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seminario internacional na USP-SP e UFMG

Caros colegas,

na semana que vem teremos um visitante na UFMG e na USP-SP, o professor
Juergen Symanzik, que trabalha com visualizacao de dados estatisticos.
Seus temas de pesquisa atual sao os seguintes:
Dynamic Statistical Graphics
Virtual Reality
Statistics and Internet/WWW

Para mais detalhes, ver:
O professor Juergen trabalha na University of Utah e e' editor da revista
Computational Statistics da Springer-Verlag.

Segue abaixo a descricao do workshop de 3 aulas de 1 hora/dia na UFMG e da
conferencia no Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da USP, Sao
Paulo. Todos estao
convidados. Aparecam pois as apresentacoes sao de encher os olhos.

UFMG Workshop:

Statistical Graphics for Spatial and Environmental Research


In this three hour workshop, we will demonstrate how static and
interactive statistical graphics can be applied to a variety of
spatial and environmental research projects. While each session of
this workshop can be attended separately, it would be ideal to
attend the entire series.

Session 1: SEGUNDA_FEIRA, 30/11, de 10:30 as 11:30, ICEx, sala a ser anunciada

Title: Interactive and Dynamic Statistical Graphics - An Overview


Interactive and dynamic statistical graphics enable data analysts
in all fields to carry out visual investigations leading to insights
into relationships in complex data. Interactive and dynamic statistical
graphics involve methods for viewing data in the form of point clouds
or modeled surfaces. Higher-dimensional data can be projected
into one-, two- or three-dimensional planes in a set of multiple
views or as a continuous sequence of views which constitutes motion
through the higher-dimensional space containing the data.
In this session, we will introduce the main techniques for interactive
and dynamic statistical graphics (e.g., linking, brushing,
scatterplots and scatterplot matrices, parallel coordinate plots,
and grand tour) and commonly used software that is freely available
on the Web (e.g., GGobi/Rggobi, CrystalVision, and Mondrian/iplots).
Sessions 2 and 3 will extensively use methods and ideas introduced
in this session.

Session 2: TERCA_FEIRA, 01/12, de 10:30 as 11:30, ICEx, sala a ser anunciada

Title: Linked Micromap Plots - In Print and on the Web


Linked micromap (LM) plots provide a new statistical paradigm
for the viewing of geographically referenced statistical
summaries in the corresponding spatial context.
The main idea behind LM plots is to focus the viewer's
attention on the statistical information presented in a
graphical display. Multiple small maps are used to provide
the appropriate geographic reference for the statistical data.
In this session, we will present our efforts in visualizing the
spread of the West Nile Virus via Web-based LM plots.
Examples for the use of static LM plots include the
distribution of birth defects in Utah and the entire United States,
as well as the distribution of air pollutants across the United States.

Session 3: QUARTA_FEIRA, 02/12, de 10:30 as 11:30, ICEx, sala a ser anunciada

Title: Interactive and Dynamic Statistical Graphics - Special Applications


In this session, we will look at two special applications for interactive
and dynamic statistcal graphics. First, we introduce the circular dataimage,
a new type of graphic for the display of circular-spatial data. Circular
dataimages encode direction in a spatial display by using colors from a color
wheel constructed by connecting three or more two-color gradients with color
continuity at the connections and, therefore, avoiding image discontinuity.
As an example, we look at ocean wind direction data. Next, we describe
how high-interaction visual data mining has been successfully
used to cluster archaeological data in a spatial framework.


Statistical Graphics for Biostatistical Research


In this talk, we will demonstrate how static and interactive statistical
graphics can be applied to a variety of biostatistical
research projects. We will start with an ongoing research project
on graphical work in the framework of functional activity data
in sleep medicine. Next, we will demonstrate how graphics can be used to
interactively explore relationships of categorical variables and then
further assess numerical results in the context of expert raters' agreement
for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome. Finally, we will show
how so-called micromaps can be used to visualize the spread of the
West Nile Virus and the occurrence of oral clefts across
the United States. Overall, there is a huge potential for statistical
graphics in the context of biostatistical research that often is
not exploited at all.