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Bolsas de doutorado em "demography" e "social statistics" - Southampton

Solicito divulgar junto a possíveis interessados. A maioria das bolsas tem requerimentos de residência na Inglaterra ou União Européia, mas há algumas possibilidades de bolsas para as quais seriam elegíveis estudantes de fora da Inglaterra ou União Européia.
Maiores detalhes, favor fazer contato com os coordenadores dos programas nos e-mails indicados abaixo.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 19 February 2009 16:15
Subject: Postgraduate studentships in demography and in social statistics

Division of Social Statistics, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in demography and in social statistics in the Division of Social Statistics, University of Southampton. These are ESRC quota awards that may be on a 1+3 or +3 basis, i.e. funding for a 1-year MSc in Demography or in Social Statistics, followed by three years of doctoral research, or for three years of doctoral research where candidates already have appropriate research training. Students in receipt of these awards are potentially eligible for a stipend enhanced by £3,000 in respect of advanced quantitative training (see Section 4.9 of the ESRC's "Guidance notes.."). Applications in the following areas are particularly welcome:

Demography and well-being
Family and partnership
International and internal migration
Population and health
Reproductive health

Statistical modelling of social data
Sample survey methodology

Details of eligibility for ESRC postgraduate studentships are given in Section 2 of the ESRC's "Guidance notes for applicants," available online at:  http://www.esrc.ac.uk/ESRCInfoCentre/Images/GUIDANCE%20MARK%202_tcm6-7186.pdf

Further details of these studentships, and how to apply for them, are available at:

The deadline for applications is 6 March 2009, but late applications may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Further postgraduate studentships may be available that are not subject to ESRC eligibility restrictions.

Informal enquiries may be made to:

Prof. Máire Ní Bhrolcháin: mnb2@soton.ac.uk or
John Jerrim: jpj106@soton.ac.uk (Demography) and
Dr. Yves Berger Y.G.Berger@soton.ac.uk (Social Statistics)