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ISBIS 2006

Mensagem enviada por Eugenio Epprecht

O ISBIS5 ("International 
Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics") ocorrerá em janeiro 
2006 em Lima, e pode ser conferido no 
site  http://kitchen.stat.vt.edu/isbis5/index.html . O organizador geral é 
Geoffrey Vining, e alguns participantes internacionais são: na área de 
qualidade, Montgomery, Woodall, Reynolds, Bisgaard, e vários 
outros de peso. O congresso é "sponsored" pela 
recém-criada sociedade International Society for Business and Industrial 
Statistics (mesma sigla: ISBIS; conferir a sociedade no site 
http://www.stats.wits.ac.za/isbis, e tem entre os co-sponsors a ASA, a ASQ 
e a VirginiaTech. Bovas Abraham, presidente da referida sociedade pediu que o 
divulgasse. Os organizadores do congresso estão interessados em uma 
participação numerosa do Brasil. O deadline é em outubro, mas para 
submissão é necessário apenas um abstract (não há publicação de artigo 
completo em anais, mas eles encorajam o envio do full paper depois da 
conferência para um número especial de uma revista internacional). Seguem 
trechos de e-mails enviados por Bovas Abraham, com alguns esclarecimentos:

We need more people to participate from Brazil. Please encourage others
from Brazil. You may send abstracts to Geoff through the English website.
The time is running fast. I hope that you can announce through
some professional associations about ISBIS5.

Please encourage people from Brazil to join ISBIS. if they are already
ISI members they can send an e-mail to Margaret in the ISI
office (MMLY@cbs.nl) and it will be done, it is free. if they are not ISI
members they can download the form from ISBIS website
(www.stats.wits.ac.za/isbis) and fax it to ISI office. I believe that
there were about 20 people interested when we started the proposal.

Participants from Brazil will be part of the English language program
unless somebody likes to speak in spanish!! So you can submit the
abstract through the english language website.
Participants from Brazil can register through the peruvian website
or the website of the english language part. If you register through the
peruvian web then it is a bit cheaper. But if you prefer to do it through
the english website it will charge the non-latin american rate. I am
not sure what else we can do.
I suggest that you apply for ISBIS membership right away. If you made
an application for membership we will give the member rate. Please also
note that if you are an ISI member you can get ISBIS membership free.
Please look at ISI website.

Eugenio Epprecht
Departamento de Engenharia Industrial
PUC-Rio (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea
22453-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Lucia Pereira Barroso <lbarroso@ime.usp.br>