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Posição de visitante na ENSAI, França

Segue abaixo anúncio de oportunidade para alguém querendo fazer um pós-doc na França, numa escola com boa tradição na área de amostragem, além de outras áreas. A escola tem bons vínculos com o INSEE, instituto de estatística da França. Mais informações somente através dos contatos listados abaixo, OK.
Boa sorte aos interessados.
Saudações, Pedro.


The ENSAI, the French National School of Statistics and Information Analysis,  (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de
l'information) invites applications for one Visiting Professor/Visiting Researcher position for Fall 2009. It is foreseen that this visiting position lasts for between 9 and 12 months, ideal for those who are on sabbatical leave. Requirements include a doctoral degree in statistics or closely related fields and the commitment to teach at graduate level for 30 hours (in English or French) during the visit period. The salary is fixed depending on qualifications, experience and the actual permanent position of the candidate. Potential candidates should have similar research interests and experience to members of the ENSAI.

The ENSAI is the top French Graduate School specialising in Statistics and belongs to the elite French "Grande Ecole" system. Students follow a full three-year graduate programme and can major in the fields of Biostatistics, Econometrics, Quantitative Marketing, Risk Management and Financial Engineering, Industrial Applications or Computer Science. The school is located near Rennes, in Brittany.

ENSAI, also an associate establishment of the European University of Brittany, offers a stimulating research environment. The professors, assistant professors and PhD students at ENSAI are members of CREST (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique) which consists of two research teams at the ENSAI (Laboratoire de Statistique et Modélisation and Laboratoire de Statistique d'Enquêtes). The members of CREST-ENSAI have research interests and experience in theoretical and applied statistics and econometrics that include nonparametric and semi parametric regression methods, survey statistics, stochastic processes, survival analysis, model checks and model selection, econometrics and biostatistics.

Please submit applications with a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a description of ongoing research activities and the contacts of three references no later than June 22th, 2009 to:

ENSAI,  Campus de Ker Lann
Rue Blaise Pascal - BP37203
35172 - Bruz cedex
Email : alain.charraud@ensai.fr

For further information you may also contact prof. Valentin Patilea (patilea@ensai.fr).