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[Fwd: IBS Australasian Region Conference 29 Nov - 3 Dec, Taupo NZ]

--------------------------- Mensagem Original ----------------------------
Assunto: IBS Australasian Region Conference 29 Nov - 3 Dec, Taupo NZ
De:      "Graham Hepworth" <hepworth@unimelb.edu.au>
Data:    Seg, Maio 4, 2009 04:28
Para:    "Graham Hepworth" <hepworth@unimelb.edu.au>

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this.)

Dear colleagues,

You are warmly invited to the next conference of the Australasian Region
of the International Biometric Society, which will be held at Taupo in
the North Island of New Zealand, from Sunday evening 29 November to
Thursday 3 December, 2009.  The venue is the Suncourt Hotel and
Conference Centre on the lakefront in Taupo. It has uninterrupted views
of the stunning Lake Taupo with a backdrop of the majestic volcanoes Mt
Ruapehu, Mt Tongariro and Mt Ngauruhoe. Because of its location the
conference has been labelled Biometrics on the Lake.

More details are on the website:

The scientific program
will comprise a well-balanced mix of invited and contributed oral
presentations as well as provide opportunity for networking, discussion
and catching up with your colleagues.  The invited speakers are:

Martin Bland

Thomas Lumley

Louise Ryan

Chris Triggs

Some of the attractions of the location are:

- The town's facilities and position on New Zealand's largest lake with
beaches, world famous trout fishing, and many activities for the

- A mild December climate averaging 16 degrees Celsius (mean daily
minimum 10, mean daily maximum 21), with rain on only one-third of days.

- The beauty of the surrounding area including the town and lakes of
Rotorua <http://www.rotoruanz.com/> , the wineries of Hawkes Bay
<http://www.hawkesbaynz.com/>  around the art-deco city of Napier
<http://www.artdeconapier.com/>  on the east coast, and the spectacular
scenery of the nearby National Park <http://www.nationalpark.co.nz/> , a
world-heritage area.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best regards

Graham Hepworth


Graham Hepworth

President, Australasian Region

International Biometric Society

Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
Departamento de Ciências Exatas
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Universidade de São Paulo,
13418-900 Piracicaba, SP
phone: 55 19 34294144 R216

Biometry, the active pursuit of biological knowledge by quantitative
methods.? ? R.A. Fisher, 1948

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this.)


Dear colleagues,


You are warmly invited to the next conference of the Australasian Region of the International Biometric Society, which will be held at Taupo in the North Island of New Zealand, from Sunday evening 29 November to Thursday 3 December, 2009.  The venue is the Suncourt Hotel and Conference Centre on the lakefront in Taupo. It has uninterrupted views of the stunning Lake Taupo with a backdrop of the majestic volcanoes Mt Ruapehu, Mt Tongariro and Mt Ngauruhoe. Because of its location the conference has been labelled Biometrics on the Lake.


More details are on the website: http://www.biometrics.org.au/conferences


The scientific program will comprise a well-balanced mix of invited and contributed oral presentations as well as provide opportunity for networking, discussion and catching up with your colleagues.  The invited speakers are:


Martin Bland

Thomas Lumley

Louise Ryan

Chris Triggs


Some of the attractions of the location are:

– The town's facilities and position on New Zealand's largest lake with beaches, world famous trout fishing, and many activities for the visitor.

– A mild December climate averaging 16 degrees Celsius (mean daily minimum 10, mean daily maximum 21), with rain on only one-third of days.

– The beauty of the surrounding area including the town and lakes of Rotorua, the wineries of Hawkes Bay around the art-deco city of Napier on the east coast, and the spectacular scenery of the nearby National Park, a world-heritage area.


We look forward to seeing you there!


Best regards

Graham Hepworth



Graham Hepworth

President, Australasian Region

International Biometric Society