M. Liverani, A. Morgana, C.P. de Mello,The $K$-behaviour of $p$-trees.
Ars Combin. 83 (2007), 33--45.
- M. Matamala, Vertex partitions and maximum degenerate subgraphs, , v. 55 (2007), Issue 3, 227-232.
- Y. Peng, V. Rödl, J. Skokan, Counting small cliques in 3-uniform
hypergraphs, Combinatorics, Probability, Computing, 14(3), 2005,
371-413. [Skokan: posdoc]
- P.E.D. Pinto, F. Protti, and J. L. Szwarcfiter, Parity Codes, RAIRO-Theoretical
Informatics and Applications 39 (2005)
- F. Protti and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On the complexity of the
geodetic and convexity numbers of a graph, Lecture Notes of the
Ramanujan Mathematical Society, to appear.
- V. Rödl, B. Nagle, J. Skokan, M. Schacht, and Y. Kohayakawa, The hypergraph
regularity method and its applications, Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences (USA), 102 (23), 2005, 8109-8113.
- M.J. Stein, Arboricity and tree-packing in locally finite graphs,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 96 (2006), no. 2, 302-312. [Stein: posdoc]
- M.J. Stein, Forcing highly connected subgraphs. J. Graph Theory
54 (2007), no. 4, 331-349. [Stein: posdoc]
- R.B. Teixeira and C.M.H. de Figueiredo, The sandwich problem for
cutsets: clique cutset, k-star cutset, Discrete Appl. Math. 154
(2006), no. 13, 1791--1798.
Publications in International Conference
- A. Abouelaoualim and K. Ch. Das and L. Faria and Y. Manoussakis and
C. Martinhon and R. Saad, Paths and Trails in Edge-Colored Graphs,
Proceedings of the 8th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium
(LATINÇ2008), Lecture Notres in Computer Science to appear.
- L. Alcón, M.R. Cerioli, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez and J. Meidanis,
Non Loop Graphs with induced Cycles,
Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics
(GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19, 2005,
- L. Alcón, M.R. Cerioli, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez and J. Meidanis,
Loop Graphs with Asteroidals Sets,
Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory (ICGT’05),
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22, 2005, 289-295.
- L. Alcón, L. Farias, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez,
Clique Graph recognition is NP-Complete,
Proceedings of the 32th International Workshop on Graph Theory Concepts in Computer Science (WG’06),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science to appear.
- L. Alcón, L. Faria, C.M..H. de Figueiredo and M. Gutierrez,
On maximizing clique, clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly
induced subgraphs, Proceedings of IV Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and
Optimization Symposium, (LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics to appear.
- J. Barrionuevo, A. Calvo, G. Durán and F. Protti, New advances
about a conjecture on Helly circle graphs, Proceedings of the Latin
American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs and Applications (LACGA
2004), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
18 (2004), 31-36.
- F. Bonomo and M. Cecowski, Between coloring and list-coloring:
Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs,
Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in
Discrete Mathematics 19, 2005, 117-123.
- F. Bonomo, M. Chudnovsky and G. Durán, Partial characterizations
of clique-perfect
graphs, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms
and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
19 (2005), 95-101.
- F. Bonomo and G. Durán, Characterization and recognition of Helly circular-arc
clique-perfect graphs, Proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium on
Graph Theory (ICGT 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
22 (2005), 147-150.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, L.N. Grippo and M.D. Safe, Partial characterizations
of circular-arc graphs, Proceedings of the IV Latin-American Graphs and Optimization
Symposium (LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
30 (2008), 45-50.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán and J. Marenco, Exploring the complexity boundary between
coloring and list-coloring, Proceedings of the Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW 2006), Electronic Notes in
Discrete Mathematics (2006).
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, F. Soulignac and G. Sueiro, Partial characterizations
of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs,
Proceedings of the IV Latin-American Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS
2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30 (2008), 51-56.
- C.F. Bornstein, E.S. Laber and M.A.F. Más,
Randomized mechanisms for limited supply multi-item auctions, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms
and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics 19 (2005), 141-147.
- F.C. Botelho, Y. Kohayakawa, and N. Ziviani, A practical minimal perfect
hashing method, Proceedings of the fourth International Workshop on Experimental
and Efficient Algorithms (WEA 2005), Santorini Island, Greece (S.E. Nikoletseas,
ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3503, Springer, 2005,
488-500. Computer Science, vol. 3059 (2004), pp. 175-190.
- P. Burzyn, F. Bonomo and G. Durán., Computational complexity of edge modification
problems in different classes of graphs, Proceedings of the Latin American
Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs and Applications (LACGA 2004), Electronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics 18 (2004), 41-46.
- D. Carvalho, F.M.G. França, and F. Protti, A
Novel Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Resource Sharing under
Near-heavy Load, OPODIS
2004 - 8th Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems. Grenoble, France,
december 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3544 (2004).
- M.R. Cerioli, L. Faria, T.O. Ferreira, and F. Protti, On
Minimum Clique Partition and Maximum Independent Set in Unit
Disk Graphs and Penny Graphs: Complexity and Approximation, LACGA'2004
- Latin-American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs
and Applications. Santiago, Chile, august 2004. Eletronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 18, Elsevier.
- M.R. Cerioli and P.C. Petito. Forbidden subgraph characterization of
split graphs that are UEH. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Graphs,
Algorithms and Combinatorics, (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics, 19 (2005) 305-311.
- M.R. Cerioli, F.S. Oliveira, and J.L. Szwarcfiter. Linear-interval
dimension and PI orders. Proceedings of the Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs
and Optimization Symposium, (LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics, to appear.
- M.R. Cerioli and P.C. Petito. Clique-coloring UE and UEH graphs.
Proceedings of the Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization
Symposium, (LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,
to appear.
- C.M.H. de Figueiredo, F. Maffray, M. Villela and R. Claudia, Even pairs
in bull-reducible graphs. Graph theory in Paris,
179--195, Trends Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 2007.
- S. D. de Souza, and L. Faria, L.,
On Stubborn sandwich problems, Proceedings of the
International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information
(ICCGI'2007), IEEE Computer Society (2007), 46-52.
- D. Dellamonica Jr. and Y. Kohayakawa, An algorithmic
Friedman-Pippenger theorem on tree embeddings and applications to
routing (extended abstract), Proceedings of the 17th Annual
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2006. p.
- D. Dellamonica Jr, Y. Kohayakawa, V. Rodl and A> Rucinski,
Universality of random graphs, Proceedings of the 19th ACM-SIAM
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, (SODA), 2008, to appear.
- F. C. Delicato, L. Pirmez, F. Protti, J. F. Rezende, and L. Rust,
Aplication-Driven Node Management in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks, ICN
2005 - 4th International Conference on Networking. Reunion Island, april
2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
3420 (2005) 569-576.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, The
Helly Property on Subhypergraphs, GRACO'2005
- Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms
and Combinatorics, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, april 2005. Eletronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005) 71-77.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Algorithmic Aspects of
Monophonic Convexity, LAGOS'07 - IV Latin-American Graphs, Algorithms and
Optimization Symposium, Puerto Varas, Chile,november 2007, Eletronic
Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti, and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On the Computation of
some Parameters Related to Convexity of Graphs, ICDM 2006 -
International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Bangalore,
India, december 2006, Proceedings, pp. 102-112.
- G. Durán, M. Lin, S. Mera and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Clique-independent sets of
Helly circular-arc graphs, Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on
Combinatorics, Graphs and Applications (LACGA 2004), Electronic Notes
in Discrete Mathematics 18 (2004), 103-108.
- G. Durán, M. Lin, S. Mera and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Algorithms for finding
clique-transversals of graphs, accepted to Annals of Operations
- L. Faria, A. R. de Lyra and C. A. de J. Martinhon,
On the 3SAT instance expected optimum value. Proceedings of the 38th
Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
Computing, Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph
Theory, and Computing, 2007.
- A. L. P. Guedes, L. Markenzon and L. FARIA, Flow hypergraph
reducibility. Proceedings of IV Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and
Optimization Symposium, (LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics, to appear.
- M. Gutierrez, S. Tondato and J.L. Szwarcfiter , A forbidden
subgraph characterization of path graphs, Proceedings of the
Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics
(GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
19, 2005, 281-287.
- M. Gutierrez, J. L. Szwaecfiter and S. Tondato, Clique trees of
chordal graphs: leafage and 3-asteroidal, Proceedings of IV
Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium,
(LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
to appear.
- M. Kiwi, A concentration bound for the longest increasing subsequence of
a randomly chosen involution, Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006), no. 13,
- M. Kiwi, M. Loebl and J. Matousek, Expected length of the longest common
subsequence for large alphabets, Adv. Math. 197 (2005), no. 2,
- S. Klein, S. Dantas, C.P. de Mello and A. Morgana, The P4-sparse Graph
Sandwich Problem. In: 7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory, 2005,
Hyeres-França, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 22
(2005), 185-188.
- S. Klein, R.S. Francisco and L.T. Nogueira, Characterizing
(k,l)-partitionable Cographs. In: 7th International Colloquium on Graph
Theory, 2005, Hyeres-França, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics,
v. 22 (2005), 277-280.
- S. Klein, N.C. dos Santos and J.L. Szwarcfiter, A representation for the
modular-pairs of a P4-reducible graph. In: 7th International Colloquium on
Graph Theory, 2005, Hyeres-França, Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics, v. 22 (2005), 267-270.
- Y. Kohayakawa, M. Simonovits, and J. Skokan, The 3-colored Ramsey
number of odd cycles, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005),
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 19 (2005),
- E. Moreno and M. Matamala, Minimal Eulerian circuit in a labeled
digraph, LATIN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , v. 3887
(2006), 737-744.
- O. Lee and A. Williams, Packing dicycle covers in planar graphs
with no K_5-e minor. Proceedings of the 7th Latin American
Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN'06), Valdivia,
Chile. Lecture Notes in Comp. Science 3887 (2006),
- M. Lin, R. McConnell, F. Soulignac and J.L. Szwarcfiter, On
cliques of Helly circular-arc graphs. Proceedings of IV
Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium,
(LAGOS 2007), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to
- M. Lin, F. Soulignac and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Proper Helly
Circular-Arc Graphs. Proceedings of the 33rd International
Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
(WG'07), Dornburg, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 4769 (2007), 248-257.
- M. Lin and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Efficient Construction of Unit
Circular-Arc Models. Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM-SIAM
symposium on Discrete algorithm (SODA'06), Miami, EEUU, (2006),
- M. Lin and J. Szwarcfiter, Characterizations and linear time
recognition of helly circular-arc graphs. Proceedings of the 12th
Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
(COCOON'06), Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences
4112 (2006), 73-82.
- M. Lin and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Linear Time Recognition and
Representation of Unit Circular-Arc Graphs, SIAM
Journal on Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
- M. Matamala and J. Zamora,
A new family of K-divergent graphs, Proceedings of the Second Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms
and Combinatorics (GRACO 2005), Electronic Notes in Discrete
Mathematics 19 (2005), 357-363
- A. Miranda and C.L. Lucchesi, A Polynomial Time Algorithm for
Recognizing Near-Bipartite Pfaffian Graphs. In: IV Latin-American
Algorithms, Graphs and Algorithms (LAGOS 2007),
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
- F. Protti, M.D. da Silva, and J.L.Szwarcfiter, Applying Modular
Decomposition to Parameterized Bicluster Editing, IWPEC 2006 - The Second
International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation, Zürich,
Switzerland, september 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
4169 (2006) 1-12.
- C.N. Silva and C.L. Lucchesi, Flow Critical Graphs. In: IV
Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Algorithms (LAGOS 2007),
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, to appear.
Editorial Work
- J.R. Correa, A. Hevia and Marcos Kiwi (eds). LATIN 2006: Theoretical
informatics. Proceedings of the 7th Latin American Symposium held in
Valdivia, March 20--24, 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
3887. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006. xvi+814.
- G. Durán, T. Liebling and M. Matamala,
Traces of the Latin American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs
and Applications: A selection of papers from LACGA 2004, Santiago, Chile.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, (Elsevier Science Publishers) 154(13), 1771-1772, 2006.
- P. Feofiloff, C.M.H. de Figueiredo and Y. Wakabayashi (editors) Preface[
Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and
Combinatorics]. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, (Elsevier
Science Publishers) 19, 1-7, 2005.
- Th. Liebling, J.L. Szwarcfiter, G. Durán and M. Matamala (editors)
Preface [Proceedings of the IV Latin-American Graphs and Optimization Symposium].
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, (Elsevier Science Publishers)
30, 1-2, 2008.
Submitted Manuscripts
- L. Álcon, L. Faria, C. M. H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez, The
complexity of clique graph recognition.
- M. Barros, P. Lima, F. Protti e E.
Schmitz, Automated Transformation of XML Instances.
- F. Bonomo and M. Cecowski, Between coloring and list-coloring: mu-coloring,
Ars Combinatoria (2006).
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán, L.N. Grippo and M.D. Safe, Partial characterizations
of circular-arc graphs, Journal of Graph Theory.
- F. Bonomo, G. Durán and J. Marenco, Exploring the complexity boundary
between coloring and list-coloring, Annals of Operations Research.
- F. Bonomo G. Durán, F. Soulignac and G. Sueiro, Partial characterizations
of coordinated graphs: line graphs and complements of forests, Mathematical
Methods of Operations Research.
- F. Bonomo G. Durán, F. Soulignac and G. Sueiro, Partial characterizations
of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: superclasses of triangle-free graphs,
Discrete Applied Mathematics.
- S. Dantas, E. Eschen, L. Faria, C. M. H. de Figueiredo and S. Klein,
2K2 vertex-set partition into nonemptyparts.
- C. M. H. de Figueiredo, M. C. Dourado, P. Petito, R. B. Teixeira,
Helly property, clique graphs, complementary graph classes, and sandwich
- C. M. H. de Figueiredo and R. Machado, On breadth first search and
graph diameter bounds.
- C. M. H. de Figueiredo, L. A. B. Kowada, C. Lavor and R. Portugal, A
new quantum algorithm to solve the minimum searching problem.
- M.C. Dourado, F. Protti e J.L.
Szwarcfiter, On Helly Hypergraphs with Predescribed Intersection Sizes.
- L. Faria, C. M. H. de Figueiredo, O. Sýkora and I. Vrto, An
improved upper bound on the crossing number of the hypercube.
- K. Kawarabayashi, B. Reed and O. Lee, Removable cycles in nonbipartite graphs.
- M. Lin and J.L. Szwarcfiter, Characterizations and recognition of
circular-arc graphs and subclasses: a survey, Discrete Mathematics.
- P.E.D. Pinto, F. Protti e J.L. Szwarcfiter, Exact and Experimental
Algorithms for a Huffman-based Error Detecting Code.
Y. Wakabayashi
Last modified: Tue Feb 26 12:39:56 BRT 2008