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Estatistica e Probabilidade

   Caros colegas da ABE.

    Segue mensagem que recebi do Claudio Landim.

Caros Colegas,

É com enorme satisfação que anuncio o lancamento de ALEA, uma revista
eletrônica de probabilidade e estatística matemática.

A política editorial, a lista de editores associados e os procedimentos
para submissão de artigos podem ser encontrados na página


Abraco, claudio

Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Editorial Policy

ALEA publishes research articles in probability theory, stochastic processes,
mathematical statistics, and their applications. It publishes also review
articles of subjects which developed considerably in recent years. All articles
submitted go through a rigorous refereeing process by peers and are published
immediately after accepted.

ALEA is an electronic journal of the Latin-American probability and statistical
community which provides open access to all of its content and uses only free
programs. It is supported by IMPA and Instituto do Milênio.