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Seminario Thomas Louis, dia 18/07 as 14h


Data: 18/07/07 as 16h

Thomas A. Louis, PhD
Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Health services evaluations, environmental assessments, school
e©ectiveness studies and
identiîcation of active genes depend on the relative position (ranks) of
unit-speciîc values.
Therefore, ranking to identify high or low rank units (producing league
tables) is an im-
portant goal. Invalid ranks or inappropriate interpretation can have
serious science, policy
and înancial consequences. When uncertainties vary over units to be
ranked, guidance is
needed. For example, basing ranks on hypothesis tests to identify
relatively poor perfor-
mance unfairly penalizes units with relatively low variance because the
tests have higher
power; ranking the MLEs unfairly penalizes units with relatively high
variance because they
tend to be at the extremes. Valid ranking depends on properly melding the
order produced by
point estimates (MLEs) and the uncertainty of these estimates. Bayesian
modeling coupled
with loss functions provides the necessary structure.
We compare MLE-based ranks, those based on the posterior mean of target
parameters and
those based on several ranking-relevant loss functions. We evaluate
performance, showing
that in most realistic situations even optimal methods have limited
e©ectiveness and present
an application to ranking dialysis providers based on standardized
mortality ratios.

Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio
Departamento de Ciencias Exatas      | Phone: +55 019 34294144 R:216
ESALQ/USP                            | Fax:   +55 019 34294346
Caixa Postal 9                       | http://ce.esalq.usp.br/
13418-900 PIRACICABA, SP             |
BRASIL                               | clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br

52¦ ReuniÆo Anual da RegiÆo Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de
Biometria e 12§ Simposio de Estatistica Aplicada a Experimentacao
Agronomica (SEAGRO)
23 a 27/07/2007, Santa Maria, RS

> > > > Professor Thomas A. Louis, PhD
> > > > President of the International Biometric Society
> > > > Department of Biostatistics
> > > > Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> > > > 615 North Wolfe Street, E3545; Baltimore, MD 21205-2179 USA
> > > > 410-614-7838(office); 410-955-0958(fax);  202-494-9331(mobile)
> > > > tlouis@jhsph.edu <mailto:tlouis@jhsph.edu> ;    http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~tlouis/
> > > >
> > > > "Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative methods"
> > > > R. A. Fisher, 1948

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