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Seminário do Grupo de Inferência Bayesiana (GIB-UFSCar/USP)
27/03/2009-15 horas ( horário especial)

Sala de seminários do Departamento de Estatística- UFSCar-São Carlos-SP

Título: Dispersion Models for Extremes

Bent Jørgensen
Department of Statistics, University of Southern Denmark

We propose extreme value analogues of natural exponential families and
exponential dispersion models, and introduce the slope function as an
analogue of the variance function. The set of quadratic and power slope
functions characterize well-known families such as the Rayleigh, Gumbel,
power, Pareto, logistic, negative exponential, Weibull and Fréchet. We show
a convergence theorem for slope functions, by which we may express the
classical extreme value convergence results in terms of asymptotics for
extreme dispersion models. The main idea is to explore the parallels between
location families and natural exponential families, and between the
convolution and minimum operations.
  This is joint work with Yuri Goegebeur and José Raúl Martínez. The paper
is available on ArXiv:

Estão todos convidados para este seminário especial às 15:00 h.  Lembramos que neste semestre o GIB realizará  mensalmente um seminário conjunto com o ICMC-USP.  Abraços, Josemar

Para mais detalhes consultar a página: www.ufscar.br/~des