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Homenagens e diretrizes futuras (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 21:07:12 -0300
From: Basilio de Bragança Pereira <basilio@hucff.ufrj.br>
To: clarice@esalq.usp.br
Subject: Homenagens e diretrizes futuras

Cara Clarice
Estou tentando mandar a mensagem abaixo para a lista da ABE e não
consigo.Voce poderia reenviar para a lista da ABE para mim?.
Nao sei se eles nao aceiram
1) por erro no meu email
2) ainda nao paguei a anuidade este ano
3) mandei a mensagem sobre como escrever teses e dissertações(rapadura e
doce mas não e mole não) e fiquei vetado na lista !!!!!

Estou mandando esta mensagem (palavras no noquetel de abertura do 8 EBEB)
para a lista  da ABE não só para lembrar o homenageado mas tambem e
principalmente para que todos quardem a mensagem do inicio do segundo
paragrafo do discurso.

Minha mensagem é dirigida principalmente para os nossos dirigentes e
candidatos a dirigentes , sejam eles da diretoria da ABE ,representantes em
orgãos com CAPES, etc :

Homenagens e reconhecimentos profissionais profissionais não podem ser
feitas a partir de simpatias pessoais mas pela contribuição academica e
profissional do homenageado. Quem mistura antipatia pessoal com
reconhecimento profissional além de demonstrar probreza de espirito
demonstra principalmente insegurança intelectual e profissional.

Por isso sugiro que homenagens oficiais como da ABE sejam feitas a partir de
uma indicaçao de tres nomes para decisao por um colegiado formado por 5 a 10
membros da comunidade escolhidos pela diretoria da ABE e com reconhecida
penetração na comunidade de estatísticos.

Penetração significa não só, artigos publicados ( de importancia muitas
vezes subjetiva quanto a importancia,leia-se citaçãoes ), mas sua real
contribuiçao : alunos formados , teses orientadas, contribuições
adiministrativas etc

Words to my friend, Helio Migon

I, contrary to Helio, will speak in English, which I am very proud of
1) Sir David Cox commented with someone that among his students I had the
worst English he ever heard, but
2)  Prince Charles in  his 1991 visit to Brazil praised my good English.

It is a pleasure to see that at last statisticians in Brazil start to honor
their senior colleagues.  Specially when he is an important member of our
community and is acknowledged by almost all members, certainly by his
competence and sympathy. This in itself is difficulty in our community, used
to praise only close friends. We lost the opportunity to honor many others
starting with Caio Dantas to whom most of us of in our generation  are
grateful to be able to be where we got in our profession, including Helio,
my brother Carlos and myself.
Helio, I and Carlinhos are friends since 1962 in the statistics technical
school. Both of us work with Helio, Carlos at USP and I at UFRJ since 1978.

We have also to honor someone that helped Helio up to here: Mirna, his wife,
to whom I ask for applause. I myself have to ask pardon to Mirna for
spending, for a period, more time with Helio than herself. Fortunately our
relationship which is almost in the golden jubilee is softer now after I
moved to the Faculty of Medicine!!!. During this period we adopted a son,
Dani, which made our separation easy(?).

Now, seriously, since these two guys are together in UFRJ, from about
1986/87 they made a good job in improving the statistics program in a form
that we were not able before. Many of our previous colleagues stayed for a
short time at the Mathematics Institute, we sent them abroad to obtain their
Ph.D. and after that they moved away. Even so during this period together,
with my joint appointment at COPPE, the Postgraduate School of Engineering a
place where for a long time we have been having a doctoral program we manage
to graduate almost 30 students in the area of statistics. Helio supervised
many of them, probably more than anyone else.

I have tried to create a Bayesian atmosphere at UFRJ since my return from
England in 1976: a first application apart from Harrison-Stevens of Bayesian
Forecasting (now called Dynamic Linear Model) to electricity data for FURNAS
in 1977, Bayesian logistic model for petroleum discovery for PETROBRAS in
1980, and culminating with a visit of Professor Adrian  Smith for three
months in 1980.

I must confess that this was in vain, only later the lectures notes of
Adrian, which I collected together where consulted in the Math Library.
Carlinhos at USP motivated much more as the first truly Bayesian to return
from abroad in 1980 and Helio and later Dani were more successful at UFRJ.
They have done a good job at UFRJ and recently they create a doctoral
program in Statistics that is in Bayesian Statistics.

Helio, it is a pleasure and an honor to be your colleague and friend.

27 March 2006, Buzios

Basilio de Bragança Pereira

Professor Titular
Faculdade de Medicina e COPPE /UFRJ