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campanha Pilar

Caros colegas
A nossa amiga e colega Pilar Iglesias necessita novamente da nossa ajuda, como pode ser visto na mensagem enviada pelo professor Guido del Pino abaixo. Aqueles que quiserem contribuir podem faze-lo atraves da seguinte conta no Banco do Brasil :

Márcia D´Elia Branco
agencia: 3559-9
conta corrente: 9938-4

Para aqueles que puderem contribuir, pedimos que depositem o dinheiro até a ultima semana de julho, pois estaremos encaminhando o dinheiro para a Pilar, na primeira semana de agosto, através do Reinaldo Arellano.

Somos muito gratos por qualquer ajuda que possam dar.
Muito  obrigado,

Márcia Branco (mbranco@me.usp.br)
Rosangela Loschi (loschi@est.ufmg.br)
Heleno Bolfarine (hbolfar@ime.usp.br)



Hola Heleno y Rosangela:

(Sigo en inglés por si resula más fácil para comunicar la información a terceros)

I am writing to you since you are among Pilar's best friends.

How you both probably know already, Pilar disease has been progressing. Some weeks ago she was hospitalized for three weeks and had a surgery. She has now started a new (and costly) chemotherapy treatment which must be applied once a week. At the end of 2004 there was a solidarity campaign particularly through the Valencia List. This time José Miguel tells me that the Committee in charge has not approved that the list be used again for this purpose and so to organize things is much more difficult.

I know that last time the Brazilian friends were able to raise some funds, which I understand were brought to Chile by Reinaldo. I was thinking that perhaps something similar could be done this time. I will be in Salvador for the ICOTS 7 and could act as a courier if needed.

I would like you to think in how to best proceed. You certainly know better the situation in Brazil. Although I know money is not abundant, anything helps. The current debt is very high and each chemotherapy session costs about 800 dollars. A part of this will be paid by the health insurance, but it is expected the percentage will not be too high.

In any case, Pilar is a good fighter and she still has the energy to go through her health troubles. We hope that the associated financial ones could be diminished.
Estoy disponible para cualquier información adicional.

Muchos saludos
