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Call for abstracts: Bayesian Analysis of High Dimensional Data

=== Divulgação de evento na Inglaterra        ===
=== Para mais informações, visitem o site   ===
University of Warwick / CRiSM / Isaac Newton Institute

Research Workshop on Bayesian Analysis of High Dimensional Data

April 14-16, 2008.

The primary aim of the workshop is to highlight recent methodological
and applied advances in the Bayesian analysis of complex data.

This workshop is a satellite event within the program "Statistical
Theory and Methods for Complex, High Dimensional Data" of the Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Confirmed speakers so far include Nils Hjort (Oslo), Rob Kass (Carnegie
Mellon), Douglas Nychka (NCAR), Carl Rasmussen (Cambridge), Mike West
(Duke), Michele Guindani (New Mexico), John Hasslett (Trinity), Feng
Liang (Duke), David Madigan (Columbia), Bruno Sanso (Santa Cruz), Yee
Whye Teh (UCL) and Darren Wilkinson (Newcastle).

Abstracts are invited now (deadline 25 January, 2008) for contributed
talks and posters at this workshop.  For  details, and to pre-register
for information bulletins on the workshop, please see


Participants in this workshop are welcome to take part also in the last
day (April 17) of the parallel workshop on composite likelihood methods
( http://go.warwick.ac.uk/complik2008 ), also held at Warwick. The two
workshops will also combine to organise a single poster session and
social event.

Bursaries for PhD students and researchers within three years of the PhD
will be made available to support participation in the workshop. See the
website for details.

We look forward to seeing you in Warwick!

The Organising Committee (David Banks, Jim Griffin, Fabio Rigat and Mark