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From the D. E. Shaw group regarding ISBA

Ola a todos,

reenvio a mensagem abaixo a quem possa interessar.


--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: From the D. E. Shaw group regarding ISBA
De:      "Jaramillo, Juliana" <Julie.Jaramillo@deshaw.com>
Data:    Seg, Dezembro 3, 2007 8:05 pm

Dear Dr. Silva,

The D. E. Shaw group is currently looking to hire a small number of truly
gifted individuals with outstanding backgrounds in math, physics, computer
science, and other technical fields.  I found your name while researching
members of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis.  Given
Bayesian Analysis's focus on modeling and statistics, you seem to be
especially well-placed to help us find people with strong academic
backgrounds whose areas of specialization might be particularly relevant
to the work we do.  Do you have any students or colleagues who stand out
in your mind as possessing unusual raw ability even among a relatively
gifted population of peers?  If so, we would be enormously grateful if
you'd bring them to our attention, even if you believe that the individual
in question might not be looking for a career opportunity at the moment;
many of our longest-tenured and most successful employees had not
previously considered the possibility of a career on Wall Street (or with
one of our technology ventures) before being contacted by the firm.  Of
course, if you yourself might be inclined to explore opportunities with
us, I encourage you to send us a copy of your resume.

Thank you again for your invaluable assistance.  I've attached below a
brief company description you can forward to students or other appropriate
contacts.  Finally, please don't hesitate to let me know if, for some
reason, you'd prefer not to be contacted again in this capacity in the


Julie Jaramillo
The D. E. Shaw group
39th Floor, Tower 45
120 West 45th Street
New York, NY 10036


The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development
firm encompassing a number of closely related entities with approximately
$35 billion in aggregate investment capital.  Since its organization in
1988 by Dr. David E. Shaw, a former computer science professor at Columbia
University, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial
innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished
staff.  While many of the D. E. Shaw group's activities focus on the use
of advanced mathematical and computational techniques to trade in various
domestic and international securities markets, the firm also devotes
substantial resources to the conceptualization, early-stage development,
and financing of internally developed start-up ventures.  Projects now
under development include a groundbreaking effort to build a
special-purpose supercomputer designed to fundamentally transform the
process of drug discovery.

The principal underpinning of our firm's success is an extraordinary staff
of exceptionally gifted professionals, each among the very best in his or
her field.  Our staff includes a number of Putnam Fellows, Rhodes and
Marshall Scholars, the winners of more than 20 medals in the International
Math Olympiad, IAS members, and other world-class researchers and
practitioners from a wide range of scientific disciplines.  Our work
environment also distinguishes us in our industry.  While we are a
motivated and productive group, we do not work long hours for their own
sake.  Casual dress and informality are the rule, as is a strongly
entrepreneurial culture that encourages creativity and personal
development.  Employee satisfaction runs very high, as evidenced by
strikingly low staff turnover at both junior and senior levels.  In fact,
many of us feel that the environment at D. E. Shaw provides some of the
most attractive features of academia along with considerably greater

A background in finance is neither required nor expected; we only ask that
you have a genuine interest in applying your talents within the private
sector.  If you think you might be interested, or if you would like more
information, I encourage you to send a copy of your resume to Juliana
Jaramillo at Juliana.Jaramillo@deshaw.com.  We look forward to hearing
from you.