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Boletim informativo 8

Caros amigos, segue o boletim da Larc com os seguintes temas:

Premio Aranda Ordaz
Mudança de Estatutos da Larc e eleições
Lista de Socios

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Pablo Ferrari

Reginal Latino-americana da Sociedade Bernoulli (LARC-BS)
Boletim 8, Dezembro 2006

X CLAPEM | Prêmio Aranda Ordaz | Mudança de Estatutos e de nome

    * CLAPEM. O próximo CLAPEM será em Lima, de 25 de fevereiro a 3 de março
      de 2007. As inscrições estão abertas. Por favor dirigirse à página
      Haverá alguns auxilios para estudantes e jovens pesquisadores.

    * Prêmio Aranda Ordaz. O Prêmio será concedido durante o CLAPEM de
      Lima. Poderão ser inscritas as teses defendidas desde o CLAPEM de
      Uruguay. As condições para o concurso se encontram nas paginas

    * Aranda Ordaz.
      Francisco Javier Aranda Ordaz (1951-1991), by Silvia Ruiz Velazco
      Francisco Javier Aranda-Ordaz was born in Mexico City on July 19th
      1951. He completed his BSc degree in Actuarial Science in 1974 and MSc
      in Statistics in 1974 both at the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
      México) in México. Under the supervision of Sir David Cox, he obtained
      his PhD in Statistics in 1981, with the thesis ?Transformation to
      Additivity for Binary Data?. From this work he produced two papers that
      have been extensively quoted up to date.
      He joined the UNAM as associate lecturer in the Science Faculty in 1973,
      becoming lecturer in 1975. After obtaining his Ph.D he rejoin the UNAM
      at the same Faculty. In 1982 he became part of IIMAS (Instituto de
      Investigaciones en Matmáticas Aplicadas y Sistemas), where he worked
      until his death on March 7th 1991. He spent a year as a visiting
      professor at the University of Waterloo.
      He was elected member of the International Statistical Institute in
      1990, at the time of his death he was Editor of the Theory and
      Applications Section of Estadistica and Associate Editor of the Revista
      Brasiliera de Probabilidad e Estatistica.
      Even thought his areas of interest were: Survival analysis, categorical
      and binary data analysis, longitudinal and case control studies, he had
      a great statistical culture and a privileged memory, he remember
      everything he had read and was able to produce a good reference in
      almost any area of statistics, sometimes given the exact location of the
      book in the library.
      He liked to do applied statistical work as much as theoretical
      one. Because of Fernanda, his wife, and the areas of statistic he
      worked, he was very interested in Medicine, he was co-author of several
      papers in Medical journals.
      He liked to work with young people, and was a very good teacher,
      therefore he managed to persuade several of his students to follow his
      steps, several of them went to England to do a PhD in similar areas as
      him. As a recognition, after his death, in Mexico was established the
      "Francisco Aranda-Ordaz" price to the best statistical work done by
      student to obtain a MSc or a BSc degree.
      He had a very good sense of humour but a very strong character, he was
      very critical of people that in his judgement were not working hard
      enough. He was a very good friend, and had a lovely family. It is a
      privileged to had been Francisco´s student, friend and colleague.

    * Proposta de mudança de estatutos e eleições.
      O Comité Regional está propondo a seguinte mudança nos Estatutos da
      Sociedade. O motivo é que o número atual de socios não é compatível com
      o desenvolvimento da área na região. O Comité pensa que a possibilidade
      de se associar somente à Sociedade regional poderá incrementar o número
      de participantes.
      Os novos estatutos estão em discussão até o  CLAPEM, onde ocorrerá a
      Assembleia que os votará.
      A eleição dos novos membros para o Comité se realizará após uma campanha
      de sócios no mes de maio de  2007.

      Nueva redacción propuesta:

      1. La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Probabilidad y Estadística Matemática
         está constituida por investigadores y estudiantes de probabilidad y
         estadística latinoamericanos o con base en una institución de América
         Latina. La Sociedad es el Capítulo Regional de la Sociedad Bernoulli
         y la representante del Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

      1'. Para ser miembro de la Sociedad es necesario hacer un pedido al
      Comité quien deberá aprobar la inscripción. Los socios actuales de la
      LARC son miembros de la Sociedad.

      2. Sus objetivos son :

      (i) Proporcionar un mecanismo de contacto que permita la comunicación
      ágil entre los miembros de la Sociedad y, asimismo, entre éstos y los de
      otras Sociedades del área, en especial la Sociedad Bernoulli y el
      Institute of Mathematical Statistics;

      El resto sigue como en la página

    * Lista de socios de la LARC en diciembre de 2006.
      La lista actual de socios es la siguiente:

      Juan C. Abril
      Hugh E.O. Gaglioti
      Ricardo A. Maronna
      Jose Raul Martinez

      Renato M. Assunção
      Chang C.Y. Dorea

      Pablo A.Ferrari
      Dani Gamerman
      Ruben Klein
      Pedro A. Morettin
      Serguei Popov
      Marina Vaskoskaia
      Maria Eulália Vares

      Raul Gouet
      Rolando Rebolledo

      Liliana Blanco Castáneda

      Francisco Casanova del Angel
      Miguel Cervera
      Jos, M.Gonzalez-Barrios
      Graciela González-Farías
      Luis G. Gorostiza
      Leticia Gracia-Medrano Valdelamar
      Eduardo Gutiérrez-Peña
      Onésimo Hernandez-Lerma
      Ignacio Mendez-Ramirez
      Miguel Nakamura
      Federico J O'Reilly Togno
      Victor Perez-Abreu
      Victor Rivero
      Eliane R. Rodrigues
      Silvia Ruiz-Velasco
      Enrique Villa-Diharce

      Luis Gonzalo Perera Ferrer
      Mario Wschebor