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Workshop SPRUCE

Atendendo a pedidos da Profa. Antonia, anexo informação sobre
workshop SPRUCE do ano que vem.


Advanced Workshop
Spatial/Temporal Modelling

Hotel Estoril Eden, Monte Estoril, Portugal
24-27 March 2004

If you wish to attend this workshop, please complete this registration form 
and send it back to us with the appropriate fees by 1 February 2004. Bookings 
received later than 1 February 2004 are subject to the late registration fee. 
Registration will be confirmed by e-mail or fax, upon receiving of the 
registration form and the fee.

Personal Details
Phone:_____________Fax _____________Email_______________________
Do you wish to make a presentation? 	Yes/No
I wish my presentation to be		Poster/Oral
Abstract enclosed/attached 		Yes/No
Title of proposed presentation ______________________________________

Special Requiremnts
Do you have any special dietary requirements? ________________________
Do you have any other special requirements? __________________________

Workshop Registration Fee
Postmarked before 1 February 2004:		220 Euros 
Postmarked after 1 February 2004:  		250 Euros 

The conference fee includes lunches, conference dinner, a wellcome cocktail, 
coffee breaks and the conference documentation.
Cheques should be made payable to “SPRUCE”. Unfortunately only 
Bankers drafts 
(bank cheques/ cashier cheques) can be accepted. 

Please send the completed registration form with the total amount due to:

SPRUCE Workshop
Faculdade de Ciências,
DEIO, Bloco C6, piso 4, Campo Grande 
1749-016 LISBOA

Advanced Workshop
Spatial/Temporal Modelling

Hotel Estoril Eden, Monte Estoril, 


24-27 March 2004

 The workshop on Spatial/Temporal Models and Methods is being organized by 
the SPRUCE trust. 
Conference Chairman 
Professor Vic Barnett, Nottingham Trent University, UK 
Scientific Committee: 
Professor Vic Barnett, Nottingham Trent University, UK 
Professor K.F. Turkman, University of Lisbon, Portugal 
Professor Kanti Mardia, University of Leeds, UK 
Dr Moira Mugglestone, National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and 
Children’s Health, UK 
Local Organizing Committee: 
Professor Kamil Feridun Turkman, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Professor M. Antónia Amaral Turkman, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Objectives and the Preliminary Scientific Programme: 
This workshop will attract an international group of experts on 
Spatial/Temporal models and methods of size about 30-50 who will present 
research work at the current frontiers of knowledge and join together for 
three days of extensive research discussions on future directions for 
research effort. 
The Workshop will cover distinct important aspects of spatial and temporal 
models and methods. The following categorization would be used;

 Applications:  traditional environmental modelling, climatology and 
meteorology, epidemiology and health, physical systems, biology and 
 Modelling principles: heuristic/empirical ad hoc approaches, 
frequency-based models, covariance models, kriging and Kalman filter, space-
time point process models, hierarchical Bayesian techniques
 Preliminary  list of invited speakers will include  
 Paul Blackwell, University of Sheffield, UK
 Phil Brown, University of Lancaster, UK
 Noel Cressie, Ohio State University, USA
 Peter Diggle, University of Lancaster, UK
 Tilmann Gneiding, University of Washington, USA
 Gudmund Host, Norwegian computing Center, Norway
 Moira Mugglestone, National Collaborating Centre for Women’s 
and Children’s 
Health , UK
 Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
 Sujit Sahu, University of Southampton, UK
 Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia, Canada

About half the Workshop time will be spent on review or research lectures and 
half on detailed small-group or plenary discussions, aimed at defining the 
current boundaries of knowledge in this field and important directions for 
new effort. 
Apart from the invited speakers, a limited number of other registrations will 
be accepted. Those interested should download, print, complete and mail the 
registration form from the web page http://spruce.deio.fc.ul.pt, or fill the 
attached registration form and send to the local organizing committee. 
Expected Sponsors 
National Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) of Portugal 
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Lisbon 
Centre of Statistics and Applications, Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences, 
University of Lisbon 
Project MEDAG, POCTI/MAT/44082/2002 (FCT)
Tourism Office of Estoril (Junta de Turismo do Estoril) 

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Antonia Turkman" <antonia.turkman@mail.fc.ul.pt>
To: <dani@im.ufrj.br>
Sent: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 11:57:40 +0100

Dani Gamerman
Coord de PG em Estatistica - IM/UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
tel (21) 2562 7911
fax (21) 2562 7374

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