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[Fwd: Call for Papers, IWAP 2010]

### CALL FOR PAPER, IWAP 2010 ###

The 5th International Workshop on Applied Probability (IWAP 2010) will
take place at the north campus of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in
Colmenarejo, Madrid, Spain. Colmenarejo lies close to El Escorial and
the mountains surrounding the north of Madrid. You can find further
information about the workshop at www.est.uc3m.es/iwap2010.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together and foster collaboration
among scientists engaged in applied probability. A wide range of
active research fields will be covered featuring seven invited plenary
lectures, presented by leading specialists, a large variety of invited
sessions, contributed talks, and a special poster session.

Posters and oral contributions in all areas of the applied probability
field, broadly defined, are welcome. Abstracts should be submitted in
English at the web page of the conference. Abstract length is 250
words maximum. The deadline for submissions is March 5th, 2010.

Research articles and reviews on important topics in applied
probability from IWAP 2010 will be welcome for a special issue of
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. The papers will be
refereed using the usual high standard of Methodology and Computing in
Applied Probability.

Best regards,

Juan Romo and Joseph Glaz

Raúl JIménez