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Re: [ABE-L]: Forecasting in Rio

Oi pessoal

   Agradeco ao Cribari a noticia de tao relevante evento.
Lamento profundamente ,todavia, a nossa incapacidade de coordenar datas.
Parece ate que vivemos nu m mundo de recursos abundantes.

Instituto de Matemática e PEP/COPPE - UFRJ
Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística
Caixa Postal 68507
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 
tel: 55-21 - 2562 8290 
fax: 55-21 - 2280 7438

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Francisco Cribari <cribari@de.ufpe.br>
To: abe-l <abe-l@ime.usp.br>
Sent: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 18:32:35 -0300
Subject: [ABE-L]: Forecasting in Rio

> Forecasting in Rio
> July 29 [UTF-8?]â?? 31, 2008
> Graduate School of Economics [UTF-8?]â?? EPGE
> Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> http://epge.fgv.br/finrio/index.html
> Call for Papers
> Forecasting has applications in several areas of Econometrics, although
> macroeconomic forecasting has occupied a relative large space in the
> literature historically. Recently, however, financial applications have
> gained momentum, with topics such as forecasting volatility, 
> quantiles, distributions, etc. Panel-data techniques also show 
> promise, since the added cross-sectional dimension allows the 
> pooling of information, the pooling of forecasts, and pooling from 
> different data frequencies, which is particularly important in 
> financial applications.
> Forecasting in Rio is a chance to gather leading and younger researchers
> in this field to discuss this important topic in Econometrics in an open
> format.
> The conference will have fourteen Invited Lectures and also contributed
> sessions with open submission of papers. The idea is to have a 
> minimum number of sessions running concurrently so as to allow for a 
> high-quality discussion between speakers and audience.
>                             Conference Venue
> The conference will take place in the Graduate School of Economics
> (EPGE) of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
> Getulio Vargas Foundation is located in Botafogo, a pleasant
> neighborhood of the [UTF-8?]â??Wonderful [UTF-8?]Cityâ??, close to Ipanema 
> Leblon, where most hotels and restaurants are located. Since Rio is 
> a tropical city, although July is officially winter, temperatures 
> are around 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). Besides, rainfall is 
> the lowest for the year, allowing for a variety of pleasant outdoor 
> Keynote Speakers
> Francis Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)
> Graham Elliott (University of California, San Diego)
> John Geweke (University of Iowa)
> Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina)
> Raffaella Giacomini (University College, London)
> Peter Reinhard Hansen (Stanford University)
> Roger Koenker (University of Illinois)
> Luiz Renato Lima (Getulio Vargas Foundation)
> Oliver Linton (London School of Economics)
> M. Hashem Pesaran (University of Cambridge)
> Lucrezia Reichlin (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
> Timo Teräsvirta (University of Aarhus)
> Allan Timmermann (University of California San Diego)
> Farshid Vahid (Australian National University)
> Organizing Committee
> Raffaella Giacomini (University College, London)
> Clive Granger (University of California, San Diego)
> João Victor Issler (Getulio Vargas Foundation)
> Oliver Linton (London School of Economics)
> Marcelo Medeiros (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro -
> PUC-Rio)
> Timo Teräsvirta (University of Aarhus)
> Allan Timmermann (University of California San Diego)
> Farshid Vahid (Australian National University)
> Deadlines and Submission of Papers
> Abstracts and full papers must be submitted through
> http://epge.fgv.br/finrio/myreview/. This system only accepts papers 
> in PDF format. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2008, with 
> decisions being made until May 31, 2008. At this point there is no 
> financial aid to authors in contributed sessions.
> -- 
> Francisco Cribari-Neto                           voice: +55-81-21267425
> Departamento de Estatística                 fax:      +55-81-
> 21268422 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco   e-mail: cribari@de.ufpe.br
> Recife/PE, 50740-540, Brazil               web: cribari.googlepages.com
>        "Love is blind, especially to risk."  --Eliot Shimoff
------- End of Original Message -------