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COSA - Call for Papers - Message from Luis G. Gorostiza - Mexico

Caros Colegas,

Repasso a voces  mensagem de nosso querido colega Luis G. Gorostiza,
do Mexico, comunicando a criacao de um novo periodico "Communications on Stochastic Analysis", ed. by H.-H. Kuo, cujo primeiro numero acaba de sair, e eh dedicado ao Professor Kiyosi Ito.
Luis os convida a enviarem artigos, naturalmente!

Saudacoes ao Luis e a todo o corpo editorial. Votos de sucesso! Abracos, Eulalia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:54:51 -0500 (CDT)
From: Luis G. Gorostiza <lgorosti@math.cinvestav.mx>
To: Maria Eulalia Vares <eulalia@cbpf.br>
Subject: COSA

Querida Maria Eulalia,
The first issue of the new journal "Communications on Stochastic Analysis" (COSA), edited by H.-H. Kuo, has just come out. It is dedicated to K. Ito. As a member of the editorial board, I have to try to get good papers for the coming issues. Could you help us by promoting this journal among your colleagues and potential authors? There is a "call for papers" in www.math.lsu.edu/~kuo/cfp.pdf, and the web page of the publisher is www.serialspub.com, but it is not available now, it is being renewed and will be out again this month. The title (stochastic analysis) is not to be taken strictly; anything stochastic is OK.
   Best wishes,