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Fw: 2009 Bayesian Biostatistics Conference, Houston

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: Valencia Meeting <valenciameeting@uv.es>
To: Valencia List 1:;
Sent: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 18:15:41 +0100
Subject: 2009 Bayesian Biostatistics Conference, Houston

Hi all

Please find below  info on the next Bayesian Biostatistics Conference




From Telba Irony

Bayesian Biostatistics Conference
January 26 - 28, 2009
Houston, Texas  U.S.A.

Program Committee
Donald A. Berry, co-chair (M. D. Anderson)
Telba Z. Irony, co-chair (CDRH, FDA)
Kathryn Chaloner (University of Iowa)
Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)
Andrew Mugglin (University of Minnesota)
Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)

Registration - Available online through January 20, 2009
A late fee of $50 will be assessed for 
registrations received after January 11, 2009.

Online registration and additional information available at

Registration (U.S. dollars):
$300 - general registration
$150 - special student discount
Registration fees cover:
   * all sessions
   * handout materials
   * continental breakfast days 1-3
   * boxed lunch days 1 & 2
   * reception & hors d'oeuvres day 1

Partially funded by the Department of Biostatistics
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center


Monday, January 26, 2009

8:00 am   Registration check-in and on-site registration

8:00 am - 9:00 am Continental breakfast (provided)

Morning Session
9:00 am - 11:45 am  Short Course I: Title TBA
Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)

15-minute break at 10:15 am

11:45 am - 1:00 PM - Boxed lunch (provided)

Afternoon Sessions
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM  Short Course II: Title TBA
Gary L. Rosner (M. D. Anderson)

15-minute breaks at 2:15 and at 3:30 PM

3:45 PM - 5:30 PM  Keynote Speaker: Donald B. Rubin (Harvard University)

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Welcome Reception
6:30 - 7:30 - Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar
7:30 - 9:00 - Panel Discussion : Topic TBA

Telba Z. Irony (CDRH, FDA), Moderator
Jim Berger (Duke University)
Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)
Gregory Campbell (CDRH, FDA)
A. Lawrence Gould (Merck)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Continental breakfast (provided)
Registration available

Morning Sessions
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM	Session 1: Statistical 
Genetics Applied to Biomedical Sciences

Speaker: Paola Sebastiani (Boston University)
Title: Bayesian Modeling of Complex Traits: Diagnostic Versus Prognostic 

Speaker: Marta Blangiardo (Imperial College Centre for Biostatistics, UK)
Collaborator: Sylvia Richardson (Imperial College Centre for Biostatistics, 
Title: A Bayesian Calibration Model for Combining 
Different Preprocessing Methods in Affymetrix 

Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA

Chair: Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM  Break

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM	Session 2: Bayesian Clinical Trials

Speaker: David Ohlssen (Novartis Pharmaceuticals)
Collaborators: Hayley Jones (MRC Biostatistics 
Unit, UK), Beat Neuenschwander, Amy Racine, and 
Michael Branson (Novartis Pharma, Switzerland)
Title: A Case Study Examining the Use of Bayesian 
Methods for Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials

Speaker: Peter Müller (M. D. Anderson)
Title: Borrowing Strength with Non-exchangeable Priors Over Subpopulations

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Speaker: Alice R. Pressman (Kaiser Foundation 
Research Institute) Collaborators: Andrew Avins 
(University of California SF) and Alan Hubbard 
(UC Berkeley)
Title: A Comparison of Two Worlds: How Does Bayes Hold Up to the Status Quo?

Chair: Kathryn Chaloner (University of Iowa)

12:15 PM - 1:30 PM  Boxed lunch (provided)

Afternoon Parallel Sessions 3 & 4
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM	Session 3: Bayesian 
Clinical Trials: Improving Cancer Research

Speaker: Stuart Bailey (Novartis Pharma) Collaborator: Daniel Lorand 
Title: The Simultaneous Assessment of Safety and 
Efficacy: An Application of a Bayesian Model to 
Determine the Optimal Biological Dose in Oncology 
Phase I Dose Escalation

Speaker: Brani Vidakovic (Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory 
Collaborators: André Rogatko (Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute),
Mourad Tighiouart (Emory University), and Pulak Ghosh (Novartis Pharma)
Title: Individualized Patient Dosing in Cancer Clinical Trials

Speaker: Andrew Mugglin (University of Minnesota)
Collaborator: Nathan Enas (Eli Lilly and Company)
Title: An Efficient Randomized Bayesian Phase II 
Study Design: A Model and a Case Study

Chair: Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM	Session 4: Bayesian Methods Influencing Health Policy

Speaker: A. James O'Malley (Harvard University)
Collaborators: Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard 
University) and Richard Frank (National Bureau of 
Economic Research)
Title: Traditional Instrumental Variables Methods 
Versus Likelihood and Bayesian Approaches for 
Comparing Antipsychotic Medications

Speaker: Yulei He (Harvard University)
Collaborators: Bob Wolfe and Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)
Title: The Healthcare World Is Not Flat: 
Understanding Geographical Variations in the 
Quality of Hospital Care

Speaker: Gillian D. Sanders (Duke University)
Collaborator: Scott Schmidler (Duke University)
Title: Effect of HPV Vaccine Characteristics and 
Implementation Strategies on the Incidence of 

Chair: Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Break

Afternoon Parallel Sessions 5 & 6

3:15 PM - 4:45 PM Session 5: Bayesian Clinical Trials: Dose Selection Methods

Speaker: Yu-Hui Chang (University of Iowa)
Collaborators: Kathryn Chaloner and Patricia Winokur (University of Iowa)
Title: An Adaptive Dose Exploration Design for 
the Estimation of  Human Colonizing Dose 50 and 
Human Colonizing Dose 90

Speaker: François Vandenhende (ClinBAY, Belgium)
Collaborators: Davorka Tomic, Alexander Coppell, 
Ping He, Gilmore O'Neill (Biogen Idec, Inc.), and 
David J. Brooks (Imperial College, UK)
Title: Bayesian Dose Selection Strategy in 
Biomarker Trials: A Case Study Using Brain Imaging

Speaker: Peter F. Thall (M. D. Anderson)
Title: Utility-based Optimization of Combination 
Therapy Using Ordinal Toxicity and Efficacy in 
Phase I/II Trials

Chair: Andrew Mugglin (University of Minnesota)

3:15 PM - 4:45 PM  Session 6: Bayesian Methods in 
the Analysis of Clinical Trial Data

Speaker: Joseph W. Hogan (Brown University)
Collaborator: Joo Yeon Lee (FDA)
Title: Construction and Calibration of Priors for 
Handling Missing Data in Clinical Trials

Speaker: Zachary Skrivanek, (Eli Lilly and Company)
Collaborators: Brenda L. Gaydos (Eli Lilly and 
Company) and Scott M. Berry (Berry Consultants)
Title: Proof by Simulation: A Case Study

Speaker: Michael Daniels, (University of Florida, Gainesville)
Collaborators: C. Wang (University of Florida, 
Gainesville) and Daniel O. Scharfstein (Johns 
Hopkins University)
Title: Bayesian Semiparametric Selection Models 
with Application to a Breast Cancer Prevention 

Chair: Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM	Poster Session

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM	Continental Breakfast (provided)

Morning Sessions
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM	 Session 7: Bayesian Decision Theory

Speaker: David Draper (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Title: Bayesian Decision Theory in Clinical Trial 
Design and Analysis: The Utility of Utility

Speaker: J. Andrés Christen (CIMAT, México)
Collaborators: Peter Müller, J. Kyle Wathen, and Judith Wolf (M. D. Anderson)
Title: A Bayesian Randomized Clinical Trial: A 
Decision Theoretic Sequential Design

Speaker: Robert Parker (Amgen, Inc.)
Collaborator: Joseph Ibrahim (University of North Carolina)
Title: Assessing Similarity to Existing Drugs to 
Decide Whether to Continue Drug Development

Chair: Telba Z. Irony (CDRH, FDA)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM  Break

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM	  Session 8: Bayesian Adaptive Clinical Trials

Speaker: Jason T. Connor (Berry Consultants)
Collaborators: Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson), 
Michael Snabes (BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc.), 
and William White (University of Connecticut 
Health Center)
Title: A Phase III Cardiovascular Safety Trial Using A Bayesian Adaptive 

Speaker: Frank E. Harrell, Jr. (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine)
Title: Case Study of a Maximally Flexible 
Bayesian Design in Biologics Research with a 
Skeptical Prior and Cox Model-based Analysis

Speaker: Bradley P. Carlin, (University of Minnesota)
Collaborator: Brian Hobbs (University of Minnesota)
Title: Power Priors for Adaptive Incorporation of 
Historical Information in Clinical Trials

Chair: Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)

12:15 PM  Closing Remarks - Program Committee



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Valencia / ISBA Ninth World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
Spain, June  2010
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Alexandra Mello Schmidt, PhD
Professora Adjunta
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
Caixa Postal 68530 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 
CEP:21.945-970 Brasil
Tel: 0055 21 2562 7505 Ramal (Extension) 204
Fax: 0055 21 2562 7374

Cash your dreams before they slip away.  Lose your dreams and you lose your 
mind (From the "God of Small things").
Gentileza gera gentileza (Profeta Gentileza)

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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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 --></style><title>2009 Bayesian Biostatistics Conference,
<div><font face="Helvetica" color="#000000">Hi all</font><br>
<font face="Helvetica" color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font face="Helvetica" color="#000000">Please find below&nbsp;
info on the next Bayesian Biostatistics Conference<br>
<b>From Telba Irony<br>
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="+2"
color="#000000">Bayesian Biostatistics Conference<br>
January 26 - 28, 2009<br>
Houston, Texas&nbsp; U.S.A.<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1"
color="#000000"><b>Program Committee</b></font><font face="Times"
size="+1" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">Donald A. Berry,
co-chair (M. D. Anderson)<br>
Telba Z. Irony, co-chair (CDRH, FDA)<br>
Kathryn Chaloner (University of Iowa)<br>
Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)<br>
Andrew Mugglin (University of Minnesota)<br>
Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)<br>
<b>Registration - Available online through January 20, 2009<br>
</b>A late fee of $50 will be assessed for registrations received
after January 11, 2009.<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">Online
registration and additional information available at<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">Registration (U.S.
$300 - general registration<br>
$150 - special student discount<br>
Registration fees cover:<br>
&nbsp; * all sessions<br>
&nbsp; * handout materials<br>
&nbsp; * continental breakfast days 1-3<br>
&nbsp; * boxed lunch days 1 &amp; 2<br>
&nbsp; * reception &amp; hors d'oeuvres day 1<br>
Partially funded by the Department of Biostatistics<br>
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1"
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><u><b>Monday,
January 26, 2009<br>
</b></u></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">8:00
am&nbsp;&nbsp;<b> Registration check-in and on-site
registration</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">8:00 am - 9:00
am<b> Continental breakfast</b> (provided)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Morning
Session</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">9:00 am - 11:45
am&nbsp;<b> Short Course I: Title TBA<br>
</b>Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)<br>
15-minute break at 10:15 am<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><x-tab>&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">11:45 am - 1:00 PM
-<b> Boxed lunch</b> (provided)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Afternoon
Sessions</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">1:00 PM - 3:30
PM&nbsp;<b> Short Course II: Title TBA</b></font><font face="Times"
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">Gary L. Rosner (M.
D. Anderson)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">15-minute breaks
at 2:15 and at 3:30 PM<br>
3:45 PM - 5:30 PM&nbsp;<b> Keynote Speaker:</b> Donald B. Rubin
(Harvard University)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">6:30 PM - 9:00
PM<b> Welcome Reception</b><br>
6:30 - 7:30 - Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar<br>
7:30 - 9:00 - Panel Discussion : Topic TBA<br>
<x-tab>&nbsp; </x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</b>Telba Z. Irony (CDRH, FDA), Moderator<br>
Jim Berger (Duke University)<br>
Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)<br>
Gregory Campbell (CDRH, FDA)<br>
A. Lawrence Gould (Merck)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><u><b>Tuesday,
January 27, 2009<br>
</b></u></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">8:00 AM - 9:00
AM<b> Continental breakfast</b> (provided)</font><font face="Times"
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">Registration
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Morning
Sessions</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">9:00 AM - 10:30
AM<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><b>Session 1: Statistical
Genetics Applied to Biomedical Sciences</b></font><font face="Times"
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker:
Paola Sebastiani</b> (Boston University)<br>
<b>Title:</b><font size="-3"> Bayesian Modeling of Complex Traits:
Diagnostic Versus Prognostic Models<br>
</font></font><font face="Times"
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Marta
Blangiardo</b> (Imperial College Centre for Biostatistics, UK)<br>
Collaborator: Sylvia Richardson (Imperial College Centre for
Biostatistics, UK)<br>
<b>Title:</b> A Bayesian Calibration Model for Combining Different
Preprocessing Methods in Affymetrix Chips<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker:</b>
<b>Title:</b> TBA<br>
<b>Chair:</b> Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson)<br>
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM&nbsp;<b> Break<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">10:45 AM - 12:15
PM<x-tab> </x-tab><b>Session 2: Bayesian Clinical Trials<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: David
Ohlssen</b> (Novartis Pharmaceuticals)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborators: Hayley Jones (MRC Biostatistics Unit, UK), Beat
Neuenschwander, Amy Racine, and Michael Branson (Novartis Pharma,
<b>Title:</b> A Case Study Examining the Use of Bayesian Methods for
Subgroup Analysis in Clinical Trials<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Peter
Müller</b> (M. D. Anderson)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Borrowing Strength with Non-exchangeable Priors Over
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1"
color="#000000">10:45</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="-3"
color="#000000"> AM</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="+1"
color="#000000"> - 12:15</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="-3"
color="#000000"> PM</font><font face="Times" size="+1"
color="#000000"><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Alice
R. Pressman</b> (Kaiser Foundation Research Institute) Collaborators:
Andrew Avins (University of California SF) and Alan Hubbard (UC
<b>Title:</b> A Comparison of Two Worlds: How Does Bayes Hold Up to
the Status Quo?<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Chair:</b>
Kathryn Chaloner (University of Iowa)<br>
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM&nbsp;<b> Boxed lunch</b> (provided)<br>
<b>Afternoon Parallel Sessions 3 &amp; 4<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</b>1:30 PM - 3:00 PM</font><font face="Times"
</x-tab></b></font><font face="Times New Roman"
color="#000000"><b>Session 3: Bayesian Clinical Trials: Improving
Cancer Research<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Stuart
Bailey</b> (Novartis Pharma) Collaborator: Daniel Lorand
<b>Title:</b> The Simultaneous Assessment of Safety and Efficacy: An
Application of a Bayesian Model to Determine the Optimal Biological
Dose in Oncology Phase I Dose Escalation<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
<b>Speaker: Brani Vidakovic</b> (Georgia Institute of Technology and
Emory University)<br>
Collaborators: André Rogatko (Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer
Mourad Tighiouart (Emory University), and Pulak Ghosh (Novartis
<div><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Title:</b>
Individualized Patient Dosing in Cancer Clinical Trials<br>
<b>Speaker: Andrew Mugglin</b> (University of
Collaborator: Nathan Enas (Eli Lilly and Company)<br>
<b>Title:</b> An Efficient Randomized Bayesian Phase II Study Design:
A Model and a Case Study<br>
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
<b>Chair:</b> Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)<br>
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><b>Session 4:
Bayesian Methods Influencing Health Policy<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: A.
James O'Malley</b> (Harvard University)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborators: Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University) and Richard
Frank (National Bureau of Economic Research)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Traditional Instrumental Variables Methods Versus
Likelihood and Bayesian Approaches for Comparing Antipsychotic
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Yulei
He</b> (Harvard University)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborators: Bob Wolfe and Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard
<b>Title:</b> The Healthcare World Is Not Flat: Understanding
Geographical Variations in the Quality of Hospital Care<br>
<b>Speaker: Gillian D. Sanders</b> (Duke University)<br>
Collaborator: Scott Schmidler (Duke University)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Effect of HPV Vaccine Characteristics and Implementation
Strategies on the Incidence of Disease<br>
<b>Chair:</b> Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">3:00 PM - 3:15
PM<b> Break</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Afternoon
Parallel Sessions 5 &amp; 6<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">3:15 PM - 4:45
PM<b> Session 5: Bayesian Clinical Trials: Dose Selection
Methods</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker:
Yu-Hui Chang</b> (University of Iowa)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborators: Kathryn Chaloner and Patricia Winokur (University of
<b>Title:</b> An Adaptive Dose Exploration Design for the Estimation
of&nbsp; Human Colonizing Dose 50 and Human Colonizing Dose 90<br>
<b>Speaker: François Vandenhende</b> (ClinBAY,
Collaborators: Davorka Tomic, Alexander Coppell, Ping He, Gilmore
O'Neill (Biogen Idec, Inc.), and David J. Brooks (Imperial College,
<b>Title:</b> Bayesian Dose Selection Strategy in Biomarker Trials: A
Case Study Using Brain Imaging<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Peter
F. Thall</b> (M. D. Anderson)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Utility-based Optimization of Combination Therapy Using
Ordinal Toxicity and Efficacy in Phase I/II Trials<br>
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
<b>Chair:</b> Andrew Mugglin (University of Minnesota)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">3:15 PM - 4:45
PM&nbsp;<b> Session 6: Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Clinical
Trial Data</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Joseph
W. Hogan</b> (Brown University)<br>
Collaborator: Joo Yeon Lee (FDA)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Construction and Calibration of Priors for Handling
Missing Data in Clinical Trials<br>
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
<b>Speaker: Zachary Skrivanek</b>, (Eli Lilly and
Collaborators: Brenda L. Gaydos (Eli Lilly and Company) and Scott M.
Berry (Berry Consultants)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Proof by Simulation: A Case Study<br>
<b>Speaker: Michael Daniels</b>, (University of Florida,
Collaborators: C. Wang (University of Florida, Gainesville) and Daniel
O. Scharfstein (Johns Hopkins University)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Bayesian Semiparametric Selection Models with
Application to a Breast Cancer Prevention Trial<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Chair:</b>
Stacy R. Lindborg (Eli Lilly and Company)<br>
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
</x-tab><b>Poster Session<br>
</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><b><br>
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman"
color="#000000"><u><b>Wednesday, January 28, 2009<br>
</b></u></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><b><br>
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">8:00 AM - 9:00
AM<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><b>Continental
Breakfast</b> (provided)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Morning
Sessions</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">9:00 AM - 10:30
AM<x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><b> Session 7:
Bayesian Decision Theory</b></font><font face="Times"
</b></font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker:
David Draper</b> (University of California, Santa Cruz)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Bayesian Decision Theory in Clinical Trial Design and
Analysis: The Utility of Utility<br>
<b>Speaker: J. Andrés Christen (CIMAT, México)</b>&nbsp;<br>
Collaborators: Peter Müller, J. Kyle Wathen, and Judith Wolf (M. D.
<b>Title:</b> A Bayesian Randomized Clinical Trial: A Decision
Theoretic Sequential Design<br>
<b>Speaker: Robert Parker</b> (Amgen, Inc.)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborator: Joseph Ibrahim (University of North Carolina)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Assessing Similarity to Existing Drugs to Decide Whether
to Continue Drug Development<br>
</x-tab><x-tab>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </x-tab><br>
<b>Chair:</b> Telba Z. Irony (CDRH, FDA)<br>
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM&nbsp;<b> Break</b></font><font face="Times"
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">10:45 AM - 12:15
PM<x-tab>&nbsp; </x-tab>&nbsp;<b> Session 8: Bayesian Adaptive
Clinical Trials</b></font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Jason
T. Connor</b> (Berry Consultants)<br>
Collaborators: Donald A. Berry (M. D. Anderson), Michael Snabes
(BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc.), and William White (University of
Connecticut Health Center)<br>
<b>Title:</b> A Phase III Cardiovascular Safety Trial Using A Bayesian
Adaptive Design<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Speaker: Frank
E. Harrell, Jr.</b> (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Case Study of a Maximally Flexible Bayesian Design in
Biologics Research with a Skeptical Prior and Cox Model-based
<div><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">&nbsp;<br>
<b>Speaker: Bradley P. Carlin</b>, (University of Minnesota)&nbsp;<br>
Collaborator: Brian Hobbs (University of Minnesota)<br>
<b>Title:</b> Power Priors for Adaptive Incorporation of Historical
Information in Clinical Trials<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"><b>Chair:</b>
Sharon-Lise T. Normand (Harvard University)<br>
</font><font face="Times" color="#000000"><br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">12:15 PM&nbsp;<b>
Closing Remarks</b> - Program Committee</font><br>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
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<div><font size="-1" color="#000000">Tel +34 96 354 4354 Fax +34 96
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<div><font face="Helvetica" color="#000000"><b>Valencia / ISBA Ninth
World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics</b></font></div>
<div><font face="Helvetica" color="#000000"><i>Spain, June&nbsp;
<div><font color="#000000">www.uv.es/valenciameeting</font></div>
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