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IBS Update on IBC 2008 Dublin (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 16:43:10 -0500
From: ibs@tibs.org
To: clarice@carpa.ciagri.usp.br
Subject: IBS Update on IBC 2008 Dublin

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XXIVth International Biometric Conference

July 13 -18, 2008

University College Dublin

Dublin, Ireland


The next IBC is now fast approaching and on behalf of the Local Organising Committee I am delighted to invite you to attend this meeting in Dublin. As always it will be a great opportunity for scientific and social interchange - a place to present and see new work in biometry, an occasion to meet old and new friends, and the chance to visit a new country, experiencing traditional Irish hospitality and the wonderful city of Dublin. The current IBS President, Tom Louis, and President-elect, Andrew Mead, also look forward to welcoming you to Dublin and the flagship meeting of our international society.

The International Programme Committee has already put together an excellent programme of 20 Invited Sessions covering many aspects of biometry and on the Sunday there are four pre-conference full-day Short Courses. See the website for further details of the scientific programme, and all other information on the meeting including accommodation and social events.

The Scientific Programme is the cornerstone of the meeting and the success of this depends upon the vitality of the Contributed Programme, both oral and poster presentations. I encourage you to take part in this by submitting an abstract - by presenting your work you will get much more out of the meeting with new ideas for your work and new collaborators.

Abstract submission is now open through our online submission system. Abstracts must be prepared using the Word or LaTeX templates provided, but the system is very easy to use.

Don't forget that the deadline for abstract submission is 31st January 2008 and this will be strictly adhered to.

Registration for the meeting is now also open using the on-line system. This system allows you to manage all aspects of your conference participation from submitting abstracts, registration, booking accommodation, through to signing-up for short courses and social events. You can add more options at any point and get a profile of your current status.

So register now and start planning your trip to Dublin.  The deadline for "early-bird" registration is 15th April 2008.

The conference will take place at University College Dublin (UCD). This modern campus is surrounded by attractive landscaped gardens and is about 6km from the city centre with good public transport links. Accommodation will be available on campus and also at hotels, both nearby and nearer to the city centre.  Daily transport will be provided between the hotels and the UCD campus

Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is a vibrant city famous for its Georgian buildings and its musical and literary life. Built on the River Liffey and around Dublin Bay it is both beside the sea, and close to countryside and mountains. The rest of the country is easily accessible by car, train, or bus. Ireland, with its beautiful scenery, offers a range of attractions to the tourist including ancient archaeological sites and monuments, a variety of sporting activities such as fishing, riding and golf, as well as traditional dancing and music.

On Wednesday there is only one scientific session and the rest of the day is set aside for tours - a great chance to form new friendships. Organised tours will include Glendalough Lakes and its monastic settlements, a visit to the Japanese Gardens and the National Stud (Ireland is world-famous for it race horses), a trip around Dublin Bay and its castles, a Dublin city tour, and, of course, for the more energetic the traditional IBC hike walking in the Wicklow mountains.  Other social events include an evening of Irish music and dancing.

The Conference Dinner on Thursday evening will be a gala event in the O'Reilly Hall at UCD showing off Irish hospitality and entertainment at its best.

Satellite Meetings
There several satellite meetings in the lead-up to the conference aimed at more specialist audiences. These are:

·         The International Statistical Ecology Conference, 9-11 July 2008 at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (www.creem.st-and.ac.uk/isec2008). This will cover all aspects of statistical ecology from survey design and sampling methods through to population modelling.

·         Epidemiology and Biometry 2008: Recent statistical methods in epidemiology, 10-11 July 2008, Paris. This meeting will focus on innovative statistical approaches to the design and analysis of epidemiological surveys. (http://biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr/SFB/fichiers/epidbiom2008.html

·         European GenStat Applied Statistics Conference, 21-22 July 2008 at the Agri-food & Biosciences Institute (ABFI) in Belfast.  This meeting will focus on recent development in the theory and practice of statistics in the context of the GenStat statistical system, including a workshop on Advanced Linear Models. (http://www.vsni.co.uk/resources/events/egasc08.php)

Act now - visit the new website at


Submit your abstract and register for the meeting.

John Hinde
Chair, LOC
IBC Dublin 2008

1444 I Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC, 20005

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