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ICOTS-7 Deadline extended to 28th Feb (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:38:38 +1300
From: batanero@ugr.es
To: clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br
Subject: ICOTS-7 Deadline extended to 28th Feb

Dear ICOTS participants

This is a message to announce that we have decided to extend the deadline for early registration until February 28th. After this deadline there will be no further extensions of the early registration date.

This decision has been taken as a result of the initial problems when registering with VISA cards.

Please note that all authors (but not necessarily co-authors) have to register for the conference and, in particular, that papers will be accepted for the proceedings only after registration.

We also remind you to send your papers and submission forms to Session Organisers and Editors as soon as possible and hopefully by the end of January. Papers received late run the risk of not being included in the proceedings.

Finally, we apologise for the initial problems in registration and thank you yet again for your contributions and your cooperation. By now we have received 224 invited papers and over 100 contributed papers and the number of registrations is increasing day by day.

This is going to be a great conference.

Our best regards,

Carmen Batanero (batanero@ugr.es) and John Harraway (jharraway@maths.otago.ac.nz)
