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Your assistance with circulating our advertisement for a statistician, New Zealand (fwd)

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 13:57:45 +1200
From: "Potter, Fred" <fred.potter@agresearch.co.nz>
To: clarice@esalq.usp.br
Subject: Your assistance with circulating our advertisement for a
    statistician, New Zealand

> Dear Professor Demetrio
We are statisticians/biometricians at AgResearch, an agricultural
research institute in New Zealand. We were recently visited by Prof.
Bryan Manly who was assessing the current "health" of the Mathematics,
Bioinformatics and Statistics Section in our institute. We currently
have a vacancy for a consulting statistician, and there are likely to be
further vacancies in the next year or two. Bryan advised us to contact
you as you may know of suitable and interested candidates amongst your
statistical contacts. Would you also be able to place the attached
advertisement on suitable statistical websites or email discussion
lists, or in publications for the statistical community in South
America? The closing date is Sept 28 but since that is close at hand,
late applications will be considered until an appointment is made.

> Statistics here at our institute covers a large variety of methods for
> a wide range of agricultural, nutritional, medical projects. Here is a
> link to our web page.
> http://www.agresearch.co.nz/
> The new post will be situated at Grasslands Research Centre,
> Palmerston North.
 <<Statistician Advert-2007-Grasslands.doc>>
Many thanks for reading this
Yours sincerely

Fred Potter

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Attachment: Statistician Advert-2007-Grasslands.doc
Description: Statistician Advert-2007-Grasslands.doc