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4th Regulated Bioanalysis Workshop - April 2010, Montreal, Canada

Este evento pode ser de interesse para os estatisticos que atuam em centros de bioequivalência ou consultoria para as big pharmas.

Data: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 07:45:42 -0500
De: "Nancy Chang" <nancy.chang@cvg.ca>
Responder a: "Nancy Chang" <nancy.chang@cvg.ca>
Para: "edson@fmrp.usp.br" <edson@fmrp.usp.br>
Assunto: 4th Regulated Bioanalysis Workshop - April 2010, Montreal, Canada
Dear Colleague,

In continuation of 2007 - 2009 workshops, the 4th Regulated Bioanalysis Workshop (Montreal April 21-23 2010) will discuss Global Harmonization of Bioanalytical Method Validation (BMV) and sample analysis Guidelines with 5 major Worldwide Regulatory Agencies: US FDA, UK MHRA, Brazil ANVISA, Europe EMEA, and Health Canada .

The main purpose of this must-attend- event is to Discuss, Review, Share Perspectives, Provide Potential Solutions and Agree upon a Consistent Approach on the Recent Issues in Regulated Bioanalysis.

Detailed information can be found at http://www.canadianlcmsgroup.com/bioanalysis_glp_events.php


Regulatory Bodies

Brian Booth - U.S.A. FDA

Louise Mawer - U.K. MHRA

Kelen Carine Costa Soares - Brazil ANVISA

Jan Welink - Europe EMEA representative / Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (TBC)

Health Canada TPD - participation confirmed - speaker TBC


Peter Van Amsterdam - Solvay Pharmaceuticals / EBF

Surendra Bansal - Hoffmann-La Roche

Christopher Evans - GlaxoSmithKline

Mohammed Jamal - Bristol-Myers Squibb

Joseph Marini - Johnson&Johnson

Eric Wolf - Merck


Chris Beaver - MDS Pharma Services

Marc Lefebvre - Algorithme Pharma

Steve Lowes - Advion BioServices

Robert Masse - Anapharm/PharmaNet

Mario Rocci - ICON

POSTER SUBMISSION is now OPEN. Submit your poster online at http://www.canadianlcmsgroup.com/bioanalysis_2010posters.php.

2009 WHITE PAPER was shared with regulatory Agencies and published on Bioanalysis Journal. View 2009 white paper at http://www.future-science.com/doi/abs/10.4155/bio.09.134.

2 Pre-Workshop short courses have been specifically designed to be offered prior to the workshop to prepare the attendees to fully benefit from this workshop.

Short Course 1 (half day):

Fundamental of Bioanalysis: Bioanalytical Method Validation (BMV) and Sample Analysis for Chromatographic and Ligand Binding Assays.

Short Course 2 (full day):

Regulated Bioanalysis: Challenges Solutions and Applications.

*If you found this information valuable, please forward it to your colleagues.