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Re: [ABE-L]: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics - Project Eucllid

Nossos parabéns à Silvia e a toda a equipe editorial do BJPS.
Diretoria da ABE

2009/6/24 Silvia Ferrari <silviaferrari.usp@gmail.com>
É com muita satisfação que informo que o fascículo de Junho de 2009 do Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics está disponível online no "Project Euclid" (http://projecteuclid.org). Esse é o primeiro fascículo publicado através da parceria entre a ABE - Associação Brasileira de Estatística - e o IMS - Institute of Mathematical Statistics. A versão impressa, que os sócios da ABE receberão em breve, passou por várias mudanças gráficas, a começar pela nova capa.
Para acesso online ao conteúdo da revista, os sócios da ABE devem proceder conforme o roteiro abaixo.
Project Euclid Registration Instructions for Individuals

If you are a BSA [ABE] member you receive individual login access to BJPS in Project Euclid as part of your membership. To set up your access, please follow the instructions below.

Registration Instructions:

1.  Click here:  Project Euclid account set up:


2. Fill out the required information (as indicated in red).

3. Your Euclid User ID can be anything you wish, something that will be easy for you to remember.

4. In the "Personal Subscription Information" section, select BJPS.

5. Below BJPS enter your subscriber code -  this is your membership ID.

6. Click on "Create Profile".

Now you should be able to access BJPS. Next time you visit Project Euclid you merely need to log in and then you can access the journal.
Silvia Ferrari


Professor Dr. Sílvia Regina Costa Lopes, Ph.D.
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Graduate Program in Mathematics
Mathematics Institute
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500
91509-900 Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil
Tel.: 55+51+3308-6214; 3308-6195
Fax: 55+51+3308-7301
Homepage: www.mat.ufrgs.br/~slopes
E-mail: silviarc.lopes@gmail.com