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Fwd: BJPS Special Issue on Statistical Image and Signal Processing

Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Special Issue on Statistical Image and Signal Processing

An image is worth a thousand words, and the information images provide
influences the most important decisions we take every instant of our
lives. Signals carry information, and our society is known as the
Information Society. Statistics has much to do about image and
signals, and this special issue aims at providing a forum for recent
advances on this fertile area.

This special issue is an opportunity to gather recent results in these
broad areas of image and signal processing and analysis, that stems
from models for forthcoming imaging devices to high-level techniques
for image and video storage and retrieval. This is a multidisciplinary
research field, with important connections with signal processing,
statistics, computer vision and robotics, to name only a few, and a
wide spectrum of applications, e.g., remote sensing, surveillance and
medical and industrial imaging.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to innovative results in
    * statistical models in image and signal processing, new sensors
and technologies
    * inference on images and signals: parametric, semiparametric and
    * statistical techniques for handling large and huge databases,
and KDD (knowledge discovery in databases) for visual information
    * statistical techniques for rendering and visualization (NPR -
non photorealistic rendering, etc.)
    * resampling methods in image and signal analysis
    * statistical shape analysis
    * statistics in bioinformatics

These topics aim at covering all the stages of the visual information
processing chain, from image formation to image understanding, and at
covering all possible techniques and models, from signal processing to
hybrid artificial intelligence techniques.

Authors should follow the BJPS manuscript format described at the
journal site http://www.redeabe.org.br/bjps.htm. Prospective authors
should send an electronic copy of their complete manuscript to
bjps2008@gmail.com, according to the following timetable:

Manuscript due: April 30, 2008

Expected editorial decisions: December 2008

Expected publication date: Second semester of 2009

Guest editor: Alejandro C. Frery, Instituto de Computação,
Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil.

Guest co-editor: Francisco Cribari-Neto, Departamento de Estatística,
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil

The Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics has been
publishing high level research papers in applied probability, applied
statistics, computational statistics, mathematical statistics,
probability theory and stochastic processes for more than twenty
years. It is indexed by the following services: Current Index to
Statistics, Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik. For
information about the Journal, see http://www.redeabe.org.br/bjps.htm.

Alejandro C. Frery
Maceió, AL - Brazil

Quod Natura no dat, Helmantica non praestat