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Fwd: MaxEnt2008: Anuncio e chamada de artigos

----- Forwarded message from Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira
<cpereira@ime.usp.br> -----
    Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 21:04:03 -0200
    From: Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>
Reply-To: Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>
 Subject: MaxEnt2008: Anuncio e chamada de artigos
      To: g-mae@ime.usp.br, g-mat@ime.usp.br, g-mac@ime.usp.br,
diretor@ime.usp.br, ABE-l@ime.usp.br

Prezados colegas:
Mais uma vez venho fazer a chamada de artigos para nosso congresso em Julho.
Considerem a particiapção no evento que é uma das atividades interessantes do
American Institute of Physics.

Dear Colleague:
 This is a reminder of the MaxEnt-2008 conference.
 Also attached  is a (color) flyer, please print it and post it at your
    MaxEnt-2008 Organization Committee.

28th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and
Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering.
July 6 -11, 2008, Boraceia Beach, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Traditional topics of the workshop are the application
of the maximum entropy principle and Bayesian methods for
statistical inference to diverse areas of scientific research.
Practical numerical algorithms and principles for solving
ill-posed inverse problems, image reconstruction and model building
are emphasized. The workshop also addresses common foundations for
statistical physics, statistical inference, and information theory.  
Important Deadlines
Abstract Submission
(for FAPESP / CNPq support in Brazil)          Feb. 25, 2008
Abstract Submission (General):                      March 30, 2008
Conference Registration:                                 May 05, 2008
Paper Submission:
Papers Due:                                                      July 1, 2008.  

Please abide by the guidelines for publication at the 
Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics  (AIP).
The papers are limited to 8 pages for contributed talks and posters,
and 12 pages for invited talks.

Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>

----- End forwarded message -----

Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira <cpereira@ime.usp.br>