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Workshop on Stochastic Processes Applied to Spatial Statistics, NUMEC (USP) 05-08/12/2007


Workshop on Stochastic Processes Applied to Spatial Statistics:
Multi-scenario analysis and stochasticity in environmental prediction

NUMEC - Núcleo de Modelagem Estocástica e Complexidade 
Unversidade de S.Paulo, Brasil- USP
December 5-8, 2007


Natural processes usually arise as observations both in space and temporal 
dimensions. In particular, environmental problems have been drawn a lot of 
attention. This is due to the importance in understanding the dynamics of 
these complex systems and the impact that human activities have on them. 
Recently, one of the main concerns have been the global warming. Scientists 
from different fields (metereologists, statisticians, physicists, to mention 
just a few) are interested in investigating the effect of different 
scenarios on the environment, as well as, to describe, in a realistic way, 
the underlying uncertainty present in such predictions. This 
multidisciplinary workshop aims to put together specialists from different 
fields of science and discuss some current topics of research in the 
environmental science. 

The activities of the workshop encompasses a short course, two round tables, 
oral presentations with discussion, and poster sessions. 
**We are now accepting submissions for poster presentations.**

Below follows some details.

Scientific Committee: 

David Brillinger (University of California - Berkeley) 
Pedro Dias (LNCC/USP) 
Pablo Ferrari (IME/USP) 
Ricardo Fraimann (Univers. San Andrés) 
Antonio Galve(IME/USP) 
Nancy Garcia (IMECC/UNICAMP) 
Alexandra M. Schmidt (IM-UFRJ) (Chair) 

Short course:

Stochastic modeling of environmental data
Peter Guttorp (University of Washington, USA)

Round tables:

"Mathematical, geophysical and statistical aspects of the global warming"
Head : Professor Pedro Dias

"Research Perspectives"
Head : Professor Pablo Ferrari

Invited Speakers: 

Renato M. Assunção (UFMG) 
Maria Assunção Faus Silva Dias (CPTEC-INPE) 
Helio S. Migon (UFRJ) 
Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr (UFPR) 
Olivier Pauluis (Courant Institute) 
Ma. Eulália Vares (CBPF) 

Deadline for Subscriptions of Poster Presentations:  20/11/2007.

Registration Fees:

Until 15/11/2007:

Students: R$ 50,00

After 15/11/2007:

Students: R$ 100,00

*** We are applying for grants and there **might** be some financial 
support. ***

For additional information, please contact:

Alexandra M. Schmidt (alex@im.ufrj.br)

Pablo Ferrari (pablo@ime.usp.br)

Patty (NUMEC) (patty@ime.usp.br)

Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

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