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Grupo de Inferência Bayesiana (GIB)


Seminário do Grupo de Inferência Bayesiana (GIB)
30/05/2008-14 horas

Sala de seminários do Departamento de Estatística- UFSCar-São Carlos-SP


Titulo: A hierarchical zero-inflated Poisson model with correlated parameters


Mariana Rodrigues Motta-Unicamp-IMECC




Lambert (1992, Technometrics 34, 1 -14) described the zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression, a

class of models for count data with an excess of zeros. This model is extended to accommodate correlated genetic effects in the regression structure of the Poisson and mixture parameters. In addition, an intercorrelation structure between these genetic random effects is introduced, and used to infer pleiotropy, an _expression_ of the extent to which the mixture and Poisson parameters are infuenced by common genes.

The methods described here are implemented and illustrated with data from number of mastitis cases in Norwegian Red cows. Bayesian analysis yields posterior distributions useful for studying environmental and genetic variability, as well as genetic correlation. The model is assessed using posterior predictive checks.


Estão todos convidados, abraços Josemar

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