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Herman Callaert Leadership Award in Biostatistical Education

Gostaríamos de parabenizar, desejar muito sucesso e comunicar,
com  grande satisfação, que a Profa Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio,
LCE-Área de Matemática e Estatística - ESALQ/USP,
foi agraciada com o Prêmio Herman Callaert.
(vide mensagem abaixo).

Saudações a todos.
LCE-Área de Matemática e Estatística, ESALQ/USP


Hi Clarice,

a few years ago, when our founding chairman, Professor Herman Callaert,
retired, we established the Herman Callaert Leadership Award in
Biostatistical Education. The prize is awarded every two years. The first
recipient was Alan Agresti (2004).

It is a great pleasure and particular honor for me to announce that you have
been selected, in a unanimous fashion, as the 2006 recipient.

Congratulations! I very much hope you will be able to accept the honor. The
tentative plan is to hold the awarding ceremony on May 12, 2006, at our

Of course, travel expenses and local accommodation will be paid by us.
Further, you will receive a check together with the award certificate. The
event will be followed by a dinner. You will be ask to give a speech as
well, but we can talk about this further.

Warm regards,



Professor Geert Molenberghs
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan 1
B-3590 Diepenbeek
Tel: +32 11 26 82 38
Fax: +32 11 26 82 99
Mobile: +32 476 35 45 12
Email: geert.molenberghs@uhasselt.be
Web site: www.censtat.uhasselt.be