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Visita de Byron Morgan (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 10:29:29 -0300 (BRT)
From: Clarice G.B. Demetrio <clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br>
To: Associação Brasileira de Estatística <abe-l@ime.usp.br>,
     Associação Brasileira de Estatística <abe@ime.usp.br>
Subject: Visita de Byron Morgan

Caros colegas,
Estara visitando o Brasil no periodo de 26/05 a 04/06/2004
o Professor Byron Morgan (Institute of Mathematics and
Statistics,University of Kent, Canterbury, England)

Na oportunidade participara da 49.a Reuniao da RBRAS, nos dias 27 e
28/05/2004 em Uberlandia, MG e ministrara o minicurso:

Titulo:	Statistical Ecology
Local: 	Departmento de Ciencias Exatas, ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, SP
Periodo: 31/05 to 03/06 (das 14 as 18h)
Carga horaria: 20h

Statistical Ecology
Byron J.T. Morgan
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics,University of Kent
Canterbury, England

In this workshop we shall introduce many of the main ideas in the area of
Statistical Ecology. This will involve estimating wild animal abundance,
productivity and survival. The work will be motivated by real data, and
illustrated by a wide range of examples, from abalone to red deer. In many
parts of the world there are currently changes in both farming practices
and climate, and it is important to be able to understand the knock-on
effects of these changes on populations of wild animals. Much of the work
described in the workshop is motivated by the needs of conservation and
The statistical methods used will involve both classical methods based on
maximum-likelihood, and computational Bayes methods. There will be
practical sessions in which the workshop participants will obtain hands-on
experience with a number of computer programs and packages.

Day 1			Introduction
			Estimating animal abundance
			Practical 1: estimating animal abundance
			Introudction to estimating survival

Day 2			Estimating survival- complex models
			Practical 2: experience with eagle and MARK.
			Parameter redundancy
			Multi-site models

Day 3			Practical 3: Experimenting with Maple and M-Surge
			An introdcution to Bayesian methods
			Further applciation of Bayesian methods
			Practical 4: Use of WinBUGS

Day 4			Models for survival involving covariates: deer and
			State-space models
			Practical 5: Use of kalm
			Overview, questions and feedback

Cordiais saudacoes,

Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio
Departamento de Ciencias Exatas      | Phone: +55 019 34294144 R:216
ESALQ/USP                            | Fax:   +55 019 34294346
Caixa Postal 9                       | http://ce.esalq.usp.br/
13418-900 PIRACICABA, SP             |
BRASIL                               | clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br