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Fw: [desejados] Call for exam questions

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <gilberte.schuyten@ugent.be>
To: <class@maths.otago.ac.nz>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:49 AM
Subject: [desejados] Call for exam questions

> Dear ICOTS-7 participants,
> Here is a chance for you to participate in the IASE Satellite
> Conference on
> Assessing Student Learning in Statistics, even if you cannot attend.
> One of
> the activities of the meeting will involve a workshop called:
> Assessing Understanding of Statistical Concepts - How Is It Done?
> This session is a workshop where participants can share current
> ideas,
> "compare notes" and have discussions which could help facilitate
> progress on
> this topic. We hope to extract the aggregate wisdom of statistics
> educators
> by bringing together good exam questions and encouraging discussion
> of them.
> For this we need your help and contribution.
> Please send us one or two exam questions that, in your opinion, do
> test
> understanding of statistical concepts. Questions aimed at students in
> the
> first or second year level would likely suit a wide audience of
> workshop
> participants.
> A small committee will organize the contributions into a few exam
> questions
> for the workshop to address. The workshop participants would then
> discuss
> the questions and try to identify those aspects of the questions that
> assess
> understanding of statistical concepts. The outcome of the meeting
> would be a
> short report, possibly attaching the questions discussed as an
> appendix.
> What is understanding of statistical concepts in this context? That
> will
> presumably be clarified at the workshop. But to start discussion,
> here are a
> few possible definitions: 1. The kind of knowledge that allows one to
> verbalize strategies of statistics 2. The ability to solve data-based
> problems without advance knowledge of the class of techniques
> required 3.
> The ability to explain why statistical strategies are used and when
> they are
> needed 4. The ability to apply general intelligence to the
> application of
> statistical tools
> Some questions have been posted on the workshop website to encourage
> your
> contribution, see
> http://www.swinburne.edu.au/lss/statistics/IASE/Concept_examples.htm
> To express interest in this session, please email one or more exam
> questions
> to Larry or Brian. We hope you will participate in this important
> session.
> Larry Weldon weldon@sfu.ca
> Brian Phillips bphillips@swin.edu.au
> Kay Lipson klipson@swin.edu.au
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