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Fw: Joint ICMI / IASE Study. Discussion Document and short announcement

A pedido da profa Carmen Batanero, encaminho estes documentos (pdf  e  doc)
para divulgação entre os interessados em Educação Estatística.

Saudações, Lisbeth

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <batanero@ugr.es>
To: <lisbethk@terra.com.br>; <pam@ime.usp.br>
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:33 PM
Subject: Joint ICMI / IASE Study. Discussion Document and short announcement

> Dear  Pedro and Lisbeth
> This is a request to help in the diffussion of the Discussion Document and
> Short Announcement for the ICMI/IASE Study on Teaching Statistics in
> School Mathematics (http://www.ugr.es/~icmi/iase_study/).
> This is Study 18 from the point of view of ICMI and is organised in
> cooperation with the IASE, the International Association for Statistical
> Education. It includes also an IASE Round Table Conference.
> The Study conference is to be a satellite of ICME 11; it is to be held
> just the week before in Monterrey, Mexico at the ITESM.
> I hope  you can help in diffussing the Discussion Document to members of
> ABE or other people in Brazil interested in statistics education
> My best regards
> Carmen Batanero
> ICMI/IASE Study IPC Chair

Attachment: Study Announcement.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Study Announcement.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Discussion_Document.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Discussion_Document.doc
Description: MS-Word document