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Fwd: talk of Birgit Rudloff

Dear Professor Morettin:

Birgit Rudloff is offering the following talk for our seminar at 16:00,
September 9th, sala 243, IME-USP

"Hedging in Incomplete Markets"

Birgit Rudloff
University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

[ ] de Nikolai

*                                  *                              *
*  Nikolai Kolev                   *                              *
*  IME - Department of Statistics  *  +55 11 3814 4135 (Fax)      *
*  Sao Paulo University            *  +55 11 3091 6130 (Fax)      *
*  C.P. 66281                      *  +55 11 3091 6103 (Phone)    *
*  05311-970 Sao Paulo, Brazil     *                              *
*                                  *                              *

----- End forwarded message -----

Pedro Morettin <pam@ime.usp.br>
Dear Professor Morettin:

Birgit Rudloff is offering the following talk for our seminar at 16:00, September 9th, sala 243

"Hedging in Incomplete Markets"

Birgit Rudloff
University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

[ ] de Nikolai

*                                  *                              *
*  Nikolai Kolev                   *                              *
*  IME - Department of Statistics  *  +55 11 3814 4135 (Fax)      *
*  Sao Paulo University            *  +55 11 3091 6130 (Fax)      *
*  C.P. 66281                      *  +55 11 3091 6103 (Phone)    * 
*  05311-970 Sao Paulo, Brazil     *                              *
*                                  *                              *