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CFP: UAI2007

Caros, desculpem por duplicações. O evento abaixo tem grande interesse
na participação da comunidade estatística.


UAI 2007 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence July 19th - July 22th, 2007 Vancouver BC, Canada http://www.cs.duke.edu/uai07/



Wednesday, February 28, 2007, noon EST Abstract submission
Friday, March 2, 2007, noon EST Full paper submission
Monday, March 5, 2007, noon EST Student paper certification
Friday, May 4, 2007, noon EDT Author notification
Sunday, May 27, 2007, noon EDT Camera ready copy of accepted papers

NOTE:  EST = GMT - 5, and EDT = GMT - 4.




Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI) has been the primary international forum for presenting new
results on the use of principled methods for reasoning under
uncertainty within intelligent systems. The scope of UAI is wide,
including, but not limited to, representation, automated reasoning,
learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition under uncertainty.

The UAI 2007 conference will be held at the University of British
Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada. The main technical sessions will be
on July 20-22, and will be preceded with a tutorial program and

application workshop on July 19. The conference is collocated with
AAAI 2007, which follows immediately after UAI 2007.


We encourage submissions that report on theoretical or methodological
advances in representation, automated reasoning, learning, decision
making and knowledge acquisition under uncertainty.  Submissions
reporting on the novel and insightful application of these techniques
within intelligent systems are also strongly encouraged.  Examples of
such applications include, but are not limited to, computational
biology, computer vision, medical systems, multi-agent systems,
self-managing computer systems, and sensor networks.

Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated on the basis of
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. Papers submitted for review should represent original,
previously unpublished work. A submitted paper should not be under
review by any other conference or scientific journal at the time it is
submitted to UAI 2007 nor at any time during UAI 2007's reviewing

UAI 2007 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts
according to instructions that will be posted on the conference home
page. If authors have special circumstances that prevent electronic
submission, arrangements can be made directly with the program
co-chairs listed below. Authors are required to submit a title and a
short abstract two days before the paper submission
deadline. Submitted papers must be prepared according to the UAI 2007
proceedings format and must be no more than eight (8) pages long,
including figures and bibliography. Papers that deviate from these
guidelines will be rejected without review. The conference home page
will contain format information and provide access to style files and

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in either plenary
or poster sessions. At least one of the paper's authors should be
present at the conference to present the work. All accepted papers
will be included in the Proceedings of the Twenty Third Conference on
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. The program committee will
select papers for special distinction in two categories at UAI 2007: a
"Best Paper" award, and an "Outstanding Student Paper" award. The
conference home page will contain instructions for certifying student
status with regards to the latter award.


General Conference Chairs

Rina Dechter            U.C. Irvine
Thomas Richardson       University of Washington

Program Co-chairs

Ronald Parr              Duke University
Linda van der Gaag      Universiteit Utrecht

Senior Program Committee

Fahiem Bacchus          University of Toronto
Fabio Cozman            University of Sao Paulo
Adnan Darwiche          UCLA
Francisco Javier Diez   UNED
Nir Friedman            Hebrew University
Geoff Gordon            CMU
Carlos Guestrin     CMU
Joe Halpern             Cornell
David Heckerman     Microsoft
Kevin Leyton-Brown      UBC
David McAllester        TTI
Chris Meek              Microsoft
Kevin Murphy            UBC
Petri Myllymäki         University of Helsinki
Ann Nicholson           Monash University
Thomas Nielsen          Aalborg University
Andrew Ng               Stanford University
Prakash Shenoy          University of Kansas
Peter Spirtes           CMU
Jin Tian                Iowa State University